Home > A Novel Murder(55)

A Novel Murder(55)
Author: K.C. Wells

“Was it an accident, her cup falling to the floor and breaking?” Mike asked.

“Let’s call it an ‘engineered’ accident.”

There was something Jonathon had to know. “Did she guess at the end? That you’d done something?”

Professor Harcourt met his gaze. “I don’t know. When it hit, she immediately found it difficult to breathe. Her speech slurred, and she was dizzy and confused. I doubt she had the presence of mind to know it had been me. I’d managed to slip the EpiPen up my sleeve when she first reacted and asked me to take it from her bag. When I couldn’t find the spare—which, of course, was there all the time—she panicked, trying to find her phone, but I’d already removed it from her bag on the way up to the room. Then I simply waited for the cardiac arrest that I knew would result.” His face fell. “I didn’t have to wait long. When she was dead, I yelled for you, then made it look like I’d been trying to help her. I didn’t think for one second that you’d find the items.”

“Lionel Harcourt?” Graham placed one hand on the professor’s shoulder. “I am arresting you for the murder of Teresa Malvain. You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something that you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.” He placed the shirt back in the bag and zipped it up.

Professor Harcourt smiled. “Nicely done, constable. And I think I’ve said everything I need to, don’t you? I’m ready to go when you are.” He rose carefully, then gave Mike a nod. “You obviously haven’t lost your touch, ex-DI Tattersall. And your future husband is clearly as talented an investigator as you are.” Then Professor Harcourt gave Graham an appreciative glance. “I’m glad it’s you and not that irritating DI Gorland.” His eyes twinkled. “Not that you have to repeat that.”

Graham coughed loudly, and in spite of his churning stomach, Jonathon chuckled.

Graham gazed at Mike. “I’ll be back later to take a photo of the handprint. After I’ve made sure the professor is comfortable.” He led Professor Harcourt from the room, holding his bag.

Jonathon went over to the window and gazed down into the street, his heart heavy. “I know he killed her, but—”

“You felt sorry for him.” When Jonathon nodded, Mike sighed. “I know. He’s an old man. But he killed two people. With forethought.”

“But he looks so… nice. Sweet. Harmless.” Jonathon couldn’t marry the two images in his head. The sweet elderly man and the premeditating killer.

“At least Graham gets the credit for the arrest.” Mike snickered. “I wish I could be there to see Gorland’s face when he finds out where Graham arrested him and how it all came to light.”

Jonathon laughed. “I don’t think we need worry about Gorland wanting an invitation to the wedding, do you?”

Mike came up behind him and slipped his arms around Jonathon’s waist. “Speaking of which…. Now that we know everything, do you think we could concentrate on a certain event?”

Jonathon leaned back, safe in Mike’s arms. “Oh, I think we can manage that. As long as you realize there’ll be no sex for the rest of the week.”

Mike stiffened. “Why not?”

“Because I want to be sure of providing the girls with a really good sample this weekend.”

Mike’s breath tickled his ear. “Who says I have to give up sex? All we need is a chastity device for you, and we’re sorted.”

“Chas—” Jonathon turned around slowly, and Mike beat a hasty retreat. As he ran down the stairs laughing, Jonathon called after him, “Remember I know where you’re sleeping tonight.”

Revenge was going to be sweet.






September 2018


JONATHON TOOK one last look in the mirror. The cream suit had been his first choice ever since the assistant had pointed it out, despite Mike making jokes about the likelihood of him dropping food onto it during the reception. Jonathon hadn’t been fooled for an instant. The look in Mike’s eyes when Jonathon had emerged from the changing room….

I made the perfect choice. A thought which applied equally to his future husband.

The knock at the door startled him out of his musing.

“Thought you should know. The parents are here. Both sets.” Mike sounded amused.

Jonathon laughed. “Well, I’m sure yours are in fine spirits as usual. How are mine?”

“Your mum looks kind of… surprised. As for your dad, he looks like he’s sucking on a lemon. Either that, or a bee flew into his mouth and stung him.”

“That sounds about right.”

“Do I get to see you, or do I have to talk to you through this door?”

Jonathon let out a dramatic gasp. “It’s bad luck before the wedding.”

“Excuse me?” Mike’s tone was indignant. “Who was that in your bed this morning? Because he looked a lot like me. And I’m not the only one who wants to see you. Your best ‘man’ is here too.”

“Actually? I want to see both of you. So open the door.” There was something in Ruth’s voice that piqued Jonathon’s interest.

He opened the door and caught his breath. Mike looked incredible in his dark blue suit, his beard neatly trimmed, his tan visible against the white shirt. Beside him, Ruth wore a gold-and-cream dress, with a matching hat.

“Will we do?” she asked with a smile.

“You both look amazing.” Jonathon had always thought Mike was a good-looking man, but the sight of him in his suit was breathtaking.

“Well, I don’t feel amazing,” Ruth grumbled. “I am, however, puzzled. I thought you two were the ones who were supposed to receive gifts. Because I got one this morning.”

Jonathon frowned. “What did you get?”

Her apparent bad mood disappeared, and she grinned. “Morning sickness.”

For a moment Jonathon was stunned into silence. Mike stared at her, as if the words hadn’t sunk in. Then they threw their arms around her as if synchronized, hugging her tightly. Jonathon’s vision blurred. He glanced at Mike, only to find Mike’s eyes in a similar state.

Carefully, he broke the hug, glancing down to her belly. With a tearful smile, Ruth took his hand and placed it there, then kissed his cheek.

“When are you due?” Mike asked at last, his arm still around her.

“The doctor says May. And once you have your little bundle of joy, we can start work on ours. Clare is already buying things for the baby’s room.” Ruth’s eyes shone. “She’s going to make a great mother.”

“I hope the baby looks like her,” Mike said earnestly.

Ruth kissed him on the cheek. “Hey, if he or she looks like you? That’s no bad thing.” She wiped her eyes. “Now you two need to get out there and get married so this little nugget has a set of dads.”

“Nugget?” Mike’s eyes gleamed. “Hey, that’s a great name for the baby. We’ll have to remember that one.”

Jonathon glared at him. “Let’s not.”

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