Home > Twilight Crook(43)

Twilight Crook(43)
Author: Eva Chase

Snap took one drag from the joint and shoved it back to Bow with a hacking cough. “That is—that is enough,” he said weakly as Ruse clapped him on the back. “I don’t suppose you have any more strawberries?”

Thankfully, the equines did. While Snap made short work of those, Thorn sucked away on the spliff with a slight flush creeping across his tan skin.

“I can’t see that it makes any difference at all,” he announced after a few minutes, but a few minutes after that, he was chuckling to himself while he peered at the sparkly countertop. “I never realized it before. It’s as if you could connect each glint to find the source,” he informed us, whatever that was supposed to mean.

Pickle scampered across the table, his head weaving as if he’d gotten a bit high off the atmosphere too. Omen rolled his eyes and went up front to study the maps on the Everymobile’s GPS some more.

By the time Thorn was lying on the floor beside the cabinets discussing horse feed, favorite forest terrain, and the slant of the evening light across the ceiling with our hosts—all with equal enthusiasm—the stink of the smoke was getting a bit much for me. Snap stirred restlessly, eyeing Thorn with obvious bewilderment, and Ruse… The incubus was smirking at his companion’s newfound state of levity, but there was something muted about his glee at the situation. It could be the smoke was getting to him too or more of that odd reticence I’d noticed coming over him.

A burst of confidence rushed through me that might have been a tiny bit bolstered by a slight second-hand high. We knew where our enemies were. We had a plan to smash them tomorrow night. Even with new allies on our side, it was going to be absurdly dangerous. We all deserved to enjoy ourselves thoroughly before then.

I stood up. “Ruse, Snap, come on. I think we should have our own non-smoking celebration.”

Snap leapt up, an eager glow brightening his face. Ruse’s smirk took on a sly slant, but he got up more slowly, maybe with a little hesitance?

Well, we’d see what we could do about that. He’d only ever hesitated before because he’d thought I wasn’t fully committed. How could I have forgotten that?

I motioned for them to follow me and sauntered down the hall to the RV’s second bedroom, where I’d slept the past two nights.

You could tell the current owners had been responsible for decorating the space. The comforter had a dreamy purple cloud print; the built-in wardrobe had received a coating of silver glitter. The gauzy curtain over the small window sparkled with matching spangles in the afternoon light. The only other illumination came from a circle of fairy lights fixed to the ceiling.

Not really my taste in décor, but when our hosts had managed to provide me with a double bed in a freaking RV, I had no complaints.

Especially now that I might get to share that bed with not just one but two of my new lovers. As they came in after me, I sat down on the edge of the bed, my heart beating faster.

I’d never done anything like this before—but wasn’t that all the more reason to try? If Thorn could get high, I could handle a threesome.

If the men involved could handle it, that was. Snap beamed at me but then glanced uncertainly at Ruse. “How did you want to celebrate, Sorsha?”

I reached up to grasp his hand and turned my own gaze on Ruse, who looked oddly uncertain too for a creature whose natural habitat was bedrooms. “I think your soundproofing ability would come in handy right about now.” One of his supernatural skills allowed him to ensure the sounds of lovemaking didn’t escape a given room, thank all the glitter around us.

“And then I’ll play voyeur?” he asked.

I kicked him—lightly—in the shin. “That wasn’t what I was thinking. Haven’t you offered on half a dozen occasions to teach Snap a few advanced techniques? No time like the present.”

The incubus and the devourer considered each other. I couldn’t tell which of them was more torn—or why Ruse was torn at all when this had been his idea to start with. Oh, well. If he left, that was up to him. Snap and I could still enjoy ourselves perfectly well.

“If it helps your decision any…” I said, and tugged off my blouse and undershirt together to remove my protective badge as well. Might as well put the assets on display. I leaned back so my boobs perked up even more in my demi-cup bra.

Snap made a hungry noise low in his throat and moved to join me without another second’s hesitation. He trailed his fingers down my back, kissed my shoulder, and peered up at Ruse again. “I would like to know what you can show me. For Sorsha.”

“Looking to put me out of a job, huh?” the incubus joked, but his roguish face had softened. When he met my eyes again, the gleam in his brought an unexpected flutter into my chest. “I did offer, didn’t I? I suppose a tutoring session can’t hurt anything.”

Did he think some other kind of hook-up would hurt? I wasn’t sure how to ask that question, especially in front of Snap. And then Ruse leaned in to capture my mouth, and questioning his exact phrasing was the last thing on my mind.

He kissed me with such intensity it left me breathless, all my nerves quivering in anticipation of what would follow. He nudged me over on the bed so all three of us could sprawl there side by side and glanced across at Snap.

“The first and most important lesson: explore. There are no perfect spots or motions that get every woman off. You caress here and kiss there to see how she responds. The sounds she makes. The speed of her pulse. The heat of her skin.” His smirk came back. “For your first round of homework, put that advice to test while I enjoy these lovely lips a little more.”

He claimed another kiss, easing us both right down on top of the comforter. The intoxicating pressure of his lips turned even more potent with the stroke of Snap’s hand up my side to my chest.

The devourer had already proven he was an intrepid explorer during our previous encounters. He unhooked my bra and, attentive to Ruse’s advice, teased his fingers not just over the sensitive peaks of my breasts but all along the curves, across my ribs, down my spine, as if he were charting every plane of my naked skin.

His lithe fingers woke up tingles of sensation everywhere he touched, but when a particular spot made me hum, he lingered there a little longer. Soon it felt as if my whole body was thrumming with awakening pleasure. When Snap finally returned to my chest with a flick of his thumb over one nipple, I gasped into Ruse’s mouth.

“The student learns quickly,” the incubus murmured, and dipped his head to attend to my other breast.

Snap scooted higher, and I turned my head to meet his softer but no less passionate kiss. His forked tongue slipped between my lips, drawing lines of bliss inside my mouth.

I dug my fingers into his silky curls, into Ruse’s shoulder as the incubus swiveled his tongue to urge the peak of my breast even stiffer, wondering what miracles I’d worked in some past incarnation to be worthy of this moment.

Snap kissed me harder and tweaked my nipple again. As he left my mouth to nibble along my jaw, Ruse slid his hand lower. When he reached the waist of my jeans, a sharper heat jolted between my legs. My hips canted upward of their own accord.

“Patience, Miss Blaze,” Ruse teased, jerking my zipper downward. “We’ll set you alight in all sorts of places.”

Snap paused in his attentions to watch Ruse help me squirm out of my pants. The neon glint came into his eyes.

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