Home > Her Cowboy Prince(62)

Her Cowboy Prince(62)
Author: Madeline Ash

Kris briefly caught Hanna’s eye. The woman raised a hand to the collar of her own uniform, and mouthed, Wow.

He raised a brow as if to answer, I know, right?

Then he said, “Let’s go,” and Frankie fell into step beside him, his guards following behind. As they rounded a corner, he asked, “Was that so bad?”

“I don’t know.” Her cheeks were still pink. “It’s just—a whole new dynamic to figure out between me and my team. I’m not just their boss anymore. I’m your—”

He eyed her, gratified that he could suggest, “Girlfriend?”

She almost looked shy. “Yeah?”

“Yes,” he said firmly. “And I get it. But the two aren’t mutually exclusive. Stepping out my door shouldn’t be a changeover from one to the other. You can be both.”

“I’ll work on it.” She tugged at the top of her uniform again. “I’ve never been a girlfriend before.”

“And I’ve never had one.”

It should have bothered him. That his life with Frankie would be set on a public stage, their status exposing them to endless demands and intrusions of privacy, expectation that would surely strain the bond of the most seasoned long-term couple—and neither of them had even been in a relationship. And he’d heard relationships weren’t easy. It would be like learning to swim together in the middle of the ocean, and being told, also, there are sharks. They would get things wrong—panic, make bad decisions, communicate poorly, and all within the stretched-thin, rigorous confines of palace life.

Oh, and with a target on his back.

Actually. That did bother him.

Entering the blue parlor resulted in Frankie’s second awkward moment when she caught sight of their breakfast companions. Tommy, obviously, was there with a mug of black coffee in his hand and a closed book beside him, but thanks to Kris’s dawn text message, Mark and Ava sat on the nearest side of the table, Darius sitting between them.

Frankie halted in the doorway and spoke under her breath. “You didn’t tell me they’d be here.”

His family had looked around at their entrance. Mark was pretending not to smile, while Ava wore an expression of subdued delight. Tommy’s gaze cut between them once before he returned to his coffee. Darius sat up straight, his eyes bright and latched onto Frankie.

“You’ve kind of met them before,” Kris muttered dryly, wishing he hadn’t promised not to touch her. She was starting to splash in this new ocean and his hand on her back would be helpful to them both right now. “And I told you I was going to tell them this morning.”

“I didn’t know you meant with me.” And then she darted into the corridor and dragged in a bewildered Hanna, ushering her into position on the inside of the door. “I need someone else normal in here.”

“You belong with us,” was all he said, and moved to sit down, keeping a seat empty between him and Tommy. None of the brothers used the chair at the head of the table. “Morning, everyone.”

“Good morning, Kristof,” Ava greeted smoothly. “Thank you for inviting us.”

“Thanks for coming. Let’s start.” He reached for a platter of blueberry, banana, and butter pancakes. The serving staff had long since learned that this royal family dished up for themselves, and he took two of each flavor, intently aware that Frankie still stood rigid across the room.

“Hey, Darry,” he said, pouring maple syrup over the stack. “What do you think of the palace?”

He was only half-aware of Darius turning to look up at him. Kris was asking a lot of Frankie—pushing her into self-acceptance at a dizzying rate. She could do it. If she was going to spend her life with royalty, she had to be capable of pivoting fast, mentally and emotionally, and that meant kicking self-doubt to the curb. They’d have too many other challenges.

Darius’s eyes were wide. “It’s so big. And beautiful.”

Ava ran a hand lightly over his hair, her lips pinching. “We’ve promised to show him the stables before we leave.”

“Good timing,” Kris replied. “The quarter horses have been settled in.”

Mark grinned. “I know.”

“They’re magnificent,” Tommy said, dishing up four butter pancakes. He hesitated, jaw tightening, before topping off the stack with a blueberry one, reminding Kris that Jonah used to make epic batches of blueberry pancakes for breakfast during foaling season. He’d come around to their ranch bright and early, and they’d all wake exhausted from the accumulation of long, hard days to the smell of sweet cooking batter and pan-warmed syrup. In recent years, Frankie had joined them, often halfway through the first batch by the time they’d shuffled out into the kitchen.

Under the table, Kris toed the leg of her chair, pushing it out a little.

Her attention snapped to him.

Then Tommy spoke without looking at her. “It’s getting cold, Frankie.”

“Yeah, Franks.” Mark was setting another pancake on Ava’s plate. “Come and try this chocolate maple topping. Just don’t drink it all.”

“I want to talk to you about my bridal shower,” Ava said, turning to eye Frankie over her shoulder. “And I’d prefer not to shout.”

Darius half-twisted out of his chair to follow his mother’s glance and worked up the courage to say, “Hi, Frankie!”

After a pause, Hanna reached out and nudged her encouragingly in the back.

“Okay, okay.” The strain eased around Frankie’s mouth as she added, “Hey, Darius,” and moved to take her seat.

“I have some news.” Kris caught her eye as she pushed in beside him, and accidentally-on-purpose brushed her hand as he reached for the coffee pot. “Frankie’s my girlfriend.”

She flushed and held her mug out to him, silently demanding fuel.

“About time,” Tommy said, but gifted them with a rare smile.

“Congratulations.” Mark smiled, absently running a hand across Ava’s back. “I would say welcome to the family, Frankie, but you’ve been a part of us for years.”

Face down, Frankie mumbled her thanks. Not because she didn’t care—but because they were the only real family she’d ever known and Mark’s acknowledgement that it ran both ways was probably too much for her to process openly.

“You can be my second bridesmaid.” Ava leaned forward excitedly. “How do you feel about emerald green? Zara has already chosen it for her dress.”

“She looks incredible in green.” Kris lifted the pancake platter for Frankie to dish up. “They’re all good,” he added to her as she hesitated. “Try them all.”

“Perfect.” Ava sounded thrilled. “Green it is.”

Frankie selected one of each, not looking at the princess as she said, “Has Prince Cyrus decided when he’s arriving yet?”

“He’d like to stay for two weeks,” Ava said. “One before the wedding and one after.”

“I’ll be assigning Gul to him.” Frankie accepted the chocolate maple syrup from Mark. “What exactly does a prince get up to on a holiday in Kiraly?”

“Oh. I don’t know.” Ava poured Darius more juice. “I was hoping Zara might take him around town. They know each other.”

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