Home > Trade Deadline(61)

Trade Deadline(61)
Author: Avon Gale

   “I’m not throwing punches.”

   Morley’s expression creased into a scowl. “Whatever, dude. If he didn’t want to get punched, he’d keep his mouth shut.” The doorbell rang, and Morley sighed and ran a hand through his messy brown hair. “I hope that’s the pizza.”

   “Don’t bring Bolton up again, please,” Tristan whispered once Morley’s footsteps had faded. “He gets moody about it every time. I’ve never seen him like this before.”

   Daniel had questions, many of them, because Tristan was right, this was atypical for Morley. Not that Morley didn’t get pissed or hold grudges, but there’d never been a time when he’d continually gone after one player while Daniel was captain on the Venom. It made Daniel wonder if something else was at work. This wasn’t the time or place to discuss it, though, and by the voices booming in the foyer, he knew more of his former teammates had arrived instead of the food Morley had been hoping for.

   “How’s Luna?” Daniel asked Tristan, changing the subject. “She’s the rescue cat they adopted earlier this season,” he added for Micah’s sake. “You should see her. She’s cute as hell. Just a big, scruffy ball of fluff.”

   Tristan brightened. “Oh, she’s amazing.” He slid Sebastian a playful look. “Seb started calling her ‘princesa’ a few months ago, and now she won’t come to me unless I say it, too.”

   “Aww, that’s sweet,” Micah said. “What kind of cat?”

   “We’re not sure, exactly. We think she must be partly Norwegian Forest Cat, but it’s hard to say for sure.” Tristan whipped out his phone and showed Micah the lock-screen picture of Luna, practically preening when Micah gushed over her adorable, grumpy face.

   Morley entered the room with a bunch of Venom players behind him, and things devolved into chaos for a bit while people collected snacks and drinks and, in the middle of everything, the pizza finally arrived.

   Groups gathered in clusters with their plates throughout the kitchen and adjacent areas, and Daniel ended up surrounded by his closest friends at the dining room table, with Morley, Tristan and Sebastian across from him, Army and Ryu to his left, and Micah to his right.

   “So, this junior coaching thing,” Morley said around his first bite, “did that come out of nowhere or is it just me?”

   Daniel snorted. “I mean, it kind of did. I started volunteering with the youth league in our area back in January and, I don’t know, man. It happened quickly, but it just fits me.”

   Morley tilted his head, his brow creased in contemplation. “I didn’t expect you’d want to retire so soon.”

   “It wasn’t in the plans,” Daniel admitted. “But at the end of the day, I wanted to leave on my own terms rather than being schlepped around to different teams like unwanted luggage until I finally stopped getting contract offers.”

   “C’mon, bro.” Morley frowned. “Don’t act like you were about to be put out to pasture or something. You’re not a dried-up cow. You still got milk to give.”

   Tristan choked, and Daniel burst into shocked laughter.

   “What the hell kind of comparison is that?” Ryu asked. “Have you taken up dairy farming in your spare time, Trevor?”

   “You don’t have to be a farmer to know about cows, Ryu,” Morley said sagely. “I watch the Discovery Channel.”

   Ryu scoffed. “Since when do they feature documentaries about dairy cows?”

   Daniel held up a hand before the conversation completely went off the rails. “I appreciate the sentiment, Morley, but I turned thirty-four this season. You know that’s practically ancient in hockey years.”

   “Bro, don’t sell yourself short. Ovi’s still out there kicking ass and taking names, and he’s, like, late thirties, right?”

   Daniel shook his head. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered you’d compare me to Ovechkin, but he’s in a class of his own. I don’t put up anywhere near the numbers he does.”

   Morley opened his mouth, but he couldn’t argue that point, and they both knew it.

   “You might change your mind,” Ryu said quietly. “Hockey’s in your blood. That doesn’t just go away.”

   “But playing the game isn’t the only way to be involved in the sport,” Tristan put in before Daniel could answer. “We all know Bellzie is a great leader. I honestly always thought he might go into coaching eventually, anyway.” He met Daniel’s gaze and gave him a smile that warmed Daniel’s heart. “And we’re rooting for you no matter what you decide to do.” Tristan looked around the table. “Right, guys?”

   “Naturally, dude. Always.” Morley extended his fist.

   Daniel smiled crookedly as he delivered the expected bump. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

   “I don’t blame you for making the choice that would let you stay near your family,” Tristan said. “And Micah too, of course.”

   Micah laid a hand over Daniel’s where it rested on the tabletop and squeezed. “I just wanted him to make the choice that made him happiest.” He cracked a smile. “But don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that decision is keeping him in Miami.”

   “Your whole story is like some fairytale shit.” Morley gestured with a buffalo wing. “Or like a Meg Ryan rom-com. Reunited childhood sweethearts? That’s one of my favorite fanfic AUs, you know. And coffee shops.”

   Micah shot Daniel a puzzled look. “What’s an AU?”

   “It’s a fanfiction thing.” Army waved a hand. “And don’t ask any more questions or he’ll go on about it for ages.”

   “I’m serious,” Morley said. “You both even have the affinity for animals like Disney characters, you with your dogs, Bellzie, and Micah with the dolphins.”

   Tristan grinned. “Sounds like the movie our generation needs. I’d watch it.”

   “I’d watch it too,” Morley said, leering.

   “Okay okay.” Daniel chuckled despite the heat in his cheeks. “Enough about our rom-com romance. What’s this movie you want us to watch tonight?” Morley had a theater-style viewing room in his basement that would accommodate the entire team and then some. He even had an old-fashioned popcorn cart in one corner.

   “Bro, I saw a clip on YouTube and, I swear, this motorcycle chase scene is going to make your nipples hard. They were parkouring off walls. They went under a truck.”

   Daniel laughed.

   “I’m not joking.” Morley indicated his brawny chest. “These babies were rock hard. Made me want to buy a motorcycle.” He paused, his mouth quirking at the corner. “Or maybe just fuck someone wearing leather biker gear. The boots, man.”

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