Home > Craved Mate (Cybermates Book 6)(13)

Craved Mate (Cybermates Book 6)(13)
Author: Candace Ayers

He winked. “You’re light as a feather.”

Feeling drunk off of the contact, I snorted.

His eyes darkened, and he held my gaze as his hands slowly released me, slipping from around my waist. “And incredibly beautiful.”

I straightened, and looked around. Ben was staring at me with a confused expression that sent a rush of guilt to my warm cheeks. Slightly breathless from the intense moment with Mac, I cleared my throat, ran my hands down my dress to smooth it, and licked my lips.

Get it together, Mel.

How was I supposed to sing when suddenly I couldn’t remember how to breathe?

I knew what they wanted, and if I was truly getting out of here after singing only one song, that song would have to be Alive In Your Eyes. The guys quieted down the second I sang the first note, acapella. Matteo was recording me with his cell phone, probably to show his wife later, and Ben grinned as he leaned over and lightly elbowed the woman next to him, who was obviously Hailey.

I had only gotten through the first couple lines when the whole group joined in, singing along with me.

“The beat of your heart…the words on your lips…your love for me always…alive in your eyes…”

I tried not to, but I gave in and glanced at Mac. His dark blue eyes, laser focused on me, seemed to shimmer with a glint of molten silver. His gaze burned with the intensity of flames, never wavering from me while the same words of the same song I’d sung for audiences hundreds, no thousands, of times suddenly took on a new meaning to me. An old song transformed, and was reborn. Our gazes were locked. Only a few feet separated us. He’d called me beautiful. Not just beautiful, incredibly beautiful.

As the song came to an end, an undeniable passion flowed between us. Again and again, it seemed I had to remind myself that I had a boyfriend. Why did that fact always seem to slip my mind the moment Mac’s gaze settled on me?

He extended a hand to help me down. When I hesitated, both his hands again wrapped around my waist, and he lifted me effortlessly. This time, even after my feet were firmly on the ground, Mac’s hands remained on me. We stood, gazing into one another’s eyes, frozen as though in a trance. Even in four inch heels, my face still had to tilt up to look into his.

“Your voice is magnificent.” His had grown deeper, grittier, almost the same timbre as his growls.

My hands wanted to touch him as I searched his face. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for, but what I found was attraction, connection, a kindred soul. I couldn’t even sense that part of me that had for so long felt hollow, as though something was missing. Where had that emptiness gone?

I couldn’t tear my gaze away. My brain sent the signal for my mouth to work, to thank him, but all I could do was stare.

Caught in some sort of lovestruck limbo, the world around us faded. I swayed closer. His scent was warm and male and delicious. I leaned into his chest, and his arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly.

His eyes flicked to my lips. My jaw dropped with a breathy gasp. There was no stopping what was about to happen. It was inevitable. The magnetic force between us pulled us to one another. I couldn’t keep myself from glancing at his lips, imagining them pressed to mine. Would I feel the shadow of beard growth rough against my skin? I wanted to find out.

The low growl rolled from Mac like a purr as his fingers tightened, digging into my waist. I trembled in anticipation. He was going to kiss me. I was going to let him.


Ben’s voice cut through the haze, and I jerked back. Mac’s hands dropped. He turned away. My poor, denied heart banged around in my chest as my face and neck heated—no doubt as red as my dress.

Meeting my cousin’s eyes wasn’t easy, especially with the look of reprimand he wore.

Ben forced a smile. “Ready to go? Hailey finally agreed to meet me at Mimi’s later.”

Shakily, my head nodded and I accompanied Ben to the sidewalk out front. “Yep, yeah, uh-huh. Ready.”

The guys said goodbye to me, and I waved, but my mind was elsewhere. On another planet. Once we got to the sidewalk, I left Ben behind and practically ran back to the B&B and straight to my room where I shut the door, closing everything out. I needed to process what’d just happened. Mostly, I needed to nix any discussion with my cousin about the fact that I’d almost just cheated on my boyfriend in front of him.









It was probably for the best that Mel’s cousin called her away. I had been completely enamored by the woman. Like, lost. In some sort of trance, reduced to a blathering idiot. But, damn, she was beautiful and had the voice of an angel. When she was close to me, I couldn’t fight her magnetism.

I needed to stay away from her.

I should’ve been thankful when I got Heather’s text asking if I could leave work early and that she needed me. I would have been if her urgency wasn’t because warren was having an episode and she wanted to get him to the hospital. Jenny was MIA again and someone needed to care for Amethyst.

I shot her a quick reply: OMW. On my way. And headed straight to their place.

Heather was in the driveway shifting her weight nervously from one foot to the other. Ame was in her arms, and a pale looking Warren slumped in the wheelchair beside her. His face was contorted in pain and, even though it was hot as balls out, he was trembling as though he was freezing.

Heather and I exchanged glances. Hers worried, mine, I hoped reassuring.

I helped Warren into the passenger’s seat of Heather’s car, closed the car door, the took Ame from her arms. Warren had lost so much weight. He was a shell of the man he’d been six months ago.

“You sure you don’t want me to tag along?”

“No, no, Mac. We’ll be fine. I’ll call or text with news.”

I kissed her forehead. “If you change your mind and decide you want me there, even if it’s just for some emotional support, don’t hesitate. Promise me.”

She managed a tight smile. “I promise.”

With Ame tucked in the crook of my arm, I stood watching in the driveway as Heather pulled out and drove her mate to the ER. This was nearly as hard on my sister as it was on her mate, and I pitied her once again for fate bestowing a human mate on her.

Ame spent so much time at my place that my guest room was now a nursery. She had a crib, rocking chair, changing table, and everything else she might need including bottles, toys, diapers, and baby shampoo.

It was still early, and I was restless. Worries about Warren, about Heather, and thoughts about Mel were abuzz in my brain. Instead of going straight home, Ame and I took a stroll and ended up at Latte Love.

Paige looked up from behind the counter, grinning when we stepped in. “You brought Amethyst!”

I pressed a kiss to Ame’s head. “Yup. Me and my best girl are hanging out tonight.”

“She’s such a doll baby.” She hesitated. “How’s Warren? Is he doing okay?”

I forced a smile and nodded. “Heather is taking him in tonight, but he’s a tough bastard. He’ll pull through.”

We both knew I’d said those words for my own benefit. I needed to hear them out loud.

Paige blew out a sigh and shook her head. “He is tough alright. I just think the world of Heather and Warren. I’m praying for their family. Tell me what I can get you, Mac.”

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