Home > Icing on the Cake(29)

Icing on the Cake(29)
Author: Karla Doyle

“It’s not that bad. The ghetto thing has a certain charm once you learn to tune out the filth, ear-piercing screams in assorted languages, and possible gunfire.”


“I’m kidding.” She leaned across the center console to poke his arm—and linger in his space. “About the filth, I mean. Not so charming, that. Four months in that building and I still don’t want to touch anything beyond my apartment door.”

He stopped for a red light, using the opportunity to nail her with an intense stare. “I was already planning to tie you to my bed tonight. Now I’m going to keep you there indefinitely.”

Tingly heat rippled through her, head to toe. “I don’t do indefinitely, lawman. Neither do you. You told me so the day we met.”

“That’s true.”

Some of the butterflies in her chest withered with that confirmation. As they should. Stupid fluttering pains in the ass.

Lightning streaked the night, seemingly ripping the sky open. A wall of water replaced the smattering of raindrops. Even on their highest setting, the Mustang’s wiper blades were no match for the downpour. It seemed to be coming at them from all sides. Shit.

“I hate to do this, but can you swing by my place before we get busy with the handcuffing-to-the-bed fun? I left my apartment window wide open. If it rains this hard for more than a few minutes, I’m going to have a wading pool in my kitchenette.”

“Not a problem.”

The light turned green and he started through the intersection, his focus now on the treacherous road ahead. Mother Nature’s onslaught pounded the car from every side. In the semi-darkness, his right hand slid across her leg. His fingers didn’t sneak beneath the hem of her dress this time. Instead, he found her hand, threaded their fingers together and squeezed. “For the record, I won’t use handcuffs on you.”

A lump formed in her throat. Of course he wouldn’t handcuff her. He’d told her he wouldn’t use her past to hurt her, and that promise had literal meaning as well as verbal.

He squeezed again. “But you are going to look fucking hot with the black rope I bought wrapped around your wrists.”

She snuggled closer, using his solid shoulder to hide a smile that would give away far too much. “A fancy dinner and brand-new bondage rope? You spoil me, lawman.”

“That’s the plan, princess.”

The fluttering resumed in her chest. This thing with Curtis—whatever it amounted to and however short it might be—was a mistake on several levels. Knowing that didn’t change how she felt right now. How he’d made her feel since the first time they shared a vehicle.

“In case I can’t tell you later because I’m too exhausted from sex to speak, I had a great time tonight.”

He chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to her head. “Guess I have my goal for the night.”

“Goals are good. Have any for me?”

“Yeah,” he said while parking curbside, in front of her building. “Don’t stop.”

“Fucking you? Biology is going to intervene at some point, but I’ll do my best.”

“Not what I meant, but I’ll take it.” The streetlight’s glow pushed through the storm enough to afford her a view of his grin. “Give me your keys—I’ll run up and take care of your window so you don’t have to get wet.”

“I thought you liked it when I’m wet.” She had one foot out of the car before he could respond—or manhandle her back into place. “I’ll just be a couple minutes.”

He was at her side before the car door closed completely. Of course. Alpha males didn’t sit back and wait. And Curtis Lawler was definitely in that category. Hell, he could be the alpha of the alphas.

“Too slow, I’m expediting this side trip,” he said, scooping her off the ground as she picked her way around the puddles on the sidewalk.

She shrieked, clutching his back as he sprinted them the remainder of the distance to her building. “Oh my god, dude. Neanderthal much?” she asked when he deposited her in the elevator.

“That was time management.” One arm banded her waist, pulling her back tight to his chest, and her ass to his groin. He swept her hair aside and pressed his lips to her ear. “If I were in caveman mode, I’d already be buried balls-deep in your hot little body.” He pushed her dress up and sunk several fingers inside her, growling when she moaned at the rush of fullness and possession. “I’d have you flat and hard against the wall, pinned in place by my cock, fucking you so deep you didn’t have the breath to beg me to stop.”

“The only thing I’d be begging for is more.”

“You’re going to wish you hadn’t said that.” The elevator doors slid open, but Curtis didn’t remove his hand or cover her exposed nakedness. As if he didn’t care who saw him finger-fucking her. A blatant act of control and ownership.

He directed her down the empty corridor. Not roughly, but not taking his time and handling her with care either.

Her heart hammered harder with each brusque step. She’d baited him, and he’d snapped it up. They weren’t going to make it to his place. As soon as he had her behind a locked door, his threat would become reality. And she couldn’t wait.

They passed her neighbor’s door. Twenty more feet. Ten. Five, four, three…

“What the hell?” Curtis tucked her behind him, sheltering her with his big body and the wall.

Too late, she’d already seen the red spray paint emblazoning her door. Now that he’d seen it, all bets were off. Date night was over. So was her time with Curtis. The best she could hope for was to get him out of here before his investigative powers really kicked into gear.

“You ever had something like this happen before?”

“No, but graffiti is pretty commonplace around here. You should see the laundry room. It’s actually kind of cool, the way the coin-operated Maytags have been decorated by the resident artists.”

He turned, facing her with narrowed eyes, a straight line of a mouth and a steel-set jaw. Bye-bye, sexy caveman. Hello, cop mode.

“This isn’t random vandalism. Yours is the only defaced door. Has to be those mouthy little fuckers from earlier—do you know them?”


His eyebrows rose. “They obviously know who you are. And where you live.”

“Is that some sort of accusation? Maybe you want to ask me if I’m a stripper or a hooker again?”

“Goddamn it, Sara, don’t jump on the defensive. It was concern for your safety. That’s clearly a threat on your door, and in case you hadn’t figured it out, I happen to give a shit about you.”

“I don’t need your concern. I don’t need you to give a shit, take me to dinner, protect me from neighborhood idiots, or anything else.”

“Of course you don’t.” Sarcastic words in a hard tone.

She’d pissed him off. Probably hurt him too. Mission accomplished. A bit more and he’d be gone. For good. “You know, I’m not a stripper or a prostitute, but apparently I am a cock tease, because this date is over.” She waited, but his only response was more intense staring. “Go. Find somebody else to use the rope on. I’m not interested in being tied down. By you or anybody.”

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