Home > Crush (The Everyday Heroes World)(24)

Crush (The Everyday Heroes World)(24)
Author: Kelsie Rae

“I’m just happy it worked for you. Sometimes there isn’t anything I can do to help my patients. They have to wait it out and be miserable for a few months until it passes on its own.”

My gut fills with sympathy. “Yeah, that would suck. I’m very lucky on that front.”

“And how did you meet Anthony and Sway?” he prods, fascinated with my journey.

“I contacted an agency, and they set us up. We met over Skype, initially, then they flew me out to New Hampshire, and we met for lunch. They told me their fertility story, and it about broke me because I could tell how much they both wanted to start a family. There was just one thing in the way. They didn’t have an oven. I told them that I would be honored to carry their baby, then I got their official offer a few days later.”

“You know you’re not just an oven, right?” he points out as we round the corner to a new aisle of booths.

I shrug. “I mean…I kind of am.”

With a dry laugh, he shakes his head. “You need to give yourself a little more credit, Marcy. You’re smart, funny, compassionate, sexy as hell, and so damn generous it’s not even funny.”

I brush his comment aside, especially the sexy as hell part. Not exactly terms I would use to describe a friend. But hey, what do I know?

“Whatever, Ben,” I mutter.

“I’m serious, Marce. I watch the way you deflect any kind of compliment that comes your way, so I’m going to let it go for now. But one day, I’ll have to figure out a way to prove it to you.”

Uncomfortable with his attention, I take another sip of lemonade. “So, should I bring more rolls or…?”

He laughs. “Let’s go grab some french bread.”

“Only if I can pay.”

Tossing his arm around my neck, he drags me toward a booth that smells like yeast and flour. My mouth waters as he grabs a sample from the plate and offers it to me. “No deal.”









“Hey, Krista,” I greet her as I answer my phone and check the time on my watch. I have ten more minutes until my lunch break is over.

“Hey, Benny. How’s my favorite brother doing?”

Brother. She and Kate were the only children in their family.

It’s funny. When Kate and I first started dating, Krista told me she’d always wanted a brother and was claiming me as her own. We were still in high school, and I had no idea that she’d prophesied the future while simultaneously embarrassing Kate to no end. I can still remember the way she’d slap her hand over Krista’s mouth and usher her out of the room anytime Krista felt like teasing her by calling me her future brother-in-law. The memory is bittersweet.

“I’m your only brother,” I point out.

“Not true. Ron has two brothers, and they both drive me equally insane. Now, answer my question. How’s life? It’s been a while since we’ve talked.”

“It’s been what? Two weeks?”

“Two weeks too long,” she corrects me. I can hear the amusement in her voice.

“I’m good,” I answer her with a dry laugh. “How are you? Is Disney+ still as magical as when you first got it?”

“Sure is. I’m rationing it, though, to keep the little monsters on their toes. You know…. Give ‘em a taste. Keep them coming back for more.”

“Sounds like a solid strategy.”

“Yup. So far, so good. Now, let’s get back to the good stuff. You know that I’m not satisfied with the, I’m good response. Give me more, Benny Boy. I’m going to need all the details. What’s new? How’s work? How’s life in general? Tell me everything.”

“Man, you’re pushy,” I mutter, though she knows I’m teasing.

“Damn straight. Do I need to show up on your doorstep to pull a few teeth so that you’ll actually give me something more than a two-word answer, or are you really going to talk to me?”

With another dry laugh, I repeat, “I’m good, Krista. Life is…pretty good for once.”


“And what?”

“Did you take my advice? Make a friend or two? Cultivate a few relationships?” she prods.

“I feel sorry for your kids,” I mutter under my breath. “I can only imagine how pushy you’ll be when they show up late for their curfew.”

“I’ve already been practicing my speech,” she brags. “Now, answer the question.”

“Fine. Yes. I’ve made a friend.”


“And I told you it’s going good. We’ve gone to the farmer’s market together. Saw a movie. She even helped me plant some tulip bulbs in front of the house.”



Pinching the bridge of my nose, I tread lightly. “Uh, yeah. Marcy and I have been hanging out as friends like you suggested.”

“Well, that’s…awesome, Ben. And healthy,” she decides. “I’m proud of you.”

“That’s it?”

“Yup. That’s it.”

Forehead wrinkling in suspicion, I pull my phone away from my ear and check the screen before asking, “Who are you, and what have you done to my sister?”

Her tinkling laughter is all I get in reply. “I gotta go, but we’ll chat later. Love you, Benny Boy!”

“Love you too, Krista.”


Setting my phone on the lunchroom table, I replay our conversation and take another bite of my sandwich.



It is healthy. It’s just a platonic relationship with a gorgeous girl who understands my limitations and accepts me for them, warts and all.

The clock on the wall ticks away as I count down the seconds before Marcy’s appointment, where she’ll get to find out the gender of the baby she’s carrying. My stomach tightens with anticipation, but I shrug off the feeling and toss the last bite of sandwich into my mouth before cleaning up the table.

“Look at you, being all on top of things,” Tracey states with her shoulder resting against the doorjamb.

“Hey, Trace.”

“Hey.” She doesn’t bother to hide her knowing smirk. “Your one o’clock is here.”


“Does she know that it isn’t common for the doctor to do the ultrasound?”

I roll my eyes. “It’s a surrogate pregnancy. Different circumstances.”

“Mmmhmm. I’ll agree that it’s different circumstances, Dr. Bennett, but I’m not sold that it’s because of the whole surrogate angle.”

With a scowl, I mutter, “I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.”

“Uh, huh. For now, I guess we will,” she teases. “Do you want me in the room?”

“We should be fine. Just keep an eye on the call button, and I’ll let you know if we need anything.”

“Sounds good.”

As I go to step past her, she grabs my arm and stops me. “Just so you know, I think it’s awesome, Ben.”

“What’s awesome?” I ask, claiming ignorance.

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