Home > Amusing You(5)

Amusing You(5)
Author: Claire Cullen

His friend relaxed a fraction. “I’ve heard of them. They’re pretty selective in who they take on as clients.”

“And muses. I feel like I’ve been put under a microscope, and all I’ve done is answer some questions, record a few pieces, and get some photos snapped.”

“Wow, you’re pretty far along in the process then?” There was a hint of hurt in Zac’s voice.

“I know I should have told you, duck. But… I was afraid you’d be the voice of reason and talk me out of it.”

Zac sighed, admitting, “I might have tried. Have they matched you up?”

“Not yet. I only just got added to their database. They say it can take months, even a year, before you’re chosen. Just depends on how many alphas find you appealing.”

“I don’t think you’re going to have a problem where that’s concerned,” Zac said, nudging him lightly.

“Well, that’s just it. If it was based on looks alone, I’m sure I’d be snapped up in weeks, but they say scent and voice are far more important where muses are concerned.”

Henry started to fuss, so Zac took him from Harper, settling him in his lap. “I don’t see how that changes anything.”

“Well, think about how my relationships usually go. It’s all sex and passion, all shallow attraction. It never goes deeper, no matter how much I want it to. I don’t think any of them made it past a year before they fizzled out.”

“They weren’t right for you.”

“Over and over and over again? Maybe I’m not like you; maybe I’m not the long-lasting relationship type. But being a muse? Short-term, clearly defined boundaries, giving myself a focus that isn’t me… I think I’d be good at that. Assuming they find me a match. Plus, the money’s great.”

“If you’re looking for a relationship, wouldn’t a dating agency be a better idea?”

“That’s just it, Zac. I’m not looking for a relationship. Been there, done that, have the selection of worn T-shirts. I need a change.”

Zac shifted closer, leaning against him, the warm touch of his shoulder reassuring.

“Why not? Everyone deserves a new adventure now and then. I’d just hate to see you get hurt.”

“I won’t.” He was adamant. “They’re careful, the boundaries are clear. As long as I stick to them, being a muse is a strictly professional relationship.”

“And if the alpha you’re matched with wants more?”

“The agency screens for that. They’re careful. If I don’t like the vibes, I bail.”

“That easy, huh?”

“That easy.”

Luca came running over to show Harper his drawing.

“Hey, is that a tiger? Great job, little guy.”

“Daddy,” Luca said, smiling at him.

Zac grinned. “We shifted last night, all four of us. Henry’s first time.”

“Oh, wow.” Harper chucked the baby under his chin. “Clever kiddo, aren’t you? Not even a year old and already running laps around the other kids. Speaking of other kids…” He glanced pointedly at Zac’s stomach. “Any news on that front?”

Zac flushed but shook his head. “My heats have been pretty erratic since Henry was born. No hyperheats, thank heavens, but it seems like that’ll make it harder to get pregnant until they settle down.”

“It’ll happen, Zac,” Harper assured him, cuddling into his side and stroking Henry’s cheek. “Don’t stress over it. You know that never helps.”

“You’re right. Tell me more about this whole muse thing. What, exactly, are you going to be doing to inspire your client?”

Harper laughed and rolled his eyes but answered, nevertheless. It felt good to let Zac in on this new part of his life.



That afternoon, he got a notification that he was a potential match. Pamela rang him to confirm a short time later.

“So soon?” He hadn’t expected it to happen that quickly.

“Seems like you scored very highly on the compatibility matrix for this particular alpha.”

“What happens next? How is it decided?”

“Well, if he indicates he’d like to proceed, we’ll give you access to his photograph and some basic information about him. You have a chance to review and see if you’re interested in taking the position as his muse. If so, we’ll arrange a meeting between the two of you to see if you hit it off. If not, we’ll gently redirect him to continue his search. Don’t force it, Harper. If it doesn’t feel right, then it’s not meant to be.”

“I understand.”

He found he was buzzing with excitement at the prospect. There was something about being chosen not purely for his looks or how good he’d look on someone’s arm, but because of what he could give them, something that wasn’t sex. Sometimes, being an omega, he felt that he was only valued for his body. The idea that he could be more than that, and that it could mean bigger and brighter things for him, was so tantalizing he was almost afraid to think too deeply on it. This opportunity could disappear just as quickly as it arrived.

“We’ll be in touch.”

Just like that, Pamela was gone.

“Harper, your break’s over. We’ve got customers waiting.”

Sighing, he pushed off the couch in the break room and headed back into the café. He greeted his next customer with a smile, but his smile faltered when he recognized them.

“Uh… Hi, William.”

The alpha hesitated. “Harper.”

“What can I get you?”

“Coffee, thanks.”

“Americano, latte? Milk, sugar?”


“Here or to go?”


“Anything else? We’ve got some freshly baked orange and cardamom muffins. They’re this week’s special.”

He had no idea why he was trying to upsell muffins to William, except that it gave him something to say.

“Just the coffee.” William’s no-nonsense reply was typical. The guy wouldn’t know how to relax if you gave him enough ketamine to sink an elephant.

“Sure thing. That’ll be three dollars.”

William held his card to the machine until it beeped. “What time does your shift finish?”

“Uh… another hour.”

“Maybe I could buy you a drink. Somewhere… quieter.”

This was just getting weirder and weirder.

“Um… sure.”

“I’ll meet you out front.”

The alpha took his coffee and sat down near the window, pulling out a laptop and getting to work while Harper dealt with the short but cranky line of customers. The next hour was excruciating in all sorts of ways as he tried to do his job while conscious of William’s not-so-subtle gaze. Why would the alpha want to talk to him? Unless… No, there was no way Beckett was cheating on Zac. Those two were loved up to the nines. It had to be something else. Maybe a surprise party someone with a sense of humor had forced William to organize. That made more sense, though Harper had no idea what the occasion was.

When the clock finally struck six, he sighed and hung up his apron, turning to see that William had already left. He almost hoped the alpha had changed his mind and gone home. But he stepped outside, and William was there, waiting patiently.

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