Home > A Place To Call Home : a heartwarming novel of finding love in the countryside(44)

A Place To Call Home : a heartwarming novel of finding love in the countryside(44)
Author: Fay Keenan

‘That’s some claim,’ Charlie said, shielding his eyes against the suddenly strong midday sun.

‘Well, that’s what they tell me,’ Holly smiled. ‘And I find it’s a great way to get things straight in my own head, too; this notion that you’re at one with the earth. It brings a certain amount of peace.’

‘Perhaps you should show me some day,’ Charlie suggested. ‘But not right now.’ He moved closer and kissed her, a long, Sancerre-infused meeting of mouths that conveyed exactly how much he didn’t want peace at all right now, but a lot of pleasure instead. As the kiss deepened in intensity, Charlie leaned forward, until he had Holly beneath him, her hand running through his hair as one of his slipped down her body to her waist. The slight breeze in the air, and the scent of newly mown grass, as well as the taste and feel of Holly, made his senses reel. ‘Do you reckon we could get away with, you know… up here?’ He murmured between kisses.

Holly laughed breathlessly, eyes wide with warmth. ‘You’re joking, aren’t you? You can get arrested for that.’

‘It’s a risk I’d be willing to take,’ Charlie said, progressing downwards to kiss her neck.

‘Well, I’m a local business owner and I’ve got a rep to protect,’ Holly chided, pushing him away gently. ‘And it’s not like you don’t have one to maintain, either.’

‘Then can I suggest that we pack away this lovely lunch and head back down the hill, so I can take you to bed before I have to get back to London?’ Charlie could feel the beat of his arousal starting to throb, and from the way Holly was reacting, she felt the same.

‘That sounds like a great idea,’ Holly murmured. ‘Since we seem to be attracting a bit of attention from those people over there. I wouldn’t want to get you into a scandal so early on in your political career.’

Charlie turned to look behind him and was irritated to see a party of what looked to be tourists, who, heedless of the fact that they were standing by one of the country’s most glorious and beautiful landmarks, were more intent on taking snapshots on their camera phones of him and Holly. ‘Bloody hell,’ he grumbled. ‘You try to get away from it all, and the bastards follow you.’ Desire, he knew, was making him cantankerous.

‘Ssh,’ Holly said softly. ‘They’re only doing it because they’ve spotted a semi-famous face. And it’s not like you’re doing anything wrong. Well, not yet, anyway,’ she raised a suggestive eyebrow.

Charlie groaned. ‘Take me back to your place. Now!’ he said. ‘Or I really won’t be responsible for my actions.’

‘Your wish is my command,’ Holly replied. ‘But I wouldn’t be surprised if you and I ended up on an Instagram feed later.’

‘I’ve got quite adept at stalking myself online since I got this job,’ Charlie admitted. ‘It seems better to know what they’re saying about you than not.’

‘Forewarned is forearmed,’ Holly said. ‘Although, in your job, I’m not sure I’d want to read everything that was said about me on social media! I can’t imagine what it’s like to be under such public scrutiny the whole time,’ she added. ‘Sort of like being a celebrity, but without the adulation.’

‘Sort of,’ Charlie said. ‘Although I’m up for a bit of, er, adulation for the rest of the day if you are!’ He grinned at her.

‘Oh, let me take you away from here and adore you!’ Holly replied, laughing. ‘It’s not like I’ve got anything better to do.’

‘Thanks,’ Charlie said dryly.

Swiftly they packed up their picnic and began the descent back down the hill, to an afternoon of more earthly delights.






Slow, lazy lovemaking left them both sated but also starving hungry. Holly, who had nothing in her fridge as she hadn’t managed to do any shopping since the previous weekend, suggested a bite to eat at the local pub. Called The Travellers’ Rest, it was the heart of the town, and one of the most ancient buildings, to boot. Rumour had it that Elizabeth I had stayed the night on the way back to London after a trip to the South Western provinces, and had allegedly been terrified by the spirit of a long-dead prioress, who’d been beaten to death in the grounds by Elizabeth’s own father, Henry VIII’s troops during the dissolution of the monasteries. Chances are, it was just the wind whistling down the large chimneys and flapping at the curtains, but it all added to the sense of mystery that surrounded such a historic building.

‘I’ve been meaning to pop into this place since I moved here, but drinking on your own isn’t a great look,’ Charlie said. ‘I’m glad I’m going to discover it for the first time with such wonderful company.’

‘Why, thank you.’ Holly wandered over to the bar, ‘What would you like to drink? My treat.’

‘Are you sure?’ Charlie asked.

‘Come on, Charlie, we’re well into the twenty-first century now!’ Holly laughed. ‘Besides, Willowfest is the most profitable weekend of the year for ComIncense, so I’m sure I can at least buy you a drink.’

‘Dinner’s on me, though,’ Charlie said. ‘I’ll have a pint of Carter’s Gold cider, please.’

‘Getting into the West Country way of drinking, I see,’ Holly remarked.

The bartender came over and she ordered the cider for Charlie and a Wicked Wolf gin and tonic for herself. Known as ‘The Spirit of Exmoor’, it was brewed a few miles away but embodied all of the flavours of the famous Somerset hills. Holly was a wine drinker, generally, but she felt in need of something a little stronger as an aperitif to clear her palate and chase away the lingering tiredness after a hectic weekend.

As they settled at a cosy table in the corner of the bar, tucked to one side of the huge inglenook fireplace that took up most of the side wall, Charlie perused the menu. ‘I’m starving,’ he announced.

‘Well, you’ve worked off a lot of calories, with the walk up the hill and… other things,’ Holly smiled.

Charlie groaned. ‘I really don’t want to have to go back to London tomorrow. Can’t I throw a sickie and stay here with you instead?’

Holly simulated shock. ‘Mr Thorpe! What would your constituents think?’

‘Well, you’re one of them; what do you think?’ Charlie asked playfully, taking one of Holly’s hands in his and turning it over. He tickled the pulse point in her wrist with his fingertips. Holly was reminded of where else those sensitive but expert fingers had made her tingle, and she felt her heart beating faster.

‘Behave,’ she murmured. ‘We both need to eat or neither of us will be fit for anything.’



A little time later, they were both tucking into plates of steak and kidney pie, mash and peas (mostly locally sourced and absolutely delicious), and feeling more fortified. Charlie had ordered a bottle of red wine to go with their meal, and it was going down very nicely.

‘This is exactly what I needed,’ Charlie said as he put his knife and fork together, having polished off his entire plate. His eyes sparkled in the low light of the bar. ‘I almost feel like I can face another week at the coalface now.’

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