Home > The Road to Wolfe (The Sanctuary #4)(59)

The Road to Wolfe (The Sanctuary #4)(59)
Author: Nikita Slater

I listen to his words and nod. "I'm pleased to hear it." Though I have to fight a bolt of jealousy telling me now would be a good time to find out what his intestines look like.

Both Skye and I have been so busy lately that she ends up spending more time with her personal bodyguard then she does with me, her husband. Well, her soon-to-be husband. Though I know that there's nothing to be jealous of, I still dislike that this man gets to do for her on a daily basis everything that I want to do.

"Is there more?" I demand.

He stares at me hard, clearly indecisive. I would be amused if I didn't badly want to leave his presence for the much more pleasant company of another.

He nods his head sharply as though coming to a decision. "She's in a bad mood. You should probably watch out."

I try to think of what I might've done to her since I saw her last, which was this morning in our bedchamber as we each got ready for the day. I can think of nothing that might've pissed her off.

"I’ve navigated her moods in the past, I think I'll be fine." I turn to walk away.

"I told her she has to stay in the palace," he rushes to stay. "The illness in the city has grown rampant, the doctor is concerned. She's recommending a citywide lockdown."

Now I understand what Kingston is trying to tell me. "Thank you for the warning."

"Yes sir, I wouldn't let my worst enemy walk in on her blind when she's…" He lets his words trail off as he realizes he might be overstepping.

I smother a chuckle. He's right, it would be downright cruel to let anyone walk in on Skye after she's been told that she must abide by rules she didn't set herself. I was the one to tell Kingston that everything Skye demands goes, except when it affects her health.

"I appreciate the warning," I tell him, then turn and walk away.

With Kingston's words in mind, I open the door to the Warlord's chamber a little more cautiously than I normally would. I don't necessarily fear Skye, but I prefer not to get stabbed, shot, or bashed in the head with something heavy before I get a chance to talk to her.

My hesitation is unwarranted though, as she’s not lying in wait with a plethora of weapons to sharpen on my hide. I find her standing next to the open bedroom window, gazing out across the city. She’s deep in thought and I realize that she hasn't heard me come in.

"Skye." I call her name and she turns her head to look at me.

Light from the early evening sun sets fire to her hair, the waves falling across her shoulders in a multitude of colours.

"You’re home." Her simple words root me to the spot.

This is the first time she has referred to her place at my side as home. The moment is significant and lost on neither of us. She's trying to tell me something, though I'm not sure exactly what.

She walks toward me, away from the window. I realize she's wearing nothing more than a robe draped over her shoulders and crisscrossed in front, giving brief glimpses of her nude body as she walks. As she approaches me, she allows the robe to slide slowly down her shoulders, catching at her elbows then falling to her wrists, revealing her breasts. For a couple of breathtaking seconds, she holds it closed over her stomach before allowing it to drop completely.

Skye is stunning no matter what she’s wearing, but nude is when she truly shines. Every curve of her body is shaped to perfection, as though built for the touch of my hands and the worship of my lips. She is muscle and sinew, womanly curves and graceful movements. She is mine.

Before I can reach for her, her walk turns into a run and she leaps at me, jumping up into my arms and swinging her legs around to grip my hips. I drop my hands to catch her so that she doesn’t fall and hurt herself.

Before I can say anything, she loops her arms around my neck and drags my face down to hers, thrusting her tongue aggressively into my mouth. Every thought in my head flees as that perfect small tongue darts in and out in a devil’s dance. Skye is attempting to seduce me, and I am her willing victim.

I clutch her tightly, pressing her curves against my body and sliding her bare pussy over the rapidly growing bulge in my leather pants. I hold her up, kissing her back with the voracious appetite of a man gone too long without his favourite treat.

I swing her around and push her against the wall, slamming my hand into the concrete behind her back to make sure that she’s protected from the roughness. She gasps into my mouth and I take the opportunity to thrust my tongue deep into hers, sweeping her mouth with as much if not more aggression than she’d shown me. She clings to me tightly as I treat her to the tempest that constantly swirls within.

Finally, she breaks the kiss and tips her head back against the wall. I drop my lips to her neck, devouring her sweetness as she attempts to catch her breath.

"Wolfe,” she says breathlessly. "We need to talk."

Ah, now we can get to the root of this seduction.

"Should've talked before you jumped on me and rubbed that naked little pussy all over my crotch." I drop my hand to her ass and squeeze hard until she’s squirming against me, then I slide my fingers down her crack and let them linger against her pussy, now dripping wet and soaking my hand.

"I need you to let up on the security. I can't do my job if I have a dozen men trailing me everywhere."

I give her ass another hard squeeze and then bring my hand back around to the front to loosen the ties on my pants. She squirms, pressing her wet little pussy against my knuckles, trying to make herself come as she tries to negotiate her security detail. Cute, but ineffectual. I take my hand away and she groans in disappointment.

"Is that all?" I demand, pulling my cock from my pants. She immediately tightens her legs around my hips and attempts to push my cock towards her entrance. I hold back.

"You can't keep me locked up in the palace. You told me to get the city in order and I'm doing it. I can't do it if I can't go out into the city."

Her voice is surprisingly steady considering how needy her body is. She's thrusting her hips against me and yanking at my hair so hard it feels like she's pulling it out by the roots.

"Find a way," I tell her. "We aren’t negotiating your safety."

She growls at me, uses the strength in her arms and legs to drag herself up my body and poise herself above my throbbing cock. I'm impressed by her athleticism. I drop my hands to her hips and hold her still, not allowing her to sink down.

"Do you intend to remain locked up in the palace?" she demands. "Because you’re just as important to the city as I am. Your life must also be preserved. If this flu is so threatening that I must remain in isolation, then so must you."

Though her body is begging for mine, her words are serious, and her stormy grey eyes are hard with purpose.

"You’re too precious to risk," I tell her. "My life is a shield for yours. The city isn’t strong enough yet to hold under attack. I will not rest until every defense is in place to protect you."

Her eyes soften and she nods. "I thought so. I feel the same, Wolfe. I won’t rest until there’s fresh water for you to drink, education for our children, food in our bellies, and a safe place to recover if we become ill. You must allow me to continue my work, for the sake of our family."

I stare at her, watching her features, reading her. She means every word. This place is our home. I am her home. Together we are creating a home for the people we care about, including our future children.

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