Home > Needing Him(5)

Needing Him(5)
Author: Tory Baker

“You ready for me to fix that and get back in your sling?” I ask more for myself than for Drake. He’s as cool as a cucumber, and I’m over here as bright as a tomato.

“Sure, I think I’m good on food for a few days. The guys’ wives went crazy last weekend meal prepping. I should be good. Though with what they made, I’ll no doubt gain weight. I guess running is out of the question?”

“Do you want to land back in the hospital? I’m pretty sure your discharge papers said six weeks.” I hand him a bottle of water, uncap mine, and guzzle down half the bottle before I start to work on his bandage again.

“Not particularly, but if you’re here, I may ask you to help cook me a few meals that aren’t high on the fat content and carb ratio.” The dark circles under his eyes are showing me he’s getting tired, and I know it won’t be too long before he’ll be back propped up on the couch, resting.

“I can do that. If you let me know what you have in mind, tomorrow when I come by, I’ll cook what you’d like. Let’s change that bandage, then get you some food and sleep. You look like you’re about to keel over.”

“Not sure I like that term, but I am getting tired,” he replies as I get to work taking off the plastic before rebandaging him. Drake’s incision is healing well. There’s only a slight redness, but nothing too bad that I need to tell his doctor.

“It’s the truth.” It only takes me a few minutes before he’s all taken care of.

“Thanks, angel,” he says with a yawn. There’s something about him calling me that, it brings a smile to my face.

“You need help getting to the couch?”

“Nah, I’m good. I’ll see what ESPN is broadcasting. You okay in here alone?” Drake asks.

“Of course. It’s pretty easy to navigate around the kitchen. The house not so much. Your house, it’s, well, it’s big,” I tell him as I get out the chicken parmesan that’s in the containers in the fridge.

“I could go so many ways with that. When I built this place, I knew I’d one day have kids running around. I’m from a family of three boys. My mom is from a family of seven, and my dad had four other siblings. I want this house filled with laughter, squealing, and slamming doors.” My knees being weak earlier, that’s nothing compared to the words that poured from his heart. I don’t even know Drake that well, but you can tell he has a heart of gold underneath that grumpy ‘I’m hungry and angry all at the same time’ exterior.

“Wow,” I breathe out. Drake nods his head, a small grin playing on his face.

“If I haven’t said it yet, thank you. I know I’m not the easiest patient to deal with. I do appreciate your help though.” I watch him leave, enjoying the view the entire time. Even with a sling holding up his shoulder, it doesn’t deter me from taking in his toned back and firm ass, an ass I’ve seen more of than I ever have of any patient.

“Get it together, G,” I mutter to myself, plating Drake’s lunch while looking at the clock. I’m going to have to leave to head to work soon, and I’m finding myself not wanting to leave this incredible man.

“Angel,” I hear Drake shout. The food is abandoned in my haste to get to him, and now I’m glad his house is big and open. It doesn’t take me long to reach him. I stop in my tracks. “What’s wrong?” My heart is beating out of it’s chest.

“Can you hand me the remote? I just got comfortable, and it’s on the other side of the room,” Drake says from his place on the oversized chair. His feet are propped up, and he has a blanket draped on his lap.

“Yeah, but next time, can you ask that without causing me to have a heart attack?” I grab the remote, walking over to hand it to him. Drake’s hand grazes the back of my thigh, causing me to come to a halt. There’s no way this could be happening. Could Drake have the same feelings for me that I have for him, or is this the medicine talking?

“Sure, and Giana?” he questions.

“Yes, Drake?” My voice is soft, almost coming out as a coo.

“I’ll be asking for that date, and soon.” He squeezes my thigh in reassurance. I back away, not really wanting to but knowing he needs his food to take his pills.

This has to be a dream. It’s the only thing that could be happening, right? I tell this to myself as I make my way back to the kitchen. My thoughts are a jumbled mess the entire time.









It’s been a full twenty-four hours since I’ve had my eyes on Giana. She called earlier today saying she’d be late. Something about having to go deal with paperwork at the local college. That’s something I’ll have to dig into later on. If she’s swimming in debt, I don’t like it. Not one bit. Not when there’s something I can do to help alleviate her burden. Especially when she’s doing so much for me, including picking up groceries. Taylor’s chicken parmesan was good, don’t get me wrong, but there is no way I can eat fried chicken, a pound of cheese, with enough noodles to feed a family of four for one meal. Not while I’m down and unable to work out like I usually do.

Braxton stopped by last night, had a beer as we watched a baseball game and shot the shit. Talked about our parents a bit, who even with international calling and texting have been doing so every six hours, like clockwork. I’m not so sure how they’re enjoying vacation while hounding me. Even when I told them I’m good. Hell, we talked about Giana while on the phone too, about the angel from the hospital who somehow transitioned into my home health nurse, which is something I still need to confront Slade about. This has his dirty-ass hands tied to it. Telling Mom about Giana and her knowing Braxton came over last night, I think it helped her. Especially since it’s been well past her normal time to call.

This sitting around game is getting boring, and it’s only been two days. Hopefully, the doctor will release me soon to at least desk work.

“Damn it,” I breathe out, sitting back on the chair that’s basically become my bed during the day.

“What’s wrong, Sir Grumpy Pants?” Giana says, catching me off guard.

“Hey, you’re here early, and nothing besides bored out of my mind. I never thought I’d say this, but sitting at home is bullshit. Especially when I could be doing something productive.”

“It’s a good thing I brought a game for us to play then. How do you feel about Uno or Scrabble? I got out of the college office earlier. Do you mind if I start changing here instead of once I get to the hospital?” Her hair is up in some kind of bun on top of her head, though it’s barely keeping it up. Tendrils are falling down around her throat, making me want to tuck them away. So I can feel if her pulse beats for me, like my heart seems to be doing for her. Damn, does this woman have an effect on me. The way Giana calls to me, it’s like a siren’s song, and the best thing is she doesn’t even realize it. In her work clothes, in the tank top and cut-off shorts she’s wearing today, on her, everything looks fucking indescribable.

“I’ll kick your ass, but sure, whichever you prefer.” My competitive nature comes out.

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