Home > How Much I Care(8)

How Much I Care(8)
Author: Marie Force

Ugh, people suck sometimes, don’t they?

You asked about what happened when I got the call from Be the Match, and I never answered your question. They asked me to come to some information sessions about what was involved with donating. I’ll admit I was scared it would hurt, and they made me feel more confident about it. My parents freaked out when I told them what I was going to do, but my Nona was really great and convinced them to trust my judgment as a nurse. They came to one of the info sessions with me, and they felt better about it after they knew more. It was all fine. No big deal in light of what it meant for you and Everly.

Well, I’d better get back to work. Have a great game! I’m going to say something I’ve never said for any team other than the Marlins: Go O’s!





I force myself to concentrate on work during a busy afternoon. After work, I’m meeting Carmen for a final fitting for my bridesmaid dress. Dee and I are her maids of honor and their friend Betty, who played a big role the day they met, is the only other attendant. In our family, it’s hard to limit anything to just “a few” people, so she decided to have only the two of us and one special friend so she wouldn’t end up with twelve bridesmaids.

When I leave work, I’m rather proud of myself to realize I went three whole hours without checking my phone. Before I start my car, I check it and find a new message from Austin. Just seeing his name on my list of messages makes my whole system go batshit crazy.

Ugh. This is bad and getting worse by the minute, and I couldn’t care in the least that I could be setting myself up for a huge disappointment by becoming so invested in a man I’ve never actually met. What if he smells or has bad breath or is rude to waitresses or—

“Stop, Maria. Just stop.” Before I read the message from him, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and release it slowly. “Calm the hell down and stop being a crazy nutcase.”

When I’ve managed to get things somewhat under control, for the moment, anyway, I read his new message.

Hi there,

I only have a couple of minutes before I have to be on the bus to the ballpark, but I just wanted to write back to say SCOTT IS A FOOL! You’re better off without him. You know that, right? It took me a while to realize that about Kasey, but who needs someone in your life who’d do what he did to you or what she did to me? And yes, people do suck a lot of the time, but sometimes they don’t. For example, I’d never do to someone what Scott did to you or what Kasey did to me. (I’d also NEVER leave my kid at home ALONE! In case you were wondering…) After having been through that crap, we both know what it’s like to be treated that way, and it’s not something I want in my life.

As for injuries, I’ve had some stiffness in the elbow of my throwing arm. I’ve been working with the team trainers to manage it, but my arm is ready for some rest.

Thank you for telling me about how it went after Be the Match reached out to you. I have so many other questions, but I can’t ask now. Any chance you might want to FaceTime after the game? Oh, and thanks for rooting for the O’s for the first time ever. I’m honored. So FaceTime… Yes? No? Please say yes…





I write back with one word: YES!


And then I have to get my shit together so I can drive to meet Carmen at the bridal shop in Coral Gables. Traffic is its usual bitchy self, and I’m ten minutes late for our appointment. I rush into the shop to find Carmen standing on the little stage in the back of the store, wearing her wedding gown as the seamstress examines her from every angle.

It’s the first time I’ve seen it on her since the day she chose it, and I’m surprised by the huge lump that suddenly lodges in my throat.

She catches me looking at her in the mirror, her pretty face lighting up with a smile. “There you are. What do you think?”

It takes me a second to fight back the wave of emotion that comes from seeing her as a happy bride once again. “It’s absolutely perfect.”

“I’m so glad you think so. I love it even more than I did the first time I tried it on.”

The dress is a creamy off-white silk that manages to be sexy and classy at the same time, just like Carmen. Her back is almost entirely bare, and the front forms a snug V over her full breasts. It’s beaded and sleeveless and clingy. She decided to go without a train, she said, because this is her second wedding, and trains are for first-time brides.

I know how she’s grappled with guilt about remarrying after losing her first husband so tragically, but she seems to be excited and looking forward rather than backward.

“What did you decide about a veil?”

“No veil,” she says. “I’m doing a tiara that Tony’s mother gave me.”

“I like that.” Carmen is like a daughter to her first husband’s parents, who’ve been fully supportive of her in the years since they lost Tony. I loved Jason from the start, but when I heard he went to see Tony’s parents before he proposed to Carmen, he earned the eternal love of our entire family. He’s a class act.

“Josie wanted to do something, and when she offered her mother’s tiara, I was happy to accept. She’s been so amazing about everything.”

“I’m so glad about that. Imagine if she hadn’t been?”

Carmen cringes. “I can’t even think about that.” She rests her hands on her abdomen. “I get so nervous when I think about Jason seeing me in this dress.”

“He’s going to lose his shit.”

“I think you’re probably right,” she says with a giggle. “Will you take some pictures for me? I had to threaten my mom, your mom, Nona and Abuela with restraining orders to keep them from coming tonight. I want the dress to be a surprise to everyone.”

I laugh as I picture Nona and Abuela being told they couldn’t come to the dress fitting. “You made a critical error making the appointment for the one night they’re all off.” Monday is the only day they occasionally turn the restaurant over to their competent staff so they can take a break.

“Believe me, I realized that. I told them they’ll see it soon enough.”

When the seamstress is finished, I take photos from every angle while Carmen vamps for the camera. I love seeing her smiling and happy after the grim years following Tony’s tragic, senseless death. For a time, I wondered if she’d ever bounce back from that shock, but she rallied, putting herself through college and grad school, landing an awesome new job at the hospital and then falling in love with Jason. No one in this world is happier for her than I am.

“Your turn,” she says, sending me off to the changing room to put my dress on.

I love the dress she chose for us to wear. It’s dark navy silk and simple, which appeals to me. No crazy bridesmaid embellishments, just straight lines and a sexy, plunging neckline that does great things for my breasts, if I do say so myself.

“I love that on you,” Carmen says as she has every time I’ve had it on since the day we chose it. Dee is having hers altered in New York.

I step up onto the pedestal, and the seamstress goes to work with her pins.

As we leave the bridal shop twenty minutes later, Carmen hooks her arm through mine. “Let’s get a drink.”

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