Home > Dirty Truth : A High School Bully Romance(10)

Dirty Truth : A High School Bully Romance(10)
Author: K. Walker

Adrian wasn’t wrong, though. All the waitresses had their eyes glued to the guys every time they walked by. No shirts, no shoes, no service didn’t seem to apply to guys built like Greek gods! I was pretty sure Wes and them could’ve strutted in there fully naked and they’d have gotten the best service of their lives.

Every time our waitress came over, I reached out and took Wes’s hand in mine. It wasn’t much, but it was a subtle reminder he was taken. No doubt, he’d slept with at least one or two of the waitresses here, but those days were in the past. The only person he’d be sleeping with now would be me.

Well, assuming we ever got that far. We still hadn’t done more than make out and grind against each other. I wasn’t sure if Wes was holding back on purpose or if I was subconsciously doing something that stopped us from going any further.

Either way, the two of us were going to have to have a chat together soon. Because, as much as I enjoyed the heavy petty and the kissing, I wanted more from him. Wes was the first guy I’d ever felt this way about. And sure, it might’ve just been puppy love or something, but I didn’t care. Even if it wasn’t forever love, I did love Wes. And I was ready to lose my virginity.

“You okay?” Wes asked, leaning over to nudge me with his broad shoulder. “You’ve been quiet since we sat down. Don’t tell me the surfing wore you out that much.”

“You try getting knocked on your ass a hundred times,” I said with a teasing smirk. “Not all of us are used to getting knocked around for fun.”

“I’ll have you know; I do most of the knocking around when we’re on the mats, thank you very much. And you would know that if you ever came to any of our meets. I’m undefeated again this year. The only one in our division doing better than me is Hunter.”

“So, what you’re saying is you’re not quite the best, is that right?” I teased, enjoying the spark of indignation that had formed in his eyes. He really was so easy to goad.

“Come to our meet this week and find out,” Wes said with a growl.

I made a show of rolling my eyes. “Because that’s just how I want to spend a Thursday evening, watching a bunch of guys in skin-tight Lycra grind all over each other.” Then, I grinned at him and started nodding. “Actually, that does sound like fun. What do you say, Adrian, wanna go with me? It’ll be like watching gay porn except they sell popcorn and hot dogs!”

Adrian and I grinned at each other as the guys exploded, launching into tirades about how there was nothing gay about wrestling and how it was a manly sport that dated all the way back to the ancient Greeks. I resisted the urge to remind them that the ancient Greeks were running around fucking anything that moved, including other dudes. They were getting themselves all riled up without me having to stoke the fire anymore, though.

In the end, I promised Wes I would come to see him wrestle at his next meet. As much as I teased him about it, I was kind of interested in going. Not so much for the actual sport itself but more to support Wes. Could I really expect him to be supportive of me if I wasn’t willing to give up two hours of my night to cheer him on from the sidelines?

The food at the diner was surprisingly good. It was the kind of greasy burger and fries you’d expect from a beachside place like that, but the burger was bursting with flavor. And, while it was definitely greasy, it was the good kind of greasy, not the one that makes you gag looking at it greasy.

If the guys ate here regularly, I could only imagine the hell their coach must put them through to maintain the physiques. By the time I was finished my food, I was ready to pop. If I ate like that more than once a month, I’d have to be rolled around the school to get to my classes!

“So, now what?” I asked, leaning back in my chair. It was tempting to go back to the house and take a nap, but with how late it was getting into the year, I wasn’t sure how many more gorgeous days we’d get like this, and I wanted to enjoy it while we could.

“Go tan on the beach for a bit, and then hit the waves again once the food digests?” Jaxson suggested, and everyone nodded.

We’d all just stood up when Wes’s phone went off. Grabbing it off the table and flipping it over, he frowned. When I leaned in to read over his shoulder, I saw it was a text from Lucas telling us to come home, now.

I looked up and locked eyes with Wes, my heart pounding. Lucas had always given us free rein on the weekends and even most evenings. He’d never sent a text saying we needed to come home before. Had something happened?

“Sorry, guys,” Wes said as he slid his chair back in. “Looks like Bella and I have to get home. I’ll catch up with you guys at school tomorrow.”



Chapter 7



Wes was quiet on the way back to the house. We’d loaded our boards into the back of Hunter’s Jeep before leaving. Hunter was the only one of the trio that had a car that could fit more than two and a half people, so he always kept the boards at his place. I’d teased him about driving around in something that cost less than a semester’s tuition at UCLA, but he’d just laughed and started telling me about all the upgrades he’d made since getting it.

I was starting to think spending obscene amounts of money on cars was an obsession for these guys. Not that I could really complain since the car Lucas had gotten me was easily more expensive than any of theirs. And it was fun getting to talk about and see things I’d only ever read about in car magazines.

We’d have probably still been there talking if Wes hadn’t practically dragged me back to his car. Lucas’s text really seemed to have bothered him. I figured he didn’t often get summons back to the house like that. Judging by the white-knuckle grip he had on the steering wheel, he was trying very hard to keep himself from panicking and jumping to the worst conclusions.

Truth be told, I was just as worried as he was. Whatever Lucas needed us back at the house for, it had to be something serious. Briefly, I wondered if it had to do with Kathy. Maybe he’d caught her screwing the gardener or something. But he hadn’t caught her screwing around yet, which made me think it was something else going on.

I wanted to reach over and put my hand on his leg or say something that might help put him at ease, but I had no idea what I could say. Instead, I just kept quiet and stared at the window, trying to keep my own mind from jumping off the deep end and imagining every horrible situation that might’ve occurred.

There was a black SUV parked in front of the house when we got there. Wes and I both looked at it, and then exchanged frowns as Wes pulled into his spot in the garage. It wasn’t unusual for there to be SUVs at the house, but they were almost always Range Rovers, not what looked like a stock Chevy Tahoe.

We didn’t even bother grabbing our bags from the backseat. The garage door was only halfway down by the time we’d gone inside. Neither of us spoke, we just headed in the same direction. If something was going on, there was really only one place we’d find Lucas - his office. And if there was something going on, then we both wanted to know what it was.

We’d just turned down the hallway leading to his office when a man walked out. I said, man, but it was more like a monstrosity. He was easily two or three inches taller than even Wes’s 6’3. His muscles bulged through his shirt, making him look like a roided out Hulk, rather than an athlete. Full sleeve tats snaked up both his arms. He glared down the hall as he headed toward us, and as Wes and I stepped out of his way, he brushed passed without saying a word to either of us.

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