Home > The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1)(15)

The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1)(15)
Author: Susi Hawke

"This is what you need to know. I would prefer to be called Matt. Elisha will lead this pack at my side, and I expect him to receive the same dignity and respect you would offer me. Moving forward, I'm already planning some major changes around here."

When I saw I had their attention, I nodded. "Yes, you heard me correctly. Even though I haven't been formally accepted by each of you quite yet, I'm already making plans for our future. I'm going to have Jared look into the tax situation. I feel certain you could expect them lowered. Good God, I sound like a damn politician. I don’t mean to. I just wanted to put the idea out there because I heard about how heavily taxed you were under my uncle." More laughter echoed around me.

"In addition to lower taxes, I also want to return our pack to its former glory. Fixing the electricity and drilling a new well is going to take priority, and then we'll see about some community beautification projects. I want us all to take pride in Lucerne Valley again. But first, we need to bring our missing pack members home. My first official act as Alpha will be contacting our territory chief and filing an official challenge against Monty Whitetail. After I do a little homework, of course. Once our pack is united and we can move forward, I promise I'll do my best to be an Alpha you can trust to take care of your needs and provide the protection you deserve."

Turning to Elisha, I lifted a brow. "Did you have anything to add, little wolf? Maybe tell the pack how awesome I am and why they want me?"

Shrugging, Elisha managed to look completely innocent as he looked around the room. "I don't know why he's asking me. I barely know the guy. Besides, I really hope many of you would not want him for the same reasons I do. I mean, I love all of you like family, and you’re my pack, but you'd better not be looking at my man."

He winked, and every woman in the room seemed to melt on the spot. Damn. He was born to lead and obviously fit right in here. And fuck, but if knowing my Elisha already had this pack's love and support didn’t make me happy. Grinning, Elisha held up his free hand. "Everyone over eighteen who agrees this sexy man should be our pack Alpha, raise your hand."

How easily he had everyone ready to vote—and it was unanimous. Elisha blushed bright red but grinned proudly when I thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. After making a mental note to give more public displays of affection since it made my mate flush so prettily, I gave his hand a squeeze, and we went to greet our pack. Elisha hadn't been joking earlier because he pulled his phone out and took lots of pictures while I gave claiming bites to the adults and greeted the children.

By the time I was done, hope and excitement shone in the pack consciousness through our new bond. Because so many members of the pack had bonded with me, it was no surprise when Jared greeted me by the door with a smug smile, holding up his phone.

"Alpha Whitetail called to check on the pack."

Damn, he responded even faster than I'd expected. "Good. What did you tell him?"

"Exactly what you said to do before the pack meeting. I told him you were the one to speak to, and I gave him your number. Oh, and I might have also rubbed it in by telling him there was another Longclaw Alpha in Lucerne Valley. Too much?"

"Hell no. Not only was it not too much, I almost wish you'd made it worse by mentioning Elisha is my mate. The lone reason I had an opening was because he didn't care enough about his own child to find an alpha to save his life."

My phone rang, and I glanced at the screen before sending Monty's call to voicemail. Let the fucker stew for a while. When he saw, Elisha giggled. "You know ignoring him’s going to drive him crazy, right?"

"You see the plan, little wolf. Now come on. I feel like it's been way too long since we’ve had us some alone time."









I was secretly glad Matt and I were both early risers because I had the kitchen to myself while I made breakfast.

Not completely to myself, actually. But my companion was the best part. Matt sat at the small table where Paula and I often drank tea while going over the menus for the day.

Matt looked so big on the tiny wooden chair. Though he was drinking coffee and pretending to check in with the wider world on his phone, I felt his eyes on me.

And I liked it. So did my wolf. In my mind’s eye, he preened and licked his paws as if preparing to present himself to our mate.

Silly boy. This was my time. When the human got to shine.

Matt glanced up, as if sensing me thinking about him. Heck, maybe he did. I was still getting used to this whole true mate bond.

He set his phone aside and took a sip of coffee before speaking in a rumbly, early-morning growly voice, sending a shiver up my spine.

"Are you sure you don't want some help, little wolf? I can cook, you know. Get me out in the woods by a campfire, and I can whip up an Irish stew to make you cry. In a good way, I mean. Because it's… never mind. My point is I feel bad watching my pregnant mate cook while I sit on my ass."

What was it about a strong, powerful alpha tripping over his words which merely made him hotter? Grabbing the tongs, I flipped slices of bacon as I shook my head. "Being pregnant won't keep me from taking care of you. This is something I enjoy. It’s why I spend so much time here."

"If you say so." He sounded doubtful but seemed willing to accept my words at face value. The way Matt listened to me was almost as amazing as an alpha offering to cook in the first place. "How did Paula take you wanting to be more involved? She's managed this household longer than I've been alive."

Stirring the scrambled eggs, I grinned over my shoulder. "It was rough at first, I can't lie. I think it was a combination of things. At first, she hated saying no when everyone knew how badly Horace treated me. I should probably be embarrassed for using my situation to my advantage, but cooking calms me, and it helped me escape at a time I needed it the most. Then she saw I knew what I was doing, and I think she's grown to like the help. Now we work as a team, and she's able to pull back."

"Good. Paula should start taking more time for herself. Especially when she has someone she can trust. And you should never feel badly for doing whatever it took to get through your ordeal with my uncle. I know you haven't told me everything, and you don't need to. Speaking of which, you’ve been part of this pack for the better part of six months, right? Have you spent much time in town? Because it needs a lot of attention after we are able to settle down the pack and start moving forward."

Humming, I plated our food and carried it over to the table. My heart fluttered when Matt reached over and pulled my chair out. After I gratefully sat down, I groaned, realizing I'd forgotten my juice. Dropping the napkin, I went to rise, but Matt was on his feet before I had a chance to move.

"What did you forget? Let me get it for you. You've been on your feet long enough. It's time for a break."

My heart fluttered again, and I blushed as I motioned toward my glass. "Thank you. I need my orange juice. Oh, and I buttered the toast, but there's apricot preserves in the fridge, if you want some. I canned them myself last month, so I can vouch for their yumminess factor."

"Homemade apricot preserves? Yes, please." Matt snagged the jar out of the fridge before setting both items on the table. I waited until he sat down to answer his question.

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