Home > Home For Summer(35)

Home For Summer(35)
Author: J.W. Ashley

“He’s okay, says he’s happy.”

“That’s what matters then.”

“I still hope karma takes a piece out of her.”

Daisy laughs. “You and me both, honey.”

I get to my feet, shouldering my purse, and turn back to Daisy one last time. “I’m going to head to the store, see if I can grab some water. Need anything?”

“Nope, we’re good here.”

“Okay, see you.”

“Be safe!” she calls after me.

“You too!” I step out into the overcast afternoon and stare up at the sky. There’s a light breeze, but for the most part, everything is peaceful. I always found it so eerie how things feel so at ease before all hell breaks loose. The calm before the storm, and it took me growing into adulthood to realize that the saying carries over into nearly every aspect of your life.

My life was calm before I was assaulted.

It was calm before getting my ass kicked by four girls in an alley after the ex-mayor’s older daughter decided to take a piece out of me before I went back to Florida State.

And it sure as hell was calm before Laura Calvert decided to grace me with her presence last night.

So if I’m on my death bed tomorrow and someone asks me what the greatest lesson I’ve learned in this life is, the answer will be easy. Everything seems to be at its calmest before all hell breaks loose.

Basically, if things seem perfect, keep an eye out for the other shoe to drop. Because believe me, it’s coming. I’m walking to my car when I hear my name called. Turning, I smile brightly as Dean’s mother strolls toward me, wearing a bright yellow suit that complements the olive tone of her skin perfectly.

“I thought that was you,” she says with a smile and pulls me in for a hug.

“Hey, Mrs. Garza,” I greet, using her new last name now that she’s married to Simon. He used to be the school’s shop teacher but transitioned to owning his own mechanic shop in the last eight years.

“How are you? My boy being nice?”

I smile. “He is.”

Her face sobers, and she reaches out to touch my arm. “I hope you’re doing okay.”

There’s the victim look I know and love. “Doing great. I’m happy to be home.”

“Good.” She smiles. “I’m headed into Moe’s for lunch. Did you just eat?”

“I did. Going to go get some bottled water in case this storm gets crazy.”

“Smart girl.” She pulls me in for a hug before releasing me. “Take care, and if Dean gives you shit, you give it right back to him.”

“I will, thank you.” I don’t mention that her son has been the only person grounding me to reality during the last two days. Or that I’m looking forward to spending more time with him. Mainly because I can’t believe either of those things. But I can’t deny how grateful I am that he’s been there. And not once, not even when I was telling him what happened to me, has he looked at me like I’m a victim.

Which, for someone like me, who hates being vulnerable, is the best possible thing he could have done. Continuing my walk, I stop dead in my tracks as a brunette steps out in front of me, and I’m confronted with Laura Calvert for the second time in two days.

“Look who it is,” she sneers.

“I don’t want any trouble.” I try to move past her, but she steps in my way.

“This is a public sidewalk,” she says. “You can’t do a damned thing. How about I follow you around? Make sure everyone knows what a home-wrecking whore you are.”

I shut my eyes tightly, throat constricting. “Leave me be, Laura.”

“Tell me, did my father shut you down? Is that why you did what you did?”

“He attacked me,” I say quietly as I notice onlookers gathering across the street. Most don’t know about what happened with Laura’s father. But anyone passing by could see how pissed she is.

The sting on my cheek registers before I realize that she just hit me. Slapped me right on the cheek in the middle of the street. Rage burns through me, white-hot, and I ball up the fist of my good hand, ramming it into her jaw.

Laura stumbles back, and I pounce on top of her as someone screams my name from somewhere else. I hit her again, and she bucks me off, rolling me over seconds before she’s ripped away from me and pulled back by Moe.

Daisy reaches down and pulls me to my feet. “What the hell is going on here?”

“Bitch hit me!” Laura roars.

“You hit her first.” I glance over at Simon, who’s standing a few feet away on the curb with Dean’s mother. “I was walking into Moe’s and watched you slap her.”

“Moe, call Sheriff Fawns.”

Laura’s eyes widen, and I shake my head. “I’m fine,” I tell them. The last thing I want is more attention on me. This story is already going to be all over town.

Laura shoves away from Moe and grabs her purse from the ground.

“Stay the hell away from her,” Moe warns. “Or I’ll take it upon myself to call the police.”

“Whatever.” Laura turns and walks away, and I let my shoulders slump.

“You’re bleeding.” Daisy reaches down and holds up my wrapped hand so I can see the red soaking through the gauze.

“Old cut, I’m fine. Thanks, guys.” As quickly as I can, I all but run back to my car and fire up the engine so I can get the hell away from everyone before I lose it.








I lift a large metal shutter, carrying it up onto the porch and sliding it into the metal tracks below and above the window. In the throes of the storm, the metal is loud as shit, but it keeps the windows well protected even when it feels like the cabin is going to blow down. I’m pretty damn sure if it ever did, the windows would still be solid.

Gravel crunches, and I glance over as Kleo’s red car comes into view. I hate the way my stomach twists in anticipation, the way my blood runs hotter when she’s around, and I’d be a damned liar to not admit that it has nothing to do with the way she used to annoy me.

Used to being the keywords there. Now, I want nothing more than to be near her.

“Hey,” she says, climbing out of the car.

“Hey.” I wipe both hands on my jeans. “I’m surprised to see you.”


“Figured you’d want to ride out the storm at home.”

She shakes her head. “I am home. I want to be here.”

Thank God for that. Because I want her here too.

A black truck comes into view and skids to a stop before us. Judson gets out, face red, and he marches toward Kleo. Ready to defend her even if it’s against her brother, I walk quickly down the steps.

“Are you okay?” Judson asks, and Kleo backs away.

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“What happened?” I finally reach them, close enough now to see a bruise forming on Kleo’s cheek. “Who did this?” I demand and reach into my pocket to see if I have my keys so I can go hunt the fucker down and kick their teeth in.

“Laura attacked her,” Judson answers tightly.

“She did what?” Rage burns through me, mainly because I can’t kick her attacker’s teeth in. But I sure as hell can make sure this never happens again.

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