Home > A Place To Call Home : a heartwarming novel of finding love in the countryside(69)

A Place To Call Home : a heartwarming novel of finding love in the countryside(69)
Author: Fay Keenan

Holly smiled. ‘I know you’ve worked really hard to get to this point, but I’m still so afraid that all of it could be for nothing. We could still be in a stalemate in another year’s time.’

Charlie slipped a hand around her waist and drew her a little closer. ‘It won’t be,’ he said softly. He reached out with his other hand and squeezed one of hers. ‘I said I’d do everything I can, and I meant it. This is my defining issue now, just as it’s been yours since Harry was diagnosed. I will not let you down this time.’

In the ensuing silence, Tom coughed. ‘Well, now we know, I’d best get back to Claudia, since it’s nearly time to get home, anyway. She sends her regards, Holly, by the way, and hopes she might see you again at another one of “those bloody boring dinners” soon. She quite liked having someone new, and younger to talk to.’

Holly laughed. ‘I’m not sure Charlie would share Claudia’s enthusiasm to have me back, after the last time.’

‘Well, you livened up the evening in a lot of ways,’ Tom said. ‘Even if a certain local baker doesn’t think so!’

‘I shouldn’t have gone off at Miles,’ Holly said. ‘Not on Charlie’s night, anyway. My sister reckons I should just hex him next time!’

‘I thought you didn’t go in for that sort of thing,’ Charlie replied. ‘Because if you did, there are a few people in the House of Commons I’d get you to try it on!’

‘I don’t,’ Holly said firmly. ‘Or I’d have hexed Miles years ago. You should only send out what you want to get back, no matter how much someone hurts you or pisses you off.’

‘So I can’t blame you for the dodgy stomach I had for a week after we split up, then?’ Charlie teased.

‘Nope,’ Holly said. ‘Blame that on your liking for ropey London takeaway food!’

As they all laughed, Tom glanced at his watch. ‘I’ll leave you to it.’ He turned to Charlie. ‘And don’t you forget you need to be back in Westminster tomorrow morning. No staying up all night perfecting your speech… or whatever.’

‘OK, Dad!’ Charlie teased. ‘I promise an early night and an even earlier train is the order of the day.’ He turned back to Holly, ‘Much as I hate to have to tear myself away from you.’

‘Love’s young dream,’ Tom said wryly. ‘But, seriously, don’t miss that bloody train tomorrow or all of this hard work will be for nothing.’

‘Five thirty a.m., Willowbury station. I’ll be there.’ The two men shook hands. ‘Thanks, Tom,’ Charlie said quietly, ‘for everything. I know I’ve put you through a lot in the time I’ve been in office here, but I certainly wouldn’t have got this far without you.’

‘Don’t thank me until you’re out of that chamber tomorrow,’ Tom said gruffly, to hide how touched he was. ‘And make sure you smash it.’

‘I’ll give it my best shot,’ Charlie replied.

Tom bade goodnight to Holly, repeating his warnings not to stay up too late, and once more they were alone, barring Arthur, who strolled through, demanding his bedtime treats.

‘Right,’ Holly said. ‘You heard your agent. You’d best get back home, since you don’t have any spare suits here, and I’m certainly not going to iron you a shirt.’

‘Yes, Ma’am!’ Lingering at the door to Holly’s flat, Charlie kissed her, long and deep.

‘Break a leg,’ Holly murmured as they broke apart. ‘And see you when you come home.’

‘I’m counting on it,’ Charlie pulled her close in a tight hug before wandering out to her doorstep. ‘I do love you, you know.’

‘I know.’ Watching Charlie leave, Holly was filled with a mixture of hope and heartbreak. This was a massive step for the campaign, and having Charlie back on board was a huge bonus, but as he left, all she could thing about was tiny little Harry, who had come home from hospital yesterday morning, much better but still fighting the disease that wanted to steal his lungs. ‘Please God, make this happen,’ she was shocked to hear herself saying out loud, to the moon and the waking stars. She’d never been a churchgoer, but just for a moment she wanted to believe that someone out there was watching over Harry, and keeping him safe.






Charlie didn’t think he’d ever felt so nervous in the chamber as he did when he took his seat at eleven o’clock the next morning for the debate. He’d thought asking a question at PMQs had been bad, but this, with the renewed weight of expectation on his shoulders from Harry, and by proxy, all of the CF patients who were depending on him to convince the House that the drugs needed re-evaluating, felt almost as though it would crush him. He’d made rookie mistakes on his way to this moment, but now he had a real chance to put his case forward. He just hoped he was up to the job. As he looked around the chamber, he was gratified to see the Opposition MP Stephen Brabham sitting on the other side, and reassured when Stephen gave him a brief smile, mouthing good luck across the floor. Charlie grinned nervously back, before mouthing thanks. Then, as the Speaker took his place in the front and centre of the chamber, it was time for the off.



Back in Willowbury, Holly had brought her iPad down to the shop counter and had set it up to live-stream the debate through Parliament TV. Usually it was a channel only watched by the most hardened politics junkies, but, news that their very own Member of Parliament was introducing an Adjournment Debate on an issue so close to the constituency’s hearts had spread through Willowbury and Holly wasn’t surprised, half an hour before the debate, when Rachel came barrelling through the door of the shop to tell her that the landlord of The Travellers’ Rest had set up a big screen in the bar and was intending on serving drinks at half price for the duration of the debate.

‘Can’t you shut up shop and come over?’ Rachel asked. ‘I took Harry back to nursery this morning now the hospital’s cleared him, and he’s there until one o’clock, so I should be able to catch most of it. Why don’t you see if Isabella’s free to cover this place?’ Harry, once out of hospital, had bounced back enough to spend the morning at nursery and he’d been overjoyed to see his friends again.

‘I’ll call her,’ Holly replied. She had enormous butterflies flapping in her stomach, and wasn’t actually sure whether she was emotionally prepared to watch Charlie in action surrounded by loads of other people.

Rachel paused, as if she was debating whether or not to continue.

‘What is it, sis?’ Holly asked, instantly alert.

‘I know this is a big moment,’ Rachel said carefully, ‘but I also know that it won’t just be about this debate. The NHS still has to agree a price with the drug companies, even if Parliament puts pressure on both sides. What if, even after all this, it doesn’t work? What if we’re still sat here in twelve months’ time, and Harry’s lost another year’s lung function? I just feel… flat.’

Holly came out from behind her counter and put her arms around her sister. ‘I know it’s just another step on a very long road,’ she said softly. ‘But this issue has enough support among MPs of all parties now that, if nothing else, the weight of public opinion will put pressure on everyone involved. I don’t know what the outcome of today will be, but Charlie and I will be by your side, fighting for Harry.’

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