Home > The Makeshift Groom (Wrong Way Weddings #5)(5)

The Makeshift Groom (Wrong Way Weddings #5)(5)
Author: Lori Wilde


“Yes?” His eyes met hers.

“There is one thing.”

“What’s that?”

She headed for the living room and he followed, pulling the envelope of cash from his jacket pocket. “For the dress.”

“Thank you. I don’t quite know how to ask this but—”

“Straight-out works for me. Spill it.”

“I was wondering, while we’re at the wedding, if you could watch me in action and give me a few pointers on what I’m doing wrong?” She was blushing so furiously he didn’t have the heart to make a joke of it. She was serious about this.

“Look, I’m really the wrong person to ask. It’s not like I’m a relationship whiz or anything.” In fact, he hadn’t been in a long-term relationship since well, college.

“Think of it as tutoring. I’m tired of being Miss Goody Two-Shoes and want to cut loose and enjoy myself, but I really don’t know how.”

“Don’t you have girlfriends you could ask to teach you how not to be nice?”

“They tell me I’m perfect the way I am, but I’m not.”

“You’re being awfully hard on yourself.”

“I just feel stagnant being a Goody Two-Shoes. It’s hampering my growth as a person.”

“Goody Two-Shoes?”

“It’s an inside joke. My brother used to call me that because I never got into trouble and now, I feel like I have that sign around my neck that says, take advantage of me.”

Tom shook his head. “Maybe attending the wedding as my date isn’t such a good idea after all.”

“You’re uninviting me?”

“No, but if you’re having second thoughts, I get it.” He was the one who should be wearing a sign. A Kick Me placard.

“So you won’t help me?” A shadow of sadness clouded up her eyes.

“Okay, I’ll give it a shot.”

“I’m thinking of a business arrangement—an exchange. My ex-fiancé gave me two season passes to the Bulls games as an engagement present.”

“Do you love the Bulls?”


“Then why did he give you season passes?”

She shrugged. “I’m starting to realize he didn’t really pay much attention to what I liked. Of course, he intended to use one of the seats himself, but so far, he hasn’t had enough nerve to ask me to return them. You don’t have to guarantee results. Just give me some advice on how I can be a little bolder, a little less ‘nice,’ and the tickets are yours.”

Tom felt slightly panicky. “I’m more than willing to buy them from you.”

“They’re not for sale.”

“You’re willing to give them to me in exchange for dating advice, but you won’t sell them. That’s whack.”

“I’m desperate.”

“Desperate?” he echoed.

“I feel like I’m stuck in a mud bog while everyone around me zooms on by with their life. Please help me?”

Lord, she looked so beguiling. Plus, Bulls season tickets!

He couldn’t hold back a grin. Season tickets in exchange for showing her how to cut loose and have fun? Why not?

“This is the craziest deal I’ve ever been offered,” he said.

“Does that mean you’ll do it?” She looked so hopeful with her wide blue eyes and earnest smile that he couldn’t resist.

“I can’t make any promises. I may not be much help.”

“Maybe not, but if my ex-fiancé gets up enough courage to ask for the tickets back, I’d love to tell him what I did with them.”

He took a deep breath. She deserved a bit of sweet revenge. He liked her more, knowing she wasn’t quite so nice. See? He had something to work with.

“Lady,” Tom said and stuck out his hand. “You’ve got a deal.”






“I’d love to do a Zoom call with you tomorrow to see your new house, but I have plans,” Jude said on Friday afternoon, her cell phone tucked underneath her chin as she shelved books after the last class of the day had left the library.

“Plans?” her cousin Leigh asked. “Do you have a date?”

“Sort of, but not really.”

“Did you meet someone? Have you been holding out? Deets. I need deets.”

“It’s not a real a date. I’m just attending a wedding.”

“Wedding?” Leigh, the woman who’d gotten married in a palace, squealed. “Why didn’t you say so? Who’s getting married?”

The phone slipped from under her chin, but she managed to catch it before it hit the floor. Any other time she’d be eager to tell Leigh about her date, but how could she explain Tom Brunswick and the weird bargain they’d struck?

“A female pilot named Tara is getting married. That’s all I know.”

“You’re attending the wedding of someone you don’t know? Are you crashing the wedding?”

“No, I’m the last-minute date for the woman’s twin brother, Tom, so that he doesn’t have to go alone.”

“Jude, that’s great! I’m so excited for you. Even if this date doesn’t lead to anything, it’s high time you got out of that apartment—”

“It won’t lead to anything. We’re doing each other a favor. Quid pro quo.”

“Still, that sounds like it could have possibilities. Is he cute?”


“Woo-hoo. I want to hear everything.”

“If I get home early enough from the wedding, I’ll call and tell you how it went,” Jude promised.

“Remember I’m six hours ahead. Call me no matter how late it is your time,” Leigh said. “Unless things get hot and heavy with you two. In which case call me on Sunday.”

“Things won’t get hot and heavy.”

“Not if you say it won’t. Think positive! Open yourself up to possibilities.”

“Talk to you later.” Her palm was sweaty as she slipped the phone into her pocket and shelved a Stephen King novel. She focused on filing the books as efficiently as possible, but before she could finish shelving the stack of books on her rolling cart, her cell phone buzzed again.

Tom Brunswick.

Dude, just text. His voice was way too sexy. She didn’t want to hear it when she was already so nervous. Then another thought occurred to her, he’s calling to cancel; that’s why he didn’t just text.

She answered the phone with, “If you’ve changed your mind, I totally get it.”

“No way! We have a deal. I just wanted to check in and see if there was anything you needed me to pick up for you before I head your way tomorrow.”

Aww, that was sweet.

She shouldn’t get sappy over the guy. He wasn’t for her.

Why not? asked a voice at the back of her mind. Why not have a little fun?

Oops, that was a dangerous thought.

“Tom, I don’t think we should do this—” Suddenly, she felt in over her head.

“It’ll be all right,” he soothed in that throaty voice of his. “I’m off to the rehearsal dinner and then the bachelor party after that. I’ll see you at tomorrow at two thirty.”

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