Home > The Road to Wolfe (The Sanctuary #4)(20)

The Road to Wolfe (The Sanctuary #4)(20)
Author: Nikita Slater

A week ago, when they brought my dinner meal in, I'd shown them otherwise. I'd shoved the trays at one, distracting him while sweeping the legs out from underneath the other and dropping onto his chest with my knees. I hadn't paused. I'd hurtled towards the open door and out into the corridor. Unfortunately, three more guards were waiting. I hadn't counted on Wolfe placing this much security on me. If I'm being honest, a small part of me is pleased that he doesn't underestimate me. Even if he won't visit.

Not that I want him to.

"How can we help you, Miss Skye?" The guard’s tone is friendly and professional. Once, he'd made a sneering comment, shortly after I tried to escape. It was one of the few times Wolfe had been in attendance. Wolfe had turned on the man, slamming him against the wall and shoving an elbow in his throat. He told the man that if he couldn't keep a civil tongue, he wouldn't be having a tongue in the future.

"I want to see Wolfe." My voice is cold and steady as I glare at them. "Bring me the Warlord."

The first one, Denny Torrance, shakes his head. "Sorry, Miss Skye, he's unavailable at this time."

I grit my teeth and stomp away from them, glaring out the window. "And when exactly will he be available?"

"When he's ready to see you." Torrance again. He's lucky there wasn't a single smug syllable in that sentence or I would be assisting his balls up into his throat.

I glance over my shoulder and raise a brow at him. He shrugs. "Warlord's orders."

So, Wolfe is determined to put me in my place, to show me that my leisure is not his leisure. We'll see about that. If he refuses to notice me when I want him to, then I'll force his attention when he doesn't.

"You can go," I say dismissively, turning my back on them.

The second the door closes I bend down next to a shelf holding a variety of crafts that the women of the harem used to work on. I drag a metal container off the shelf and open the lid, examining my own personal stash. I started it years ago, when I first came to the harem. It contains a knife, matches, some bandages, painkiller medications and several books.

I pull the matches out, replace the lid and shove the bin back onto the shelf. I set about going through the rooms, systematically gathering up anything that I can light on fire that won't be important. For some reason I can't bring myself to burn anything I know has personal value to the women who lived here. Some of them didn’t survive the fall of the city, some stayed behind after the dust settled and a few had gone with us when we'd escaped. The only ones I know for sure are still alive are me, Hannah and Scarlett.

I feel a pang as I think of Scarlett. Young, idealistic, annoying as hell, but loyal and a much-needed bit of fun whenever I needed a silly chat. When Wolfe had given my team his ultimatum to leave the city, he’d singled her out with an invitation to stay in Sanctuary since she had belonged to the original harem. Scarlett had decided to leave the city with Deacon and the rest of the team, saying she was now invested in distributing the vaccine. I’d been both proud and jealous of her dedication.

I throw pieces of cloth and paper into the middle of the floor, using an old roasting pot as a makeshift fire pit. Once I have enough flammable items inside, I strike a match and drop it into the pot. It takes a moment to catch, but when it does the paper goes up quickly.

I take a step back as the burning paper starts to light the bits of cloth. Satisfied that my fire is about to become a raging inferno I run to the window, lift a sewing machine and smash out the windowpane, which was bolted shut. I keep hitting it until all the shards of glass have fallen. We are high above the ground, about thirty floors. I hope no one is on the street below.

I drop the sewing machine and shove a chair up against the window, then knock it over onto its side. As smoke fills the room, I run to the pantry closet and hide just inside the door.

Moments later, having been alerted to the fire by the smoke streaming under the door, the harem guards fill the room. I can hear them shouting as they search for me and shout for water to put out the fire.

"Dammit, I think she went out the window," one of them shouts. "She's just crazy enough to do it!"

I smirk. It's about time they stop underestimating exactly what I'm willing to do to escape. Crazy? No. Determined, stubborn, hardheaded, argumentative? Absolutely.

I peek around the door in time to see men rushing to the window, one of them climbing onto the sill to lean out and check for me on the ledge. I waste a couple of seconds worrying that the idiot might fall because he actually believes I’d be foolish enough to go out a thirty-story window. Actually, maybe not so foolish. My sister is an excellent climber and she would absolutely have gone out the window long before now. Unfortunately, I didn’t inherit her climbing talent.

While the guards are distracted, I race through the smoke and out the door. When I reach the other side, I bend over and grip my knees, coughing and pointing over my shoulder back into the harem.

"There's a fire!" I say to the guards running toward me. "Quick, I think someone might be going out the window to escape the flames. You have to help!"

They hurtle past me with buckets of water. The second they’re gone I race through the corridor and head toward the nearest exit. I know I won't be able to make it to the ground before the guards figure out my ruse and alert the guards on the main floors of the building, but maybe I can hide long enough for them to stop searching and then eventually slip out. The building is massive, there are so many places to get lost. In fact, when I'd lived here with Silas, I'd gotten lost many times without even trying.

I decide to head to the Warlord’s chambers, confident that they’ll be empty. Wolfe is a solitary man. He won't want guards lingering in his personal space. And I'm relatively certain that he's out in the city working and not inside the palace. It's a gamble, but one I'll take. If I do happen to find him, I'll just have to find a way to take him down so I can leave.

Luckily, as predicted, the hallway leading to the Warlord’s private chambers is completely deserted. In fact, the area is so empty that I start to wonder if Wolfe has inhabited the chambers at all or if he decided to make a space for himself elsewhere. As Warlord, it's his right to take over the Warlord’s private floor. Silas enjoyed being surrounded by beautiful things, such as his harem women. He wanted the best, most unique of everything. He worked hard for it too. Thus, his chambers are filled with beautiful furniture, paintings, expensive rugs and priceless ornaments.

The doors are locked, but I have a key. A key given to me long ago by Silas. I'd left it in the drawer next to my bed in the harem. I'd never thought to use it. I'd always been escorted in and out by guards, but his giving it to me had been symbolic and I treasured it at the time. It was an all access pass to see the Warlord whenever I wanted. Now, it will help me evade pursuit.

I unlock the door and slip inside, locking it behind me. The rooms are dark and cool. I run my fingers over a shelf and then hold them up in the dim light filtering through one of the windows, squinting. No dust. Which means that Wolfe is either living here or the palace cleaners come in on a regular basis.

Nostalgia hits me hard as I wander the rooms, touching things that belonged to Silas. I'm a little surprised that Wolfe hasn't had them removed, considering they're not even close to his taste. Actually, I don't know what his tastes are. From what I can tell that man only loves two things. War and death.

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