Home > Play by Play (A Riggins Brothers Prequel Novella #0)(8)

Play by Play (A Riggins Brothers Prequel Novella #0)(8)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

Royce was crushed by his ex-wife, and now he’s suspicious of all women, and all relationships. I hate that bitch for what she did to him. I can only hope that one day a woman will come into his life and change him back to the best friend I lost when his ex tore his world apart. I miss my best friend. He’s still here, but he’s a shell of the person he used to be. She took away his light.

Maybe when he finds the true love of his life, then he’ll understand why I am the way I am with Sam. His marriage was a sham from the start. We all saw it, but he didn’t. He had to learn on his own. Sure, we didn’t know the extent, but we knew that she wasn’t the one for him. Without a doubt, they never should have made it to the altar.

“I’m stuffed,” Sam says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“I guess we need to start heading back,” I say, glancing at my watch. “I don’t want you getting into trouble.”

“Royce is harmless, but yes, I need to get back. I have a busy afternoon. I need to be done at quitting time today. I have big plans this weekend.”

“Oh, yeah?”

She nods. “There’s this guy. He has these intense, sexy, blue eyes. He asked me to spend the weekend with him.”

I stand and offer her my hand, helping her stand. Once she’s on her feet, I pull her into my chest. “Damn right, he did.” I kiss her lips. “Let me pay, and I’ll walk you back to the office.”



Chapter 6





As promised, Jase is sitting in my driveway. I pull my car beside his and grab my purse. “Hey, player.” I greet him with a kiss.

“Beautiful,” he whispers against my lips. “They’re calling for more snow this weekend.”

“Okay,” I say, not really knowing where he’s going with that sliver of information.

“That means I get to be snowed in with you all weekend. We’re not going to answer the door or our phones. Just a day of me and you.”

“And Javier,” I remind him.

He rolls his eyes. “And Javier.” I know he’s not thrilled to have our time together interrupted, but we can’t be attached at the hip. We still have to live our day-to-day lives, and my hair desperately needs a trim.

“Maybe mother nature will be on my side, and Javier will cancel due to the weather.”

“This is Tennessee. We’re used to snow,” I remind him. “You’re no longer in Texas.”

“A man can dream,” he says, following me into my house. “You need any help packing?”

“No, I’m good. Give me five minutes, and I’ll be ready to go.” I rush down the hall of my small two-bedroom house. It’s small, but it’s all mine. Sliding open the closet door, I grab a tote bag and begin tossing in clothes. I grab an outfit to change into now, before tossing a couple of pairs of leggings, a hoodie, a sweater, socks, bras, panties, a flannel nightshirt with matching pants to sleep in. I pull my cell phone charger from the wall and toss it in the bag. In the bathroom, I grab my makeup bag before reaching under the sink and grabbing shampoo, conditioner, and body wash—all new bottles. I see a spare loofah and grab that as well. I’ll have to restock when I go to the store, but this way I can leave them at his place. I freeze. I can’t believe I’ve so easily fallen into this relationship of ours after going out of my way to avoid the possibility for so long. If I’d had any idea the depth of the man, the extent of what I was missing out on, I never would have denied him.

Going through a mental checklist of what I’ve packed so far, I grab a pair of my fuzzy socks that I like to lounge around the house in and call it good. Zipping up the bag, I strip down to my bra and panties to change into some leggings and a sweater. I yelp when I feel hands on my hips. “You sure you don’t need me?” Jase’s husky voice whispers in my ear.

Staring at my bed, all kinds of naughty thoughts come to mind. Turning in his hold, I wrap my arms around his neck. “I need you.” My eyes bore into his, willing him to understand my meaning. I’m not a novice when it comes to sex, but sex with Jase Andrews is, without a doubt, going to be on another level. His body is toned and tight, and I’ve imagined him hovering over me more times than I can count.

He pushes my hair out of my eyes. “That’s not what this weekend is about,” he says, catching on to the meaning behind my words. “That’s not what we’re about. I’m okay with waiting until we’re ready. Until you’re ready. Whatever it takes to prove to you that I want you. All of you.”

“I want you. All of you.” I toss his words back at him. Not giving him a chance to stop me, I drop to my knees.

“Fuck, Samantha,” he hisses as I make quick work of the button on his jeans, sliding down the zipper, and reaching in, fisting his hard length. “A-Are you trying to kill me?” he asks as I kiss the tip.

I ignore him, happily content to focus on the task at hand. I take him into my mouth. A curse flies from his lips, and his hands find themselves buried in my hair. A thrill races through me at his reaction. I take him deeper this time, before pulling back and repeating the process over and over again.

“Sam,” he growls, and before I know what’s happening, he takes a step back. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand while staring up at him. “You’re a fucking vision with my cock in your mouth, baby.”

“Then why did you stop me?” I was far from finished with him.

“Because I’ll be damned if the first time you make me come, it’s going to be in your mouth. Come here.” He places his hands under my arms and pulls me to my feet. His large calloused hands capture my face, making sure he has my full attention. “You want this? You want me inside you?”

I nod.

“I need your words, Samantha. I need to hear you say it.”

“I want this. I want you inside me.”

His hands drop from my face, and he reaches into his back pocket. I watch as he fumbles with his wallet, a slew of curses flying from his lips. “Damnit.” He tosses his wallet to my bedroom floor. “No condom.”

“How is that possible?”

His blue eyes are darker than I’ve ever seen them. “You. That’s how it’s possible. The minute I laid eyes on you, you were it for me. It’s been almost two years since I’ve been with anyone.”

“Two years? You’ve only been back for a little over a year,” I say, even though he himself already knows this information.

“I gave up playing the field long before I retired, Sam.” The look in his eyes conveys his truth.

“I’m on the pill,” I blurt. “It’s been… longer for me. Going on three years, but I’m clean, and I’m protected.”

“You’re going to have to spell this shit out for me, Sam. I’ve never gone bare, baby. Never, and the thought of feeling you with nothing between us—” He shakes his head as his hand grips his cock. “The thought alone has me ready to explode. I need you to tell me what you want. This can end here and now. We’ll take your stuff back to my place and start our weekend together.”

“I’m saying we’re protected. Are you? I mean, have you been tested?”

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