Home > Boss (Killer of Kings Book 7)(13)

Boss (Killer of Kings Book 7)(13)
Author: Sam Crescent

“I’ve always loved a challenge.” He kissed her neck, trailing kisses down between her breasts, then over her stomach. Her body quivered. When he reached low enough, she braced herself, holding her breath. But he used a knee to lift himself up and stood at the edge of the bed.

She released the breath, her pulse racing.

“The offer’s still open if you want work.” He put his t-shirt on and started strapping on his holster as she lay there half-naked on the bed, her pussy still pulsing.

Was he even human? She knew damn well he’d had a hard-on for her.

Graciella leaned up on her elbows. “What the hell are you doing?”

He smirked, a barely-there evil smirk.

She leaned over and grabbed her dress off the floor, quickly pulling it on to cover herself. She absolutely hated how small he made her feel. “Couldn’t go through with it? Let me guess, the thought of other men fucking me was too much of a turn off.”

He just stood there, quiet, unmoving, staring down at her.

“I’m just a dirty whore, right?”

This time, he inhaled and narrowed his eyes. His intensity would make most men piss themselves.

“First of all, I don’t fuck unwilling women. Your body says you’re ready, but you’re not. Secondly, once I do claim that body, and I will, no other man will have the pleasure again. I’ll have to consider killing everyone who’s ever touched you once you’re mine.”

“That’ll be a full-time job.”

His rejection stung. A frog grew in her throat. What was he doing to her? Why couldn’t he just screw her like everyone else she seduced? It would have given her power and enabled her to play him for inside information. She was good at her job and never thought twice about using every situation to her advantage.

This was different.

No matter how hard she tried to push him, he never took the bait. He was trying to toy with her, make her feel special when she wasn’t. Boss didn’t take women seriously, so if she thought she was different, she was a fool.

“You should really stop thinking so low of yourself. I don’t judge people by their pasts. Give yourself a break, Graciella.” He headed to the door. She wanted to beg him to stay, to continue what they’d started, but he was right. About everything.

She was pulling at straws now. “How would Xavier feel about you coming to my cabin?”

He scoffed. “El Diablo works for me. Not the other way around.”

Then he was gone.

She touched her lips, his kiss still lingering.

Once he drove away, his car completely off her radar, her cell phone went off.

“Have a nice visit?”

Viko had once been her savior, now, not so much. She knew exactly where she stood when it came to him. As long as she was useful or in debt to him, he tolerated her.

“Why are you watching me?”

“I’ve thought of a way for you to pay off your debt to me.”

She sat up straighter, adjusting the phone. “How much?”

“All of it.”

Graciella swallowed hard. One of the hardest things she had to deal with in her adult life was being in debt. She hated being at the mercy of anyone, especially a man like Viko Fedorov.

“I’m listening.”

“Kill him.”


He laughed, the sound crawling up her spine. “Who else? The killer of kings.”



Chapter Six


A couple of hours later, Boss sat in Viko’s chair. The man had a nasty cigar habit. After cutting up the expensive, pretentious smokes, he sat back, dirty boots on the desk, and waited. After a short time, his cock had finally gone down, but he had a feeling that was more due to his persistence in thinking about bad shit than actually taming his own arousal. When it came to Graciella, he didn’t think straight. She made him want so many things.

He had no doubt in his mind that if he wanted to, he could have fucked her hard and fast, even got her close to coming, but she expected that. She’d tensed up. Her body screaming for him to stop, even while her lips remained closed. He hated it. The only way he would ever take Graciella to bed was when she was ready.

Graciella didn’t realize it yet, but they were connected. He didn’t know the whys of it. No woman had ever held his attention long enough for him to give a shit. There was something different about her and it wasn’t her ability to fight either, although that was a huge attraction. She could handle herself but he detected a vulnerability. No one had taken care of her, showed her love—not without a price.

What he needed to do first was gain her trust. Allow her to see the real him.

Between the drugs, Graciella, his contracts coming in, Viko, and plenty of other shit he was sure waited at his desk, he certainly wasn’t bored.

Viko entered his office, flicking on the light. His guards tensed up the moment they caught sight of him. Boss didn’t budge.

“Breaking and entering is illegal,” Viko said, looking somewhat unimpressed.

“Yeah, and I find issuing out a death contract on my head a little rude.” To add to his insult, Boss pulled out his gun and fired two bullets, taking out both of Viko’s guards. They didn’t even get a warning shot. He also had a suppressor on to keep things quiet.

Viko tutted. “I’m an opportunist. You think I don’t see your fascination with her?”

Boss got to his feet. “You’re in my town and you think you can continue to insult me?” He rounded the desk, gun at his side, waiting. “I could put a bullet in your head and no one would even mourn you.”

Viko smiled. “Yeah, but there’s a reason you and I are still standing. Where you keep your assassins in line, we both know I keep the monsters at bay.”

Boss chuckled. “You seem to think that my men are what, tame? They’re babies? They do as they’re told.”

“Everything you guys do is based on a contract. You’re all good boys. You have a nice little office. State-of-the-art technology. Everything with you is clean and quick. You don’t even know what hunts you in the darkness.”

He scoffed. “Viko, you’re a fool. It’s why you always have substandard men. You don’t control anyone. The money is what makes your world go round. I want you out of my city, tonight. You stay, the next time I see you, I’ll put a bullet in your brain.”

“Graciella will kill you,” Viko said.

Boss smiled and looked toward his enemy. “No, she won’t. You and I both know it’s an empty threat. I know you, Viko. By knowing you, I look at the little details not many people would. You like Graciella. By making sure her debt to you is never repaid, you can keep an eye on her.”

“You’re turning soft in your old age.”

“No, I’m not. I do my research. You never have any outstanding debt. They pay up, or they’re dead. You’ve left a trail of bodies in your wake, all of them indebted to you, but Graciella mysteriously wanders through life unscathed. Now, I don’t think you’re in love with her, but you admire her. She’s like a daughter you never had. She’s strong and you’re invested in her future, and you also know there are limits to what she will do. Right now, she’s focused on cleaning up her mess, not killing me.”

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