Home > The Legal Affair(43)

The Legal Affair(43)
Author: Nisha Sharma

He turned in the direction they’d come from. Raj watched until he disappeared into the light flow of Sunday evening pedestrian traffic. When Khunda whined, she started moving again.

“Yes, my love,” she said. “I’m looking forward to the rest of our evening, too.”

She walked out of her way, doubling back once to make sure that she wasn’t being followed. The whole excursion took forty-five minutes and gave her time to think about what her brother had told her and the way he’d left.

Two blocks before she reached Ajay’s building, she took Khunda out of her stroller so she could practice walking on a leash and do her business. Standing in the dimming light, she wondered if avoiding her past was the best idea. Would she regret not going to see her mother? Would her mother be lucid enough to even recognize her?

Khunda squeezed her little body between Raj’s feet and sat, indicating that she’d done her business and was officially tired again. Raj strapped her back in and walked to the end of the block where Ajay’s brightly lit building stood, creating a pillar that shot straight into the sky.

A man in uniform held open the door for her. “Welcome. Are you visiting today?”

She nodded. “Rajneet Kaur Hothi for Ajay Singh.”

He led her over to the large mahogany concierge desk where an armed security guard scanned a computer. “Yes, Ms. Hothi, you’re to have your fingerprints scanned so you can have open access to Mr. Singh’s floors.”

“Thank you, but I don’t—”

“Please place your thumb over the scanner,” he said.

To save time, she stopped arguing and followed the instructions. She smiled when the doorman petted Khunda and asked if her puppy could have a treat.

“I don’t know what kind of treats she likes yet,” she said. “I’ve tried a couple brands, but nothing really gets her excited.”

The doorman pulled out a tiny triangle from his pocket, and to Raj’s surprise, Khunda sat back and put her paws up to beg. She took the offered treat and finished it in a few greedy bites before settling down again.

“That’s amazing,” Raj said. “What were those?”

The doorman smiled. “Peanut butter dog treats. Don’t go for the fancy or the fruity kind. Basic peanut butter will always work.”

“Thank you,” Raj said. She smiled at Khunda. “I’ll be investing in a few boxes.”

“Ma’am?” the concierge said. “You’re all set.”

“Elevator to the far right, correct?”

“Yes. The desk will no longer need to key you in. You’ll then be able to access all of Mr. Singh’s floors. Have a good night.”

She thanked them and pushed Khunda into the elevator. The key panel lit up, and she was soon taking a slow, gliding trip up to Ajay’s floor.

His front door was ajar, and she heard the music first. Khunda’s tail began wagging and she sat up, peering around.

“Yes, I’m excited, too,” Raj whispered as they walked into the penthouse. Ajay stood in bare feet, wearing a button-down and jeans. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and he had a kitchen towel draped over one shoulder.

“Hello there . . . Holy hell, you got your dog a stroller.”

“Don’t start,” she said. “Did you just give me the figurative keys to your penthouse? I had to submit my biometrics downstairs.”

“My house is your house,” he said in Punjabi before leaning in to kiss her. She felt a zing when he pressed in deep, holding the back of her neck so she’d sink into the brief kiss.

He licked his bottom lip, and she watched the quick movement, already looking forward to another taste.

“Hi,” he said gruffly. “Come in. I’m cooking again. We can get Khunda set up and out of that godforsaken contraption before we get you a glass of wine.”

“That sounds . . . great,” she said. She took Khunda out of the stroller and set her on the ground so she could run around and sniff. Raj would have to get the pee pad set up in case of emergencies, but she wanted to take a moment to enjoy the space.

The first time she’d been in Ajay’s penthouse, she’d been dazzled and hard-pressed not to show it. The windows gave her one of the most magnificent views of the New York skyline she’d ever seen. He had a beautiful fireplace surrounded by plush leather sofas. His kitchen was twice the size of hers, even though her brownstone had more square footage.

The design was comfortable and homey but had his masculine stamp on each and every detail. Unlike her, he’d most likely picked out his own furnishings. She hated her decor. She’d have to add it to the list of things she wanted to change.

Khunda yelped and scurried behind the couch. Raj rushed after her, freezing in place when she saw that Khunda was trying to get inside a small dog pen wedged against the windows. A carpet was fitted inside along with a feathered dog bed, water bowl, food bowl, a couple of toys, a pee pad, and a long dental chew. “Is that all for Khunda?” she said.

Ajay had returned to the kitchen where he was pouring two glasses of wine. “Yes, I had Rafael set it up earlier today. I wanted to make sure you were comfortable, and that probably wouldn’t happen if your dog wasn’t comfortable, too. Why don’t you put her in there? See how she likes it.”

“I have a feeling she will,” Raj said after swallowing the lump in her throat. She gave Khunda a minute to inspect it before she put her inside. The Chihuahua immediately began sniffing the carpet, then the pee pad, and finally she lapped at the water in the small bowl. Raj expected her to want to come out, but she plopped down and began gnawing on the dental chew.

“Looks like the pen is a success,” Ajay said, and passed Raj a glass filled with a bright yellow wine. “This is a new blend from our Saffron Fields vineyard. Let me know what you think.”

She smelled her wine, then swirled the liquid before taking a taste. It was rich, crisp, and deliciously fruity. “This is perfect.”

He ran a hand up and down her back. “I’m glad. Want to come keep me company in the kitchen? Tell me about your day.”

Raj looked down at the beautiful dog pen and her happy puppy, then at the wine in her hand. She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping that she was making the right decision.


“I spoke with my brother, Guru. He’s still in town.”

Ajay’s eyebrows V’d. “What did he want?”

“I’m not exactly sure. That’s what I’m trying to figure out. There has to be something more than his interest in wanting me to go back to see my mother.”

“Do you think it has something to do with money? Or your business?” Ajay pushed a tray of samosas forward along with a small dish of green chutney. “Don’t get too excited. My mother made these.”

“And here I thought you’d slaved away, stuffing samosas for me,” she said, plucking one off the end of the tray. “But to answer your question, I have no idea. I was thinking that maybe you’d help me to problem solve.”

Ajay grabbed her free hand and pressed a smacking kiss on her knuckles. “That is one of the sexiest things you’ve said to me recently.”

“Well, there’s more where that came from. I can go into workforce analytics, but that might be too hot.”

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