Home > Hold Firm (Biker Daddy Bodyguards #1)(12)

Hold Firm (Biker Daddy Bodyguards #1)(12)
Author: Sue Brown

Cade stared at him. Did Quinn really think his presence would erase weeks of insomnia? Ego much.

“Would that scare you?” Quinn asked.

“No,” Cade muttered and moved over.

Quinn sat on the bed. “Are you sure, Cade? I don’t want to frighten you.”

“It won’t scare me,” Cade lied, even though he was suddenly terrified at the thought of having another man in bed with him.

There was one advantage though. Quinn wasn’t between him and the door. When Quinn was asleep he could slip out of bed and tip-toe out of the bedroom.

Quinn got on the bed and lay down but didn’t make a move to get under the covers.

“Get under the comforter or you’ll get cold,” Cade said.


Quinn slid gently under the cover. Mogs chirruped a couple of times and took time to settle. Her presence was comforting. Like a cat could protect him if Quinn decided to attack him.

“Cade, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.”

Cade blinked. “What?”

“You’re shaking,” Quinn said.

“I am?” He hadn’t realized.

“Do you want me to get out of bed?”

Yes. No. Yes

Cade had no idea what he wanted.


“Okay, then. Good night.” Quinn sighed and settled again.

Silence again. Cade stared at the balcony door. Was it locked? Could Eric climb up to the first floor?

“Cade,” Quinn said.


“You’re safe with me. I won’t hurt you.”

“That’s what he said to me. Right before he…he…” Cade’s voice cracked, and he blinked away unshed tears.

“I’m here to protect you from Strada.”

Cade let out a sigh that felt as if it was drawn from his toes. “I know.”

“But you’re still scared.”

“I’m scared all the time,” Cade confessed. “I expect him to leap out from behind every corner.”

“I understand.”

“You do?” Cade asked doubtfully.

“Cade, you’ve been violated by a man who should have protected you from the world.”

“I thought for the first time I had someone…family. But he hurt me. Daddy hurt me.”

And then he was howling, unable to hold back the tears. He expected Quinn to grab him, try to hug him, and was ready to put up a fight. But nothing happened. Quinn stayed where he was. Cade howled and cried until he had nothing left inside him, until the crying went to sobbing and finally to shuddering breaths.

“Do you need water?” Quinn said when Cade was quiet.

“Please.” Cade felt empty, his eyes stung and his throat was raw. “There’s a fridge in the corner by the window.”

He felt the bed dip and Quinn went over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. Cade sat up and took the uncapped bottle from him. He drank, needing the cool water to slip down his throat, to soothe the pain he’d been bottling up inside.

Quinn sat back on the bed, his silent warrior, ready to take care of him.

Cade looked at him. “I’m sorry.”

“Have you seen a therapist?”

“What?” That was the last question Cade expected.

“Since you split up. Have you seen a therapist?”

Cade shook his head. “I’ve been preparing for this event. I haven’t had time.”

“This is only a suggestion. I can’t make you go. But I think you should talk with a therapist.”

“And tell them what? My Daddy liked beating me up? Yeah, I can just see how that will go down. It’ll be all over social media before I leave the building.”

“There is such a thing as patient confidentiality,” Quinn said mildly.

Cade snorted.

“I know a couple of therapists from our world. I’ll give you their numbers.”

“They understand about Daddies and boys?” Cade asked doubtfully.

Quinn’s lips twitched. “One’s a Daddy and the other one is a little.”

Cade’s mouth dropped open. “Really?”

“Really. They’re both good. I’ve recommended them before.”

“I’ll think about it.”

He was making no promises, especially not when he was exhausted to the bone. He yawned and lay down. Mogs mewed in his ear.

Quinn chuckled. “She just wants to check you’re okay.”

Cade rolled over to face her and scratched under her chin. He was acutely aware of Quinn watching him but he focused his attention on the cat.

“Thank you,” he said after a few minutes.

“For what?”

“Not trying to hold me.”

“You’re not ready for that,” Quinn said.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be ready.” Tears prickled at the back of his eyes and he blinked rapidly, determined not to break down again. Then he yawned. “God, I’m so fucking tired.”

“Go to sleep,” Quinn suggested. Or was it an order?

Cade thought he’d close his eyes for a moment. They were so sore. He could go down to the studio in five or ten minutes.



Chapter 5




He watched Cade sleep for at least thirty minutes. The boy had fallen into a deep sleep almost as soon as he closed his eyes. Quinn wasn’t stupid. Cade was hopeless at hiding his emotions. He knew Cade had planned to sneak out of the bedroom as soon as Quinn was asleep. Where would he go? Probably the studio. Quinn had warned him, but he didn’t think Cade had taken it on board. If Cade put one foot on the ground, he would know. If he didn’t wake up, his furry alarm clock would make a noise. Unlike the night before, Quinn was clear-headed. It was a relief not to flop into bed fueled with whiskey. He never drank while on the job or dealing with a boy in distress.

Cade didn’t move the whole time Quinn watched him. He was dead to the world. How long had he gone without sleep? Who the hell was taking care of him? Where was the community? The Daddy community was very small. Someone should have been here all the time to pick up the pieces when Cade fell apart. He was going to chew the asses of some of his friends tomorrow.

Quinn needed sleep himself. Cade might only sleep for an hour or two, or he might sleep for the night. Whatever, tomorrow was going to be another long day. Quinn stroked Mogs who stretched lazily and grabbed his hand with her front paws when he tried to move away. He smiled and left his hand where it was.



Quinn woke once in the night, mentally putting the pieces together. He was in Cade Connolly’s bedroom, in his bed. What had woken him up? Was Cade trying to sneak away? He opened his eyes to find Mogs still between them and Cade on his back, arms and legs spread out almost like a starfish. Quinn smiled, the smile fading when he heard Cade make a distressed sound. Cade frowned, his mouth twisting and his arms lifting in front of him.

“No, Eric, don’t! I didn’t smile at him. Please…don’t hurt me!”

Quinn sucked in a breath. Cade was having a nightmare, and Quinn didn’t need to be drawn a diagram about the content.

He leaned closer but he didn’t touch the boy. “Cade. Cade. It’s okay. You’re safe. Go back to sleep.”

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