Home > Heart of Gold : A Novel(24)

Heart of Gold : A Novel(24)
Author: B.J. Daniels

   “I got my GED, enlisted in the army, put in my time, came back and went to college. I realized while in the army that I had a talent for math and teaching.” He got up to take their dishes to the sink. “Pretty dull, huh?”

   “I can’t imagine you ever being dull.” She rose to join him at the sink. “I might not cook, but I can handle dishes. I’ll wash.”

   “I guess I’ll dry then,” he said. He turned on the old-fashioned radio she had on a shelf in the kitchen. It looked like an antique and he marveled at this young woman who still got a printed newspaper delivered to her door. She had the radio turned to a country station, and a slow song came on. “But first, do me the honor of a dance.”

   She laughed as he pulled her into his arms. “I didn’t know you danced.”

   He met her gaze. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, but you know everything that’s important.” He pulled her close and she relaxed into him and the song.

   When the song was over, they cleaned up the kitchen and he challenged her to a game of gin rummy as he pulled a well-used deck from his backpack.

   “I knew you were a card shark the moment I saw that worn deck you carry around with you,” she said hours later. Tossing in her hand, she yawned.

   “I’m just lucky at cards and unlucky at love,” he said, putting the cards away. She looked exhausted. “Tomorrow’s another day. Maybe you’ll get lucky.”

   She smiled as she rose from the table, but it never reached her eyes. He could see that she was afraid her luck had run out. “Thank you.”

   “No problem. I’ll be happy to beat you at any card game you pick.”

   “Thank you for being here.”

   He saw how hard that was for her to say. He was messing up her relationship with Daniel. He’d also forced her to relive the worst time of her life. “I’m glad to be here. Don’t worry, I’m going to get to the bottom of all this if it’s the last thing I do.”

   “Don’t get crazy,” she said. “Seriously, be careful.”

   “Always.” He watched her head for her bedroom.

   She hesitated at the door and turned back to him. “You’re going to look for Kat, aren’t you?”

   He nodded and thought about telling her that he already knew where she was. He would talk to Kat Parker Farmington Ramsey tomorrow if he could catch her at home. He wasn’t sure she was going to want to talk to him though. “Don’t worry,” he said, although he could see that just the thought of Kat made Charlie uneasy.

   “She hates me. Just like her daughter did. Not even knowing the truth about what I did, I’m sure she blames me for Lindy’s death—as she should.”

   “You need to stop blaming yourself. You were fourteen. Lindy was tormenting you. I shouldn’t have to tell you that teenagers sometimes make bad decisions. You could have just as easily died that night at the hands of the killer.”

   He hated that she blamed herself. Lindy’s bullying had led to her death. The parents held some culpability as well. They weren’t around enough to care about what was going on in their own home.

   “Are you all right?” he asked.

   Charlie hugged herself and nodded.

   “Let me see your phone.”

   She hesitated a moment before she handed it over.

   “I want you to have my number in case you ever need me.” He looked up at her. “And I want yours as well.”

   He finished with both of their phones and handed hers back. “It’s going to be all right.”

   She didn’t look as if she believed that. “Good night, Shep.”

   “Night, Charlie. Get some sleep.”

   Not ready for sleep, he picked up the pile of papers he’d cleared off the table earlier. The day’s newspaper on top opened to the horoscope page. He read his.

   Aries, it’s time for a change. Be careful how you react. Don’t be fooled by matters of the heart.

   He laughed as he took the papers to the couch. Don’t be fooled by matters of the heart. That was clear enough. Keep your distance from Charlie. Yep, he definitely needed to maintain his guard. But seeing her again had stirred up all those old feelings. He’d never forgotten her, had often wondered what had happened to her. Years ago, he’d given her his heart. He feared he’d never gotten it back.

   Focusing on the information about the murder, he read through everything again. Something was bothering him. Something he’d seen but hadn’t thought much of at the time.

   It was someone quoted in one of the articles. He found the article and the name. Paul Wagner. He had lived down the block and off the road, but he’d been in clear sight of the old Victorian apparently—and he’d been home that night. Shep made a note to try to find the man tomorrow—after he talked to the stepmother.

   But first, he had to make sure Charlie got to work safely the next morning and every morning. It would be tougher to tail her when she got off work since she seemed to work odd hours. He would figure something out. At least now she had his cell number if she needed him.

   He couldn’t let anything happen to her. Something bad already had—and long before the night Lindy was murdered. Maybe if he could get to the truth... Why was someone doing this to her? More important, what did they plan to do next?

   Finally exhausted, Shep put away the papers and lay down on the couch. As he stared up at the ceiling, he thought of Charlie in his arms, dancing to the radio in the kitchen.




   KAT RAMSEY LIVED up Bridger Canyon not far outside of town. From her large home, she had a magnificent view of the snow-covered Bridger Mountains. Shep parked in front of the sprawling log house with its bank of windows and four-car garage. Christmas lights shone from the eaves and a large Santa complete with sleigh loaded with skis stood in the front yard.

   The drive and sidewalk had been plowed so he had no way of knowing if Kat was home. He’d thought about calling first, but had changed his mind. He wanted to see how she’d recovered after losing her husband and daughter. If the house was any indication, she’d bounced back—at least financially.

   The bell chimed out a tune he couldn’t quite place before the door opened. He’d been expecting Kat, who he figured would be an older version of her daughter Lindy. Instead, the leggy girl standing in the doorway was about twelve with dark brown hair streaked with blue. She had her mother and Lindy’s blue eyes, if not the blond hair. She wore ripped jeans and a short T-shirt that said she was cute.

   “I’m looking for Kat.” He cleared his voice. “Kathryn Ramsey.”

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