Home > Only Her Best Friend(17)

Only Her Best Friend(17)
Author: Cami Checketts

“I’m sure having you around is plenty of compensation.”

His eyebrows rose. “You like having me around?”

The moment went slow between them. Meredith was in so much trouble with this man around. If she revealed to him how long and deeply she loved him, how would he respond? She was pretty certain he’d kiss her and make her feel amazing, which she would love, but she was split on whether he could ever return her feelings. Even if he wasn’t truly the player the media portrayed, how could they make a relationship work? As far as she knew, he only came home a few times a year. That wasn’t nearly enough for her. She shook her head. She was getting really far ahead of herself.

“What are you shaking your head for?” He leaned closer. “You don’t like having me around?”

“Everybody likes having you around.” She shoved a large bite of the tacos in and chewed and swallowed as he watched her steadily until she finished her meal.

Meredith stood, closed the taco box, and grabbed her drink. “That was delicious. Thank you so much.”

“Break’s over?” he asked, standing also.

“I’d better relieve Cat and let Danielle get a break when we have a slow moment.”

“Do you often let Cat work for you?” he asked as she dumped the taco box in the garbage, and they walked together back to her shop.

“Sometimes. It’s nice because with the resort she has her food handler’s permit, and she’s such a wonderful friend to me. She often comes by with food and makes me take a break.”

“She’s a hilarious and sassy angel, that sister of mine.”

They reached her shop much too quickly and paused outside. “That she is. I love seeing her and Stetson together.”

He smiled. “It’s great to see them both so happy, especially after what his jerk of a father and my harpy of a mother did to both of them, and to my dad.”

Meredith glanced sharply up at him, but his blue gaze wasn’t revealing anything. She knew Cat had some huge issues with her mom and Stetson’s dad. However, the two of them coming after Stetson’s money again and her mom pulling a gun on Cat had somehow broken through her anger, and she’d been able to forgive her mom. Did Cruz have issues as well? Meredith wouldn’t blame him if he did. She had such a happy family it was hard to relate. Her parents loved the Lord, loved each other, and loved her. They’d wanted a house full of children but had only been blessed with her, so they spoiled her with attention and love.

“Do you struggle with your mom?”

Cruz shrugged and looked out at the lake. “I’m a big boy. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

She wanted to talk to him and comfort him, but he reached for the door and pulled it open, gesturing her inside. Meredith got the message loud and clear—his mom was an untouchable subject. She walked ahead of him. There was a lull, so Cat was chatting with Danielle while Meredith’s employee ate a sandwich at one of the tables.

“Hey!” Cat lifted a hand. “Back so soon?”

“I thought I’d better let you get back to work,” Meredith said.

“I took today off.” Cat beamed at Cruz. “It’s not often I get to spend the day with my best bro.”

Cruz grinned. “Only bro.” He smiled down at Meredith. “We’re headed out on a mountain bike ride.”

“Did you want any ice cream?” she asked, reluctant to let him go.

“Maybe tomorrow. I ate far too much delicious food last night.” He gently tucked her hair behind her ear and stared so deeply at her that she felt her knees knocking together. “What time are you done?”

“Five.” She bit at her lip. Apparently, he did want to be with her. She didn’t know for how long, but she couldn’t make herself care very much in the face of Cruz giving her his appealing smile.

“I’ll pick up dinner from the resort and meet you about six o’clock, so you don’t have to cook tonight after working all day.”

Meredith didn’t mind cooking, liked it actually, but it was very thoughtful of him to offer to bring takeout.

“Though your homemade rolls are more delicious than anything I’ve had at the resort, or anywhere throughout the world.” His voice was deep, husky, and more delicious than any food.

Meredith bit at her lip, and she heard Danielle whistle low and say in a carrying whisper, “Sheesh, he’s sexy. How does she resist him?”

Meredith’s eyes widened, and Cruz grinned. “How indeed?” he murmured.

Meredith had no clue how to respond. She wasn’t doing a good job of resisting him at all. The door pushed open with a ding, and warm air and a large family gushed in.

“I’ll see you tonight,” she said to Cruz. “Thanks for lunch.”

“Sure.” He nodded to her, his blue gaze focused completely on her as if they were the only two people in the world.

“Excuse us,” the young mom said. “Are you waiting to order?”

Meredith laughed self-consciously and backed away. “No, sorry.” She hurried around the counter, set the lemonade down, and grabbed an apron.

Cat brushed past her. “Be nice to my brother,” she murmured with a teasing, very Cat-like glimmer in her eyes. “Don’t break his heart.”

Meredith was certain she was in much more danger of a broken heart than Cruz, but she didn’t want to get into that with her friend. She forced a smile. “Thanks for helping out and giving me a break.”

Cat gave her a squeeze as she headed toward Cruz. “Anytime.”

As Meredith pulled gloves on, she heard the door open. She glanced up, and Cruz was holding the door for Cat but looking back at her. He gave her an appealing grin and said, “See you at six.”

Meredith lifted a hand and watched them go. Tonight. Would it finally be the moment she could admit the truth to him? Her stomach flipped at the thought, but she felt a rush of excitement as well. As she served ice cream and smiled at adorable children, her mind for some reason went back thirteen years—to that kiss in the forest by Hope’s backyard. Would she get a kiss like that from Cruz again? This time as mature adults and both of them knowing who they were kissing? Her heart beat faster at the mere idea.

“Cat says Cruz is into you,” Danielle whispered as she shuffled behind her to grab some mint chocolate chip.

Meredith’s heart wouldn’t slow down as her mind wrapped around those words. She hoped Danielle didn’t want a response because it took all her concentration to not plop scoops of ice cream on the floor again.



Chapter Eight



Cruz had left Meredith’s house after their walk that morning and went straight to his dad’s cabin. He’d caught Cat at the end of her swim, and she’d done an extra loop with him. The water had been refreshing and helped clear his head, but nothing could clear the despair of Meredith not wanting him.

He spent time helping his dad with some projects before showering. As he’d come down the steps, Cat had been waiting for him. She announced that she was taking the day off work and informed him they were going to take Meredith to lunch.

Cruz had been forced to share with Cat that there were “lots of reasons” Meredith couldn’t date him. Her response was typical Cat. “Buck up, you wimp. She’s into you. You just have to work for it.”

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