Home > The Hunter's Warrior(37)

The Hunter's Warrior(37)
Author: Bryce Evans

A tear rolled down Raven’s face as she watched Jade open the present like the wrapping paper was fragile. But she didn’t say anything. This was her alpha female’s gift. Once she got the paper off, her smile fell from her face.

“I know it’s crap. Here, I can just get you something else.” Raven tried to take the picture, but Jade pulled it away, standing up. She continued to stare at the picture.

“You drew this?”

“Yeah, but you can trash it, Jade. I was just doodling. Caz suggested it would be a great gift.”

Jade’s mouth fell open and tears pooled in her eyes. “It’s the most beautiful picture I’ve ever seen.”

“Come on.”

Quinn came in behind Jade staring at the picture. “Wow, look, it has the place you and Lennox carved your initials in the beam.”

“I can’t believe all this time you were an artist and I never knew. Lennox is going to flip out when he sees this,” Jade said, holding the picture to her chest.

Raven shook her head. “No, please don’t. He may get mad because I was spying on you during your private time. Just throw it away.”

“I will not. I’m going to put it where everyone can see it when they walk in my house. I…I will cherish this forever, Raven.” Jade jumped on the bed and hugged her hard. “This means the world to me. It shows you really care about me.”

“Of course, I care about you and Lennox. You’re my family.”

“What the heck is going on in here? I thought this was a party,” Simone shouted, holding a drink that smelled like a margarita.

“Look, Simone.” Jade jumped off the bed and held the picture up, so she could see it.

“That’s beautiful. Look at all the details they put in it. Who drew that? I definitely want them to paint me something to go in the bakery.”

“Raven drew this. She gave it to me as a gift.”

“Well, look at you. It only took you getting kidnapped to turn you around. Who else do we know that needs to be kidnapped and get an attitude adjustment?” Sticking her tongue out at Raven, she said, “Just playing. I would never want anything like that to happen to anyone. But I still want to commission you to draw me something to put in the bakery. It would have to be pretty big. How’s that sound?”

Raven sat staring at the women who had come into her life. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Are you serious? Because I was just messing around while I sat at the picnic table. It’s really not that good, Simone.”

All the women snorted and laughed.

“You’re serious?” Quinn asked.


“Woman, look at the details you put in there. There aren’t a lot of people who can get shading right. You brought out every detail.” Quinn pointed at the picture. “That is beautiful, and you could probably get a lot of money for it. You have a talent, Raven.”

“Really? Are you serious or is this one of the jokes you play on the new girl?”

Quinn looked at Simone. “Slap her around so she’ll know how serious I am.”

“Okay, okay. No need for violence,” Raven said. “Thanks. I loved doing it. But I’ve never drawn anything that big, Simone.” Shrugging, Raven added, “I guess I could give it a try.”

Alex and Haven came into the room holding glasses for everyone. “Now that is settled, let’s get this party started.”

She had to admit, it was the best time she’d ever had. They even braided each other’s hair because she told them she never had any female friends. It was definitely a night to remember. Then the camera came out. But that’s a story for another day.



It had been a month since she was taken to the coliseum. The hunters had returned all the shifters and vampires that survived back to their families. Some were loners and didn’t belong to a pack. Ben Crenshaw took some in and so did the Dixon Pack. They also had to tell the families about their loved ones that didn’t make it. She was glad she was recovering and didn’t have to do that part. It was horrible. Some said they were just glad they knew what happened and could put an end to worrying. They would still grieve their loved ones, but this was closure for them.

The hunters were still going over records to see if they missed anyone or the possibility of another site. The strangest thing about the whole scheme was the man at the very top. He was a nobody with no connection to the supernatural world beside those he recruited to do his dirty work. How he discovered their existence, the man wouldn’t say in front of the shifter council. His visit to the vampire council was next week. She doubted anything would remain secret after the vamps got their hands on him.

Soon all those who were part of the kidnappings would be rounded up and given trials and punishments. The supernatural world would eventually return to normal, but no one would forget how vulnerable they could be.

But for now, she could rest and have fun. Because today, she was getting married. She had taken a lot of grief from all the guys, but she finally understood just how powerful the mating pull could be and how wrong she was about mating. She loved Caz and she knew he loved her. Hence the sitting at her door all day and night, making sure she had food in her. Tending to her every need. But still, he made her want to do this. And he made her want to kick his head in, but the first one had overridden the latter.

“Wow, look at you,” Jade said, coming to help her dress.

Raven smiled. “I was worried Haven would be mad at me...you know about ruining her dress. But she wasn’t, and I can’t believe she made me another one to get married in. I know people wear white, but this dress takes my breath away.” She twirled around and looked at Jade. “What do you think?”

Jade shook her head then wiped away the tear that rolled down her cheek. “You are a beautiful bride, Raven. You’re going to knock his socks off. If he is wearing any.”

They both laughed. It was odd how everything had changed. Jade had become one of her best friends. Actually, the girls told her they were her best friends too and they really didn’t care if she liked it or not.

“Ready, sis?” Leo stood at the door watching her.

“Yeah, I think I am.”

“Good. The quicker I get you married off the better.”

Walking up to her brother, she smiled and said, “I should have killed you in the coliseum. But since I didn’t, let’s go.” Raven held her brother's hand as they walked out the back door. Calum and Riley insisted they have the wedding at their place and they were going to have a huge party in the new ballroom afterward.

She slowed when she saw how many shifters were there. But Leo squeezed her hand. He whispered, “I love you, sis.”

“I love you too, brother.”

Her heart started breathing faster when she saw her mate. Caz stood at the end of the grassy aisle between the chairs, smiling at her. She could see it in his eyes that he loved her.

Walking up to him, she noticed he never took his eyes off her. “I’ve waited long enough for you, my hunter warrior. Kiss me and be mine forever.”

They were cheesy words and she listened as the crowd of male shifters laughed and the females gasped, but to her they were the words she had waited a lifetime to hear.

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