Home > Heavy Souls (The Paranormals #2)(20)

Heavy Souls (The Paranormals #2)(20)
Author: Andie M. Long

Given it was a cover of Queen's Fat Bottomed Girls, I could see why it was a wise choice to avoid it.

I managed to get my focus back fully on the concert and kept my eyes well away from the front rows. We did two encores and then the first gig was under our belt and it was time to let loose a little at the after-party. We walked off to the dressing room to get showered and changed. All of us were pumped and buzzing and we hugged, high-fived, and jumped around because it had been a total high.

Once in the dressing room where it was just the four of us, Rex started.

"Are you going to give Erica her pants back tonight then?"

Noah looked at him with a double take, his head swinging from Rex to me. "What? How do you have her pants? What did I miss?"

"Did you not see Erica flash her backside to the whole crowd, and her panties hanging over Zak's microphone?"

"N- no. I spent most of my time focused on my wife." The penny dropped. "Oh, so that's why they pulled the song from the list."

"It was worse than that." Roman said, swigging from his bottle. "We all got a look at her lady parts. I wouldn't be surprised if she hasn't gone home. I'm amazed she stayed to watch the rest of the concert."

"She did?" I asked. I had to admit, I also thought she'd have probably run out embarrassed.

Roman nodded.

"Oh poor Erica." Noah said. "She must be mortified. When we see her, we must act like nothing happened, okay? No jokes about this at all."

We all agreed and then we got ready for the party. Although Roman was always ready for a party anyway. I was surprised his hand hadn't fused in a 'carrying a bottle' shape. He might be the largely silent type, but he was no shy boy and I wondered what he planned to do given Harley had shown interest in him.


The after-party was taking place in one of the banqueting suites and we were greeted by Bill, our Manager, the minute we walked through the door.

"Here are my favourite people in the whole world." He clapped all our backs and we went through the part where we met with eagerness anyone Bill introduced us to. It was 'schmoozing time' and you never knew who would give us a sponsorship deal or a front cover of a coveted glossy magazine. As lead singer, I always had more of the schmoozing to do, but I'd had plenty of practice with being an incubus so it wasn't a great hardship.

I could see in my peripheral vision that there were lots of women hanging around, waiting for the band to be free. Stacey was also hanging around and I pitied anyone who ever tried to make a move on Noah and not just because she was a witch and a vampire cross.

As soon as we were free of our responsibilities and Bill had moved on, the women moved in. Gathering around like annoying bluebottles who tried to get in your face when there was loads of fucking room for everyone, their simpering or trying to be seductive voices were like the annoying buzz.

"Hey, Zak."

"You were incredible tonight."

"Your voice is like an angel."

"Can I get you a drink?"

And the best and most said by far.

"Do you wanna escape these crowds and go somewhere more private?"

That came from a tall, willowy predator. She was wearing leopard print and had red nails and red lips. Say no more.

"No, honey, because as tempting as that is, we kinda have to be at our own after-party." I said.

I was just beginning to get annoyed as there were so many hands on my butt and cupping my junk that I couldn't bat them away fast enough, when a purple-haired beauty came into view. Erica strode right up to me. Now I could see her wearing her dress properly I noted how it clung in all the right places and suddenly I forgot about every other woman in the room. What was it with this chick?

"Oh, Jesus. It's the streaker from the show." Said Predator, putting her arm through mine. "Let me protect you."

Erica came closer and flicked her hair. "Excuse me." She said to Predator, "but I need some alone time with my boyfriend now."



What the fuck was she…? OH!

I got it and I extricated myself from Predator's grasp.

"You'll have to excuse me. When the girlfriend demands my attention, I have to give it." I winked lustfully at Erica. "That was very naughty what you did out at the concert. It threw me off my game, Angel."

Erica wiggled her eyebrows. "Sorry. I can't control myself when I'm near you. If I could have my panties back though?"

"Come on. Let's go to the bathroom, and I'll help you put them back on… maybe…"

Erica nodded and I walked away from the women and towards the bathrooms wondering what on earth was going to happen next.


I got security to clear everyone out for us for a while. There were other bathrooms a few more minutes walk away and guests could go there instead.

Once we were through the main doors and inside, I placed my hand in my pocket and took out her panties. "There you go."

"Thanks." She said, back to being a little shy and she went into the bathroom and put them back on. I went and checked that no one but security was outside of the door.

"Keep people out of earshot." I told them and then closed the door behind me.

There was a small seating area near the sinks and hand dryers and I sat there while I waited for Erica to come back out. I could hear Erica talking. Had she phoned someone from the bathroom?

I listened more closely.

"You stupid woman. Could you embarrass yourself any more tonight? First you show off your private parts, then you push your way into his space and declare you’re his girlfriend. No wonder he ran off as soon as he returned your knickers."

"Erm." I cleared my throat. "I've not run off."

There was a groan from the loo. "But I heard the door close."

"I was just checking with security."

Next came a loud sigh. "Do you want to leave now then and escape the madwoman sitting in the toilet stall talking to herself?"

"Nope. I want the madwoman to come out so I can thank her for rescuing me from the groupies."

After half a minute, the door opened and Erica walked out. She was so pretty and I don't think she even had a clue. I patted the seat next to me. "I don't bite. That's more Noah's thing."

I forgot for a moment that she had no clue of our paranormal status until she looked at me a bit strangely.

"Sorry, too much information there."

Erica slowly sat next to me.

"So thanks again for the interruption."

"S'okay." She shrugged. "I was nearby and I could tell by your expression that you were starting to get annoyed. I saw them all groping you. It's not what women should be like. So I thought I'd give you an option for getting away. It wasn't like I could embarrass myself anymore this evening."

"It was much appreciated, and okay, you didn't plan to flash yourself on screen, but I can't say it was an unpleasant view. There are no complaints from me."

She blushed. "I run your fan club and now I'll have to resign because I'll be a laughingstock."

"Erica. All that flashed on that screen was your arse. No one saw who it belonged to apart from the rest of the VIPs in the front section and none of them will say anything. Most have done a lot more than flash their arse."

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