Home > The Enemy : A Forbidden Stepbrother Romance(21)

The Enemy : A Forbidden Stepbrother Romance(21)
Author: Kelsey Clayton

I grab the suitcase from the floor and watch as it flies through the air and splashes into the water. Finally, I take his computer—a brand new Macbook pro I bought him as a graduation present—and smash it against the railing before tossing it to join the rest of his stuff in the pool.

Colby comes out and stands behind me. The two of us watch as everything sinks to the bottom, just like my relationship. It doesn't do much for my mood, but a small smile graces my lips. Colby chuckles quietly before shaking his head and going back inside. Just as I'm about to follow him, I notice Cade on the opposite balcony. He's leaning forward on the railing and smoking a cigarette, but his eyes are on me.

He may have not had anything to do with Kellan cheating, but the fact that he knew and said nothing hurts. I force my eyes away from him and walk inside, closing the doors behind me.

Tomorrow is a new day.



THE SOUND OF BRADY'S voice meets my ears, but I can hardly force my eyes open enough to see him. He softly rubs my arm, trying to force me awake. I groan as I roll over and pull the blanket up over my head.

“Come on, Len,” he presses. “I already gave you an extra two hours to sleep. Any longer and it'll be too hot out to dance.”

He has a point. The reason we practice so early isn't because we like the morning. It's because any time past ten or eleven and we're practically drowning in humidity.

I sigh and rub my eyes with the back of my fists. “I'm up. I'm up.”

“I heard you had one hell of a night.”

“Don't remind me,” I grumble.

Kellan's betrayal still burns, but not as much as I thought it would. The fire in my blood is doused by relief. At least I found out now, before I spent all of university being cheated on by someone I never should have taken seriously. I mean, it's not even like we were that serious. Sure, I crushed on him for a couple years, but we only dated for a few months. It's not the end of the world.

Hopping out of bed, I tie my hair up into a ponytail and pull on a leotard. Usually I'd go with a T-shirt and shorts, but it's already close to nine. A leo will keep me cooler.

Brady follows me downstairs and waits while I grab a couple bottles of water out of the fridge. I'd prefer to have coffee, but let's face it—there's no time.

As we walk by the pool, the crew that comes to take care of it are fishing Kellan's things from the bottom. Brady's grin widens as he watches them.

“That's all of Kellan's stuff, isn't it?”

“Yep.” I pop the p for emphasis.

He laughs and pats me on the back. “That's my girl.”



WE'RE ALL HANGING OUT in the living room. Apparently, throwing Kellan's stuff into the pool made them need to shock it, so we can't go back in until tomorrow. I still don't regret it. When they asked what to do with all the stuff, I told them to shove it in a bag and give it to Tanner—except for the Macbook. That went in the trash.

Thankfully, Oakley, Tanner, and Charleigh haven't tried to defend Skye and Kellan's actions. I'm not sure if it's because they don't want me to kick them out too, or because they realize what they did was wrong. Regardless, Tanner is Kellan's best friend, and Charleigh is Skye's. I have a hard time believing that neither of them had any idea.

“What room was Skye sleeping in?” I ask no one in particular. “I'll need to have the staff deeply sanitize that one.”

“I don't know if that'll be enough,” Tessa quips. “Might need to just burn the whole house down and rebuild.”

A giggle bubbles out of me. “Probably a good idea.”

“Well, at least you didn't let this ruin your vacation,” Colby chimes in.

I sit up from where I was lying on the kitchen island. “Please. The only thing I'm upset about is the fact that I'm still looking at being a virgin for the rest of my life.”

“Hey, I offered to help you out with that.”

Tessa and Asher watch our banter, like they're praying I'll take him up on that. Tanner and Oakley exchange a look, but I roll my eyes and bite my lip to conceal my amusement.

“Me and every other girl in California.”

He snickers and gives me one of his seductive grins. “Nah. I make it a point to avoid taking v-cards. I'd just make an exception for you.”

The sound of glass breaking pulls all of our attention to the other side of the room. The glass Cade was holding has shattered in his hand, with the liquid now a puddle on the floor. Bryce and Jayden laugh at him while Tessa raises her brows at me. I shake my head, refusing to acknowledge him.

“Maybe I'll have to consider it then.”

It's obvious Colby is just kidding, or at least he is unless I say yes, but messing with Cade is too much fun to resist. Colby comes over and drapes an arm around my shoulder, then leans in to whisper in my ear.

“Using me to make faux-bro jealous?” he teases.

I smile sweetly up at him, but say nothing. It doesn't require an answer.



THE SUN RAYS BEAT down, warming my skin and making me perfectly bronzed. Tessa's beach chair sits next to mine as the two of us sip on fruity drinks. We're a little way down the beach, but you can see Cade, Bryce, and Jayden surfing in the distance. I've never been more thankful for my sunglasses than I am right now. They allow me to watch without Tessa being able to see where I'm looking.

I'm still so pissed at him, but there's something about him that I can't explain. It's like my eyes are drawn to him whenever he's around, and all I want is to be the center of his attention. At the same time, he infuriates me. From his bipolar mood swings to his stone-cold attitude about practically everything, sometimes I just want to smack him.

“What's got you all lost in thought?” Tessa questions. “Or rather, who?”

I snap my focus back to my drink and the sand in front of me. “Just thinking about dance. Brady told me today that the studio is closing, so we're throwing together another recital. Sort of like a farewell.”

“Wow. How does Brady feel about that?”

I shrug. “He seems okay. He's sad because he practically grew up there, but I think he's ready to move on with his life. He might even join Sav and me in New York.”

Her lips curl into a smirk. “And what about Cade? Is he going to join you in New York, too?”

My head falls back, and I groan. I should have known better than to think she can't see right through me. Still, saying that I feel something for him out loud only makes it more real, and I'm not even remotely ready for that.

“Please. The sooner I can leave him behind, the better.”

She clearly doesn't believe a word I say as she nods toward where they're surfing. “Might be sooner than you think. He just wiped out, hard.”

I look over to see the wave tossing his board around as he must be tumbling under water. A part of me panics but I do my best to keep my composure.

“Maybe you should go check on him.” She nudges me in the arm.

Sighing, I take another sip of my drink. “That would require me to care, and I don't.”

But the truth is I do, and I hate that I do.


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