Home > Trade Deadline(5)

Trade Deadline(5)
Author: Avon Gale

   “We were just getting set up here.” Tom stepped back, allowing Daniel and his agent, Clarke, to step past him into the meeting room. “There’s coffee over there if you want to grab a cup before we get started.”

   Daniel’s throat convulsed. He didn’t dare risk it, not while nerves had him feeling like his guts were doing the cha-cha. He’d never walked into a meeting with the Venom’s management team feeling this anxious before. “No, thanks. Had my protein shake this morning.”

   Tom grinned. “In my day, it was five cups of joe before practice, black with an inch of sugar on the bottom, and Michelob chasers after the games. Not a protein shake to be seen.”

   Daniel smiled back and laughed as expected. The league had been a whole different animal when Tom played the game. Gone were the days of enforcers who could barely skate and existed mostly to throw punches and protect flashy all-stars like Gretzky. Now, if you weren’t lean, fast, and ready to put in serious hours at the gym every day, you might as well retire and start hunting for a commentating gig.

   “Go ahead and have a seat,” Tom said, waving to the conference table, where his personal assistant and another man Daniel didn’t recognize sat waiting.

   Daniel did as instructed, feeling sweat bloom under the cotton material of his dress shirt. He’d worn a suit and tie, as he always did when meeting with upper management, but in the stuffy room, with bright early August sunshine streaming through the windows, the jacket felt stifling.

   Clarke settled next to him while Tom took the chair at the head of the table.

   “I assume Clarke filled you in on why we’re here today,” Tom said.

   “Yes. We spoke last night.”

   Tom nodded and indicated the man beside him. “This is Vladimir Fetisov, here representing the Miami Thunder.”

   The table was too wide for a handshake, so Daniel inclined his head. “Nice to meet you.”

   Vladimir returned the gesture. “You as well.” His voice was laced with the hint of a Russian accent, and he had gray-streaked blond hair and dark, assessing eyes.

   “Let’s get started, then.” Tom folded his hands over the legal pad in front of him. “Daniel, your importance to the Venom organization up to this point cannot be overstated. You’ve played a vital role on this team, and both Clancy and I agree that the Venom would not have won a Stanley Cup last season without your contributions.” He hesitated for a moment. “However, as you’re aware, your contract is up, and looking solely at statistics, it also can’t be denied that your numbers are no longer what they used to be.”

   Daniel fought back a cringe. The words were true—he’d admitted as much to Tristan on that party boat—but it hurt to hear them said by someone he respected so much. Hockey was, above all, a numbers game. His output had been on a slow decline ever since he hit thirty, and the blush of youth had long since faded from his cheeks. He wasn’t as sharp or as fast as he used to be. He couldn’t play as many minutes since his hip injury a few years back. He was a good player, maybe even great, if you looked at his entire track record, but not exemplary. Not a Crosby with incredible hands and slick moves or a workhorse like Ovechkin, who consistently played in beast mode even though he was Daniel’s age. What Daniel had left was passion and dedication, but that didn’t mean as much if he wasn’t putting big numbers on the boards, too.

   When Daniel didn’t speak, Tom continued, “As I’m sure Clarke discussed with you, we are prepared to give you a one-year contract extension should you desire to stay on with us for another season. At that point, we would, of course, reevaluate. But...” Tom shot a quick glance at Vladimir. “Your experience and leadership skills are highly valuable—and highly sought after—assets, and we’re not the only team who could benefit from your type of presence in the locker room. I know you’ve been in talks with San Diego, and I’m not sure where you stand there, but the Thunder have also made an offer, which includes an early round draft pick for the Venom. Did Clarke review that contract with you as well?”

   Daniel cleared his throat. “Yes, he did.” And, prior to this summer, Daniel wouldn’t have given the proposal so much as a passing thought, especially for a paltry one-year term. Declining would’ve been a complete no-brainer.

   Now? Daniel couldn’t help but be intrigued. Miami was his hometown. The Thunder were the team he’d grown up watching, the team that had made him want to play hockey in the first place. He had extended family in the city, and his parents, who’d moved to Chicago so Daniel could get into a good developmental program in his early teens, now lived in Aventura, which was only about an hour’s drive from Miami.

   If he could’ve chosen to receive an offer from any team, anywhere, aside from in Atlanta with the Venom, it would be the Thunder, from the city where he’d grown up watching hockey. How often did a player get a chance to play for his childhood home team? Plus, it was a quick flight or a drive that could be made in less than a day, so getting the kids back and forth wouldn’t be too much of a problem—unless Tabby could be convinced to move with him, in which case travel concerns would be a nonissue.

   The Miami Thunder were also dead last in league standings. They hadn’t qualified for the playoffs in years and hadn’t been a true contender for the Cup in even longer. He’d be going from the reigning championship team to an arena that looked half empty during games and teammates who were probably disillusioned and carrying chips on their shoulders. Not that Daniel could blame them. But maybe those downsides were pros instead of cons. He’d already taken the Venom as far as any professional team could go in the NHL. Wasn’t he looking for a place to make an impact? The Thunder needed help, desperately. Wouldn’t it be emotionally fulfilling to use his experience as a veteran player to help a struggling team? And not just any team. He still had his childhood Thunder jerseys buried in the back of his closet. Once upon a time, they’d been the team of his prepubescent heart.

   Daniel might not have fifty-goal seasons to offer, but he did have a wealth of knowledge and years of playing the game in an ever-changing league. If they were looking for proven leadership experience, he had plenty to offer.

   “We would love to have you on our roster,” Vladimir put in when the silence dragged on for a minute or two. “You know where we are in the standings. Team morale is—” he spread his hands, grimacing “—nonexistent, and there are real concerns that the league might decide Miami isn’t a hockey town and move the team elsewhere, if not pull the plug on the franchise entirely.”

   Daniel frowned. He’d hate to see Miami lose its hockey team. While it hadn’t happened in years, it was an unfortunate reality that the NHL would move or dissolve a team if it became a financial liability. At the end of the day, hockey was a business like anything else. Money mattered.

   “We do not expect miracles,” Vladimir went on. “But we need to reevaluate our strategy up to this point. The team needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, and this is an opportunity for a player like yourself to be involved in that process. You could potentially be instrumental in helping the Thunder move in a new, positive direction. I know many of the players would value the experience you bring to the ice.”

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