Home > Final Dance: Part Two(47)

Final Dance: Part Two(47)
Author: Samantha Cayto

‘You’ll need to manage it, naturally, and use it to provide for Alun and Merlin.’ He’d said it as if it were obvious.

Craig supposed it was. Alun had no experience with taking care of himself, not when it came to creating a budget and paying bills. Although given the eye-popping sum, a budget was probably unnecessary. Even so, when Alun did him the honor of becoming his husband, Craig intended to make sure that he knew what to do, to make his own decisions. No way Craig was going to leech off him and dictate what he did with his money or anything else. He’d help Alun learn to be a partnership. Anything else would be taking advantage of his vulnerability. At least, that was how he saw it.

Mama came over, her lovely face glowing with happiness. “So, Alun and Merlin, how did you enjoy your first time in our humble church?”

“It was wonderful, Mrs. Jefferson,” Alun replied, ducking his head and leaning into Craig. He hadn’t gotten used to being out and about, and even something as small and intimate as meeting Craig’s family made him uncomfortable.

Mama didn’t seem to notice. “Oh now, you have to call me ‘Mama’.” Not waiting for a reply, she turned her attention to Merlin and beamed, waiting for his answer with the same intimidating patience that she’d shown her own sons. Finally, the boy murmured something like, ‘great’. It wasn’t much, but Mama knew how to pick her battles.

“Well, that’s fine, then. Let’s go home. I need to get dinner on the table. Are you driving your own car, Craig?”

“No, ma’am. It’s such a nice day that I thought we’d walk.”

“All right. Your father has his ‘let’s go’ face on. See you at home.”

She walked the rest of the way down the steps to where his father already waited for her. He gave Craig a brief wave. His quick, first meeting with Alun and Merlin had been rather inscrutable, to say the least. He worried that with his sexuality on full display, his father was going to have trouble dealing with it. Dante drove by with his family and tooted his horn. His brother was always the first out of the church doors, knowing that Mama could gab forever and appreciating that his girls had a limited tolerance for sitting around and being quiet.

They started down the sidewalk and Craig couldn’t help grinning like a fool. He was proud of his family. And yeah, maybe it was premature to think of Alun and Merlin that way. He didn’t think so. It surprised him how happy he was. They didn’t speak while they walked, and that was okay. Craig found that just being with Alun was sufficient. There didn’t need to be anything said or done to make the experience better than it was. Although he did like it when the not-talking part meant they were kissing…or doing other things. Alun was more comfortable with him now and willing to trust Craig with his body. He hadn’t pushed it too far, not wanting to spook him. Right at that moment, however, it felt as if anything was possible between them.

“It’s kind of your mother to invite us for dinner.”

“Are you kidding? She lives to feed people. Having two more mouths today is making her the happiest woman on the planet.”

“I still feel bad not bringing anything.” Alun worried his lower lip.

“When Mama says don’t bother, she means it. This is your first time eating with my family. Everyone wants you to feel comfortable.”

Alun snorted, something new he was doing, letting his feelings show. “I don’t see how that’s even remotely possible. Forget how I hate being around strangers. This is important. It’s your family. I want to make a good impression.”

“Hey.” Craig stopped and turning Alun toward him, gave him a quick kiss. “You have nothing to worry about. They are going to love you.” Merlin made a gagging noise. Craig gave him a stern look. “You’re another matter. Mind your manners or you will feel the wrath of my mama.”

Merlin actually looked indignant. “As if I would disrespect a woman.”

“Hmm-m.” He supposed there was some benefit to courting someone from an alien culture. Merlin’s devotion to the hive system seemed genuine. If he wanted to view Craig’s mother as some kind of queen, that was fine. It wasn’t too far off the mark, anyway. He got them moving again.

“Does your mother make a big Sunday dinner every week?”

Craig nodded. “She sure does, unless she’s sick. She’s never sick,” he added.

Then there they were, at the pretty yellow house that he’d grown up in. Craig was surprised to feel nervous himself. This was momentous, his old family meeting his new one. Please, if there’s a God, let them get along.

He really shouldn’t have been worried. With his mama and LaKeisha in the kitchen, the girls greeted them at the door and into the living room. They were noisy and nosey, enough so that his father barely got a word in edgewise. And as they focused a lot of their attention on Merlin, it allowed Alun to sit quietly on the couch beside him. Because his nerves were obviously greater than his own, it was easy to concentrate on calming him. He held his hand and kept him plastered to his side. His father missed none of it but didn’t say anything.

Then dinner was served, they all got seated and the real grilling started.

“Where are you from, Alun?” his mama asked. “Craig said something about England, as I recall, but you sound different than they do on that series we watch. What’s that called, LaKeisha?”

“Downton Abbey.”

“That’s right. Are you from anywhere near there?”

“No, ma’am. I’m from Wales.”

“Ooh, like Tom Jones. He still has it.”

“Hmm-m,” LaKeisha agreed.

Craig’s father glowered. “Has what? From what I’ve seen, he just runs around stage, sweating a lot.”

“And he’s like, what, eighty?” Dante observed.

Mama’s fork clattered to her plate. “Is there something wrong with an aged person?”

Dante tucked his chin. “No, ma’am.”

“Do they speak English there?” Vanessa asked. At eight, she was shaping up to be an assertive young woman. Craig figured Dante was going to have his hands full with her.

Her older sister, Zoe, rolled her eyes. “Sure they do, dummy. He’s speaking it now.”

“Don’t call your sister names,” LaKeisha scolded mildly. “I’m sorry,” she added to Alun. “The girls can be overly curious sometimes. Please don’t feel you need to answer all their questions.”

Alun gave her a bashful smile. “It’s fine, like. I don’t mind. We speak English and Welsh,” he said to Vanessa.

The girl bounced in her seat. “Ooh, say something. Please,” she added when her mother scowled.

“Umm-m.” Alun uttered a short sentence filled with a lilting tone and a few lisping-sounding words.

“How lovely,” Mama said. “What does it mean?”

“This meal is delicious.”

Now, Mama beamed. “Thank you. Eat as much as you want. You’re a little skinny, if you don’t mind my saying.”

Craig groaned inwardly. “Mama.” She only waved his concern away.

Not to be outdone, Daddy jumped in with his own awkward question. “So, Alun, what is it that you do?”

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