Home > Wicked Princess(15)

Wicked Princess(15)
Author: Ashley Jade

I move down the line. “Courtney, how many times do I have to tell you to point your toes during a toe touch?”

Her lower lip trembles. “I-I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, a sorry excuse for a cheerleader.” I make a karate chop with my hands. “Toe touches are different than holding your legs in the air while your ugly boyfriend screws you in his shitty truck for forty seconds. Your legs need to be straight and your toes need to be pointed at all times. Don’t make me have to tell you again.”

Sighing, I move on to the next girl. Morgan. She’s been a thorn in my side for as long as I’ve known her and doesn’t deserve to be here.

However, she does have a certain talent.

Too bad it doesn’t involve cheerleading.

It’s just one of many reasons why I stole the team captain spot from her.

“I’m not gonna sugarcoat this, heifer. Drop five pounds or I’m dropping your fat ass from the squad.” Leaning over, I hiss, “I don’t care what you offer this time.”

Morgan isn’t actually fat, but she’s not in shape like the rest of us which means her jumps aren’t high enough and it’s noticeable.

She starts to speak, but I hold up my hand, focusing on the next girl.

The one responsible for sending everyone tumbling earlier. “Amber, give me your right hand.”

When she does, I draw the letter R on it with a black Sharpie. Then I draw the letter L on her left.

Maybe this will teach the idiot her rights from her lefts.

Because I’m still so fired up, I write the word stupid on her forehead for good measure.

“Don’t wash these off until you convince me otherwise. Got it?”

Teary-eyed, she nods.

I move to the last girl. Caitlyn.

Last year she actually voted for me to be team captain instead of Morgan, but this year it’s like she’s determined to fight with me every step of the way.

Fortunately for her, I can’t kick her off the squad because she’s good.

Really good.

I can, however, put her in her place.

“And you. I really hope you’re not planning on being a professional cheerleader because the only thing you’ll ever be good at is spreading your legs. Just like your gold-digging mother.”

Fire flashes in her eyes and I dare her with mine to mouth off because I’ll send her packing with her tail between her legs.

I get uncomfortably close to her face. “Got something to say?”

She opens her mouth like she’s going to, but thinks better of it.

My smile is wicked. “Smart girl.”

I clap my hands and turn the music back on. “Again, humpty dumpties.”



Chapter 12



The pain pounding through my skull is so bad my vision becomes blurry.

There are so many kicks and punches coming my way, there’s no way I can possibly deflect them all.

The only thing I can do is curl up in a ball on the floor as they continue giving me what I deserve.

No wonder they all hate me so much. I was downright awful to them.

Someone leans over me. Amber, I think.

She takes out a Sharpie and begins scribbling something on my forehead.

“I’m sorry.”

A bolt of pain shoots through my eye socket. “Shut up.”

A scream tears from my throat as someone else snatches a fistful of my hair and another girl plugs my nose.

A moment later liquid fills my mouth. I choke and sputter on the water, trying to get some air into my lungs, but it’s no use.

Caitlyn laughs like it’s the funniest thing she’s ever seen. “Enjoying your water?” She leans in. “What’s that? You want some more?”

My lungs burn and white spots form in front of my eyes.

I’m gonna die.

And the worst part is…I can’t even fault them for what they’re doing.

Because I created this…created them.

Or rather, she did.

Finally, the torture ends.

“Tell anyone we did this to you, and it will be ten times worse next time,” Amber hisses.

It hurts so bad, I can’t even speak.

Caitlyn grabs my crutches. “I’d be nice and give these back, but you’re a wicked little bitch who doesn’t deserve shit.”

She passes my crutches to another girl. “Burn them.” Crouching down, she spits in my face. “Don’t ever breathe in our direction again, got it?”

Tears spring to my eyes and I nod.

I feel so humiliated, so dejected.

So worthless.

Cackling, Amber snaps a picture of me on her phone. “Oh, how the mighty have fallen.”



“They did what?” my father booms as he strides into the hospital room.

The same one I was discharged from three days ago.

How’s that for irony?

On the upside, most of the damage is in the form of bruises that make my face and body look like a paint by numbers portrait.

Well, apart from the broken rib that throbs with every breath I take.

“They fucking jumped her,” Jace explains, growing more irate by the second.

“Remind me again what the jail time is for hiring a hitman to take out a group of high school skanks?” Cole grunts.

Sawyer rubs his back. “I knew Bianca wasn’t always pleasant, but ganging up and jumping her in a bathroom is just…”

“Beyond fucked up.” Expression full of disgust, Dylan looks at me. “Want me to give them a taste of their own medicine?”

As much as I appreciate her offer, I don’t believe two wrongs make a right.

Something tells me I can’t say the same about my former self.

Jace clenches his fists. “We can’t let them get away with this.”

“We need to call the police.” Cole’s green eyes flash with rage. “Have those little bitches arrested.”

Dad takes out his phone. “Oh, trust me, son, when I’m through with them—”

I quickly halt him before he makes the phone call. “I don’t want you to call the police.”

As nice as it is to hear them all getting along for once, this isn’t what I want.

Five sets of eyes blink in confusion.

Jace looks at me like I’ve sprouted another head. “Why not?”

I take a deep breath and let it out. “Because I deserved it.”

That does nothing to clear up their confusion.

“Bianca,” Sawyer says softly. “No one deserves this.”

She’s wrong. “I’d agree, but while they were…you know, beating me up. I had a flashback.” I wipe my damp palms on my skirt. “I—uh. I was really mean to them.” Tears clog my vision because I feel like such a horrible person. “I made their lives miserable and I think they attacked me today to protect themselves and make sure I knew they wouldn’t stand for it anymore.”

And I can’t blame them one iota.

Sawyer and Dylan exchange a glance.

The fact that no one jumps to my defense tells me all I need to know.

The old Bianca was rotten to the core.

Unfortunately for me, I’m the one paying for her behavior.

My stomach rolls with my next thought. God only knows how many enemies I have at school.

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