Home > The Legal Affair(22)

The Legal Affair(22)
Author: Nisha Sharma

“Thanks for the advice, Bhram.”

“You got it. Now I’m off to gurdwara. Don’t be a jerk and go visit Guru Nanak soon. You need an answer to a prayer to get through the next few months.”

“Thanks, asshole.”

“You’re welcome.”

After Bhram’s parting shot, the screen went blank. Ajay sat in the silence of his penthouse for a long time. His chai had gone cold, and the email on his screen went unread. He remembered his cousin’s advice and picked up his phone.

AJAY: I’m reviewing your files. Your sales projections don’t add up.

RAJ: You’re still considering my company after Monday?

AJAY: You think that I’m foolish enough to let sex get in the way of business? No, darling. I’m exploring every opportunity for profit and buying yours looks like a good one.

RAJ: I’m glad to hear that. Have your EA call mine to set up a call. My attorneys can answer you.

AJAY: You want us to buy the company, you talk to me personally when I want an answer.

RAJ: I guess that’s fair.

AJAY: Good. Let’s talk now?

RAJ: I’m unavailable now.

AJAY: Plans on your Friday night?

RAJ: As a matter of fact, yes. I’m on my way to the Ice Palace. This conversation will have to wait for some other time, Ajay. Email me those questions.



Ajay jolted when he read the words on the screen. The Ice Palace was one of the hottest clubs in the Meatpacking District. He barely went out, and even he knew that. Everyone who was anyone wanted to be seen there. More importantly, the Fire Lounge was an exclusive VIP room for private parties. There was no doubt what went on behind those closed doors.

His gut churned at the thought of Raj going to a club and having meaningless sex. Sex with someone who wasn’t him.

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” he grumbled, and strode toward his bedroom. He dialed Rafael’s cell as he began digging through his closet.

“Yes, sir,” Rafael said.

“I need to get on the VIP list for the Ice Palace. Tonight.”

“Uh . . . sir?”

“Tonight, Rafael.”

“Ajay . . . you normally don’t go to places like the— Oh. I understand now. Give me ten minutes. I’ll have your driver meet you out front in the same amount of time.”

“Thanks, Rafael.”

Ajay hung up the phone and ripped off his clothes in a fury. With each passing minute, his anger continued to bubble.

“There is only one reason why she told me what her plans are, and that’s because she wants to get a reaction out of me. Well, Raj, you’re about to see my reaction. If you want to fuck, then I’m your man,” he said under his breath. “I am the only person you’re going to mess around with from here on out, dammit.”

Fifteen minutes later, he was on his way to the Ice Palace.

I hope you’re ready for me, he thought to himself as anticipation burned through his veins. Raj had underestimated him for the last time.



Chapter Ten



Raj had been out of sorts all week long. Between her brother showing up, preparing her company for sale, and thinking about the way things had ended with Ajay, she couldn’t focus.

No matter what Ajay thought, she was not a coward. His words still rang in her ears as she replayed their argument in her head for the millionth time. She preferred noncommittal relationships so she could focus on her business. It had been her mistake to open up, to share more than she’d intended to. He’d caught her at a weak moment.

And just as she was ready to relax at the Ice Palace, he’d texted her again, reminding her that he was still a force she had to eventually deal with.

Raj crossed her legs and the center slit of her long black dress parted to the tops of her thighs. Her foot tapped in the air to the music, and the heel of her strappy YSL stiletto sparkled, shooting small rays of light at every beat. The muted music vibrated through the red leather sectional underneath her, and the strobe lights on the other side of the two-way mirror behind the sofa brightened the Fire Lounge.

It was a small space, but it had a canapés cart, a fully stocked bar, and a private bathroom in the back with necessities discreetly tucked in drawers. She’d reserved the room for the entire night, a privilege only available to her as a private investor in the Ice Palace nightclub.

“Whiskey neat, Raj?” Harrison asked, holding up a bottle.

“Yes, darling.”

She watched her chosen lover for the night as he moved across the room. He had a lean frame, an angular jaw, and a thick cock when fully erect. She’d slept with him before and knew that he made sure she came before he claimed his own orgasm. More importantly, he did what he was told. With him, Raj never had to worry about who controlled the situation.

“I didn’t think you’d call this weekend,” he said as he passed her the whiskey.

“Oh? Why is that?”

“You’ve been busy. Rumor has it that you’re considering an offer from Gen One to run the foundation.”

Raj took a sip of her drink and rested her arms along the back of the sofa. “Oh, that little rumor is getting around if a lawyer up in Connecticut has heard it.”

Harrison grinned at her, winked, then backtracked to the canapés. “I usually hear things when people with a lot of money are making big moves. So? Any truth to it?”

Raj shook her hair back, thrusting her barely covered breasts out for him. She was enjoying the whiskey and the way her body felt in her favorite dress. Images of Ajay came to mind along with the feel of his kiss and the strength of his hold. She grew damp with the memory and shifted in her seat.

Was she making the right decision? Cutting him off and choosing another lover before they’d had an opportunity to explore what was between them?

Yes. The answer had to be yes. This was the only way.

She looked down at the long lines of her body, her curves that had filled out over the last few years, and smiled at the scene she must have made. Arms spread, legs naked, completely open to being taken. Damn that Punjabi asshole for making her so hot.

“Harrison, I think it’s time to stop the chitchat.”

He shot her a look of surprise but put down his drink and the plate he’d begun to pile up with the free food. “Your wish is my command.”

He’d taken two steps toward her when the sound of a fist hitting the steel entrance door echoed over the music.

“Who in the world could that be?” Harrison asked. “Did you invite someone else to play with us tonight?”

She shook her head. “No one knows I’m here, except . . . hell.”

Her heart pounded and her pulse raced at the thought of seeing him again. Did he know she was with another man? Would he start a scene? She wouldn’t put it past him. She had taunted him when she responded to his text, and she should’ve known he would react.

Oh well, Raj thought. She’d just have to switch gears. To be honest, Ajay was the man she wanted anyway. Harrison was only a willing substitute. Her arousal ramped up .

She stayed in her position, whiskey in hand, arms outstretched, and legs bare. Every part of her was both relaxed and humming with anticipation.

“Get that for me, will you?”

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