Home > The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1)(39)

The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1)(39)
Author: Susi Hawke

I snorted at the mention of Isaac. "Do you know I haven't met him yet? He took off the day I got here on his spirit quest or whatever you said it was. He might not even be coming back. And we have a baby on the way, so it goes without saying—I'm in favor of having a doctor around."

"Close, it's a moon quest." No matter what his personal thoughts might have been on the man himself, Jared radiated complete respect while talking about Isaac's spirituality. "You'll meet him after the new moon. Once a year, Isaac goes deep into the desert. I don't know what all he does out there, but he always comes back with predictions for the pack. He does something similar at winter solstice, but he stays close."

"As fascinating as the idea is—and I can't wait to meet the man—I'm still in favor of Dr. Diego. Now, unless we have more pack business to cover, I suggest we head to the dining room. My stomach says it's lunchtime."

At lunch, I got to meet Brenda, and I was impressed by how well she was already connecting with Noah. My young mate had no reason to second-guess himself. He'd chosen well for our nanny, even if she was overqualified. She and Elisha talked about educational ideas she had for both boys to keep their brains engaged until school started, as well as fun activities too. We’d probably need someone else for the baby, but it was good to know our older boys would be in capable hands.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in yet another budget meeting. Finally, I got to break away to check in with the newly appointed Delta leaders and watch them run the men through an obstacle course. Things were definitely looking up in this pack. It was early days yet, but I could already see a bright future.

After dinner, Elisha introduced me to Isabel and her family. Once each adult bent the knee and extended their wrist for my bite, I was thrilled to add them to our numbers. More impressive, they'd spent the afternoon getting moved into their new pack-assigned housing. Adding new members with specialized skills was always good, but discovering they were hard workers who wouldn't shy away from work was a bonus.

True to his word, Diego already had his clinic set up the following day. Right at the end of the street, the new clinic operated in an empty storefront, formerly a deli when I was growing up. Naturally, I made sure Elisha was the first patient after learning one of his pieces of equipment was an ultrasound machine.

His mind was on so many things, Elisha had grumbled about making room in his schedule for this visit. He wasn't being too obvious, but I could sense it through our bond. And the frequent glimpses at his phone to check the time. I didn't mind because I always thought this rarely viewed side of him was adorable. If he knew how cute I thought he was when he got grouchy, he probably wouldn’t be amused.

"Smile, little wolf. You're going to like this next part, I promise. I saw an ultrasound once, when my grandpa had kidney stones. It was pretty cool, but somehow I think this is going to be a lot better."

Elisha lifted a brow. "I've never seen an ultrasound, and I've also never visited a human doctor. Dad only had use for epsilon healers. But if we're going to see the baby, I certainly hope it will be a lot better than kidney stones." He kicked his feet and wiggled impatiently on the table. "I don't see why Isabel made me pee in a cup or wear this ridiculous gown. How invasive is this test? Surely Dr. Diego could've just lifted my shirt, right?"

The door opened at the perfect moment for Dr. Diego and Isabel to walk in. Laughing, she wagged a finger at Elisha. "The gown is necessary because the doctor needs to do an initial exam. The urine test was to check a few things to make sure you and the pup are both healthy. Now quit pouting and lie back, put your feet in the stirrups, and go to your happy place while my mate examines you. Don't worry. It won't hurt."

Elisha was definitely pouting. "You said the same thing about the blood pressure test. You didn't tell me you would squeeze the life out of my arm." The two of them bickered playfully. Isabel did her best to distract him while Dr. Diego quickly got through the embarrassing portion of the physical examination. When he dribbled goo on Elisha's stomach to run the wand over it, my grumpy little wolf squirmed unhappily.

Until Isabel hit a switch, and a loud whooshing sound accompanied by a rapid heartbeat filled the air. Elisha's eyes widened with wonder as Isabel explained we were hearing the baby's heartbeat. His smile only grew when he looked on the screen and saw our son.

“Congratulations, gentlemen. You’re having a boy.” Dr. Diego’s cheerful statement had Elisha squeezing my hand with barely contained glee. I didn’t bother to hold it in, doctor’s office or not. I bent to kiss my mate, holding him close for a few moments.

A son. We were having another boy join our family.

Dr. Diego was happy to take his time, letting us enjoy the moment before getting back to the exam. He took a few measurements before turning to Elisha, peering at him over the top of his reading glasses. "All right, young man. You and the pup are both in good shape. From the dates you gave me, your son is exactly where we want him to be in the beginning of the third month. For the next six weeks or so, he's going to grow at a more rapid pace. Isabel will give you a list of things to watch out for, and I want you to call me day or night if you have cause for alarm."

I liked his calm, quiet manner. But I was even more of a fan of the kind aura he projected. Dr. Diego continued to chat, setting Elisha at ease in the process. "A nine-month pregnancy is hard for a human woman and worse for female shifters, who do it in six. But their experience is nothing compared to what the omega body gets put through in their short four months of gestation."

As if the thought of a four-month pregnancy was too much for her to contemplate, Isabel shivered. "Listen to the doctor, Eli. Staying active is good for you. But don't be afraid to rest, too. Take as many naps as you want. Your body knows what it needs, so listen to it." She and her husband definitely made a good team, and our pack was lucky to have them.

All conversation came to a halt when Dr. Diego put a printout of a sonogram image in Elisha's hands. When we got home, my sweet little wolf was still smiling.









After a whole month went by without so much as a whisper of danger, we decided it was safe to have a big party. I turned down more than one offer to throw me a baby shower, so I was hoping today would give everyone the opportunity they needed to congratulate us and offer their best wishes.

Honestly, I was just happy to get together as a community. We had so much to celebrate. Our entire town looked better than ever. Buildings had been painted, overgrown grass and weeds cut back, windows replaced and potholes filled. Main Street had a whole new vibe—less ghost town and more small-town Americana.

And even better? Two separate community gardens had been planted. If the special fertilizer I provided was so good the seeds were already sprouting, nobody questioned it.

Thankfully, the weather forecast had been right on the money. We were having a rare cool day—meaning it was a paltry hundred and five in the shade—and everything was all set up for our barbecue. A row of grills were set up in front of the diner, and the sidewalk was lined with tables, filled with all the dishes and desserts people brought for the potluck.

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