Home > Icing on the Cake(11)

Icing on the Cake(11)
Author: Karla Doyle

“I wish this window faced the front of the church instead of the parking lot. Then I’d know if she was here yet. We should have made it a one o’clock ceremony instead of two.”

A few of Curtis’ buddies had gotten married in recent years, but he’d never seen a guy more eager to don the ball and chain. “Here, you need this more than I do.” He pulled an airplane-sized bottle of vodka from his pocket and tossed it toward his brother. “You take care of that and I’ll go check on things.”

His move couldn’t have been better timed, because when he opened the office door, his sister was on the other side, hand poised for knocking.

“Hey. You look beautiful.” And she did. Lindsay was the natural-beauty type. A no-makeup and high ponytail kind of woman. Today her brown hair was swept up in some fancy kind of twist with a few loose, curled strands framing her face, and a light dusting of eye shadow and blush gave her skin an elegant shimmer. “You’re going to have all the single guys in one hell of a state at the reception. If you need some brotherly muscle to beat them back, just holler.”

Instead of shaking her head at his offer, or thanking him for the compliment, Lindsay grabbed his hand and urged him away from the door. Something was up, and by up, he meant up to no good. He hoped to hell it wasn’t—

“Sara left.”

Fuck. “Elaborate.”

“On the way to the church, Nia asked where Sara had put Conn’s wedding band because she wanted to look at it. Sara was driving and I was sitting behind her in the SUV, so I couldn’t see her expression, but I did see Nia’s face when Sara told her she hadn’t brought the ring. Holy crap, Curtis. She held it together, but barely.”

And fuck again. But at least Sara had a valid reason for leaving. “So she went back for the ring. Shouldn’t be a problem, the ceremony doesn’t start for another half hour.”

Lindsay squinted at him. “How can you be so calm after that disappearing act she pulled at the party last night? Apparently she didn’t come home until everybody was asleep at the Chambers’ house. She let Nia go to bed wondering if she’d be coming back at all. What if this is just another obnoxious grab for attention? A lame ‘look at Sara as she rushes in to save the day’ stunt? Because I offered to go back for the ring, Curtis, so that Sara, the maid of honor, could stay here with her sister and supposed best friend. She insisted on going herself.”

Okay, when Lindsay laid it out that way, the warning lights flashed in his head too. He checked his watch again. Twenty-seven minutes ’til show time. Bloody fucking hell. “I’ll go out there.” He nodded to the pastor’s office door. “Tell Conn I ran out to get you something for your killer headache, and that I’ll be right back. Don’t tell him any of the other shit.”

“What am I, new?” She gave him a shove in the direction of the church’s back door. “Go. Get the ring. And hurry back.”

“Jesus. I feel like fucking Frodo.”

“Just go.” Pure urgency, without a hint of Lindsay’s classic, easy humor. No mention of bringing the maid of honor back either.

But that didn’t shock him. Lindsay and Nia had become good friends, and with Lindsay’s protective streak fully engaged, Sara had essentially provoked a miniature mama bear.

“I’m gone.” With a salute, he strode down the hall. He managed to slip out the side door and get free of the jam-packed parking lot without anybody stopping him. Small mercy number one. Number two came in the form of empty roads between the church and the Chambers property, reducing the ten-minute drive to a slim seven.

Still gave him plenty of time to conjure up various scenarios he might find once he reached the house. The worst being an absentee Sara. The ceremony could go forward without a wedding band for the groom. Curtis doubted Nia would be happy about going forward without her sister.

He turned down the laneway and breathed a sigh of relief. Meredith’s SUV and Sara’s classic Trans Am, both present near the garage. Whatever her game might be, Sara hadn’t left town. A fact that pleased him on levels other than relief about the impending wedding.

A stunning beauty with a hot body and more attitude than the last six women he’d dated combined—hell yeah, he wanted some of that. Once he’d prevented her from blowing their siblings’ wedding to shit, he planned to finish what they’d started in the front seat of her car last night. If she made him work for it—so much the better.

But before they got to the fun part, they had a wedding to attend. And time was not on their side.

He cut the engine and stepped out of his car. Four strides took him to the door, which he opened without knocking. He got through the mudroom and down the short hall that led to the open-concept main area of Peter and Meredith’s home without encountering any resistance, human or canine. It was way too quiet in here.

Sara stood at the picture window. Staring out. Immobile.

“What the fuck are you doing?” He spat the words before his cooler head had a chance to kick in. The wedding was in less than twenty minutes and she was doing what, exactly, aside from ruining the most important moment in their siblings’ lives?

She spun to face him. Her sagging shoulders straightened and her fuck-the-world mask slid into place. But not before he saw the raw emotion it hid.

“I’m ruining everything. But that’s what you expected, isn’t it?” The anger she infused in her statements didn’t make up for the glassy eyes and quivering lips he’d seen seconds earlier.

Something was wrong. Really wrong.

“You’re not ruining anything, because I’m not going to let you.”

“Fuck you.”

Shit, he’d definitely worded that wrong. He stepped toward her with hands raised. “I’m here to help. That’s all. Grab Conn’s wedding band and let’s go. A couple more hours and this wedding will be over with. We just have to smile and get through it, then we can go back to reality.”

“Reality sucks as much as this fairytale crap.”

Too bad time didn’t allow him to see where that breadcrumb trail might lead. Later. “Sometimes, yeah. So we’ll blow off reality too. Get drunk and forget the rest of the world for a while.” He offered his hand and nodded toward the door. “Come on. Don’t make me do this wedding shit alone.”

She took his hand. And her mask crumbled. “Zeus is gone. I screwed up the party last night but Nia forgave me. How did I repay her? By forgetting Conn’s ring this morning. I didn’t know it was my responsibility to take it to the church. I should have known, yes, but once again, I fucked up. It’s what I do.”


“No. You should have seen her face. So I rushed back here to get the ring, and Zeus was whining at the door. I let him out for a pee or whatever. He’s a good dog, I figured he’d be quick, but he didn’t come back. He’s gone and what am I supposed to do now? How do I go stand at their wedding, then tell them afterward that I lost their dog?”

Oh man. He checked his watch. Minutes, that’s all they had before they needed to leave. Fuck. “We’ll handle this, Sara. Nothing is getting ruined today, trust me.”


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