Home > Without a Trace(7)

Without a Trace(7)
Author: Lynn Hagen

Red nodded his thanks. “I’m not used to being out in hot weather. Not working in it,” he confessed. “You might call me a central air whore.” He chuckled. “This is definitely testing my endurance.”

“I’m the same way.” Mercy cracked open a biscuit, and Lincoln watched as the steam rolled out. “Before I moved here, I lived in town. I dashed from one air conditioner to the next. I can’t say I’ve gotten used to the heat or working outside, but I burn less.”

“That’s because you were pampered,” Lincoln said to Mercy.

His brother gave him a sidelong glance. Mercy might’ve been pampered, but he’d also been abused by his asshole ex-boyfriend, and Lincoln wanted to kick himself for even bringing it up.

It was the reason Mercy had fled to the ranch.

Mercy went to the fridge and brought back some cream for their coffee. “Make sure you use sun protection,” he said to Red. “I know you’ve been here a few weeks, but the weather is kicking into high gear, and I don’t want you passing out or burning.”

Lincoln’s line of work was horse breeding and training. Rhinestone’s sperm had gone for a mint before he was retired. Now it was Black Lightning, one of Rhinestone’s offspring, who provided the highly sought after sperm.

There was also some cattle, though not many. Lincoln bred them for high-quality meat.

Lincoln hadn’t always run a ranch. Twenty years ago he’d been in the military, and before that, he’d worked construction in different cities for nearly fifty years.

He’d never been a stranger to hard work.

Mercy slapped his hand on the island countertop. “Earth to Lincoln.”

He hadn’t realized how deep in thought he’d gone. Mercy and Red were staring at him. “Huh?”

“Never mind,” Mercy said. “I’ll go see who’s at the front door. You can go back to getting lost inside your own head again.”

“Someone knocked?”

Red nodded. “I need to get my day started.” He slid from his stool and set his plate and mug in the sink. “Thanks for breakfast. I’ll order your things on my lunch break.”

After Red left the kitchen, Lincoln went to see who had knocked. Jason stood there glaring at Red.

“What’s going on?” Lincoln asked.

As soon as Jason spotted him, his eyes lit up. Fuck, Red had been right. There was no denying the dewy-eyed look. Lincoln hadn’t done anything to attract Jason’s attention. Clearly he’d also been thickheaded to the guy’s feelings.

Now that Lincoln thought about it, Jason was always coming over to the corral where the horses were trained whenever Lincoln was in there.

He was always suggesting they grab a bite to eat in town. Lincoln had thought nothing of it. A lot of the guys went to town for dinner. Now that he’d been made aware, Lincoln would put even more distance between them.

He didn’t want Red getting the wrong idea.

“Is there a reason you stopped by?” he asked Jason.

“Adam sent me to get you,” he said. “He says Rhinestone isn’t acting right.”

Although the horse was retired, Lincoln still cared deeply for him. “Did he say what was wrong?”

Jason shrugged. Red had already left the house, and Lincoln’s mind was split between the horse and his mate. He grabbed his phone from where he’d left it by the front door last night and headed out, Jason on his heels.


* * * *


Red tucked his cell phone into his pocket. He’d made an Amazon account in Lincoln’s name and had everything his boss would need in the cart. All Red needed was Lincoln’s credit card information to complete the purchase.

But he’d talk with Mercy about that.

It wasn’t that Red was afraid to talk to Lincoln, but every time they were in close proximity, Red’s IQ dropped. His palms became clammy, and his heart kicked up a few notches. Like while sitting there eating his biscuit.

Red had tried to think of something to say to the guy, tried to think of a way to engage him in conversation, but his smart brain had taken a dump.

And why should he try? It wasn’t as if Red was sticking around. It wasn’t as if he could tell the world he was alive. Ice formed in his stomach at the thought of those men coming back after him. He couldn’t even check online because he hadn’t known their names.

It was best to stay in the shadows, to keep a low profile, and maybe someday he could return to his old way of life.

Red had gone back to mending the fence, careful this time. He didn’t need a matching scar on the other side of his face.

The sun beat down on him as he lost himself in his work. Too bad there weren’t portable air conditioners. Red would have one at his side. The longer he worked, the hotter he became. He’d already drunk the two bottles of water he’d brought with him.

Red was sweating like crazy, and his skin felt tight. He had taken off his shirt to try and cool down, but now it felt as if the sun had baked his back and arms.

“Stop being an idiot and go back to the bunkhouse to cool off for a second.”

Placing his tools on the ground, Red had turned to head to the four-wheeler when a wave of dizziness made him sway. His head buzzed, and everything swirled as Red hit the ground.

“I think he’s waking up.”

Red groaned as he rubbed a hand over his forehead then winced and pulled it back. It hurt to touch his face.

“How’re you feeling?”

It was Mercy.

Red cracked his eyes open and saw not only Mercy but Lincoln standing over him. “What happened?”

“You passed out in the sun,” Mercy said. “Didn’t I tell you to stay cool while you were working?” There was a touch of panic in his voice. “If Lincoln hadn’t come to check on you, there’s no telling what would’ve happened.”

“You saved me?” Red croaked. Fuck, his throat was dry as hell and felt as if he’d swallowed sand.

Mercy grabbed a glass of water off the coffee table, and that was when Red noticed he was in their home. “Baby sips.”

Red took a few sips and then closed his eyes and lay back. Then his eyes flew open when he realized he still didn’t have his shirt on. Mercy and Lincoln would see the two bullet hole scars. They would want to ask questions, find out how Red had gotten them.

He tried to sit up, but Lincoln placed a heavy hand on Red’s chest. “Slow down. You need to rest and recoup. You nearly had heat stroke.”

“He did have one,” Mercy said. “We would’ve taken you to the clinic, but we knew you’d protest like you did when you cut your face open. I argued that we should go anyway, but Mr. Stubborn brought you here instead.”

Lincoln just kept saving Red’s ass. He’d even taken Red’s fear of going into town into consideration. Even so, Red couldn’t allow himself to fall for the guy.


Lincoln grabbed a light blanket off the back of the couch and handed it to Red. “Rest for however long you need, but you’re not working for the rest of the day.”

“I’d listen to him if I were you.” Mercy winked. “He can be a real tiger when riled.”

“I promise to rest.” Red tossed the blanket over his chest. “But I can’t do that with you two hovering around.”

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