Home > Maximum Commitment (Sin City #13)(13)

Maximum Commitment (Sin City #13)(13)
Author: Tricia Owens

“It’s important that you like them, but it probably won’t be world-ending if they’re not perfect,” Ethan said, trying to advise caution. “Your relationship with him is what really matters.”

“Sure, sure, but I want the ring to be perfect. It’s going to claim him as mine. Everyone’s going to see it and know he’s married to me. I can’t get that wrong. I can’t.”

Ethan kept a smile on his face, but he could tell the seed in his head was going to grow roots soon. Theo’s relationship with Loren wasn’t as shiny as Theo claimed it was.

“I’m sure he’ll be thrilled with whatever you give him,” Ethan said politely.

Theo nodded, looking out the side window. “He’d better be,” he murmured, as if to himself.

Ethan crossed his fingers for all sorts of things associated with Theo Smith, but past experiences left him worried.

Please, Karma, just let me get through this week.



Chapter Four



Their morning schedule, to Ethan’s surprise, went by quickly and pleasantly. Both events that Theo attended were well-run with security that made Ethan’s presence slightly redundant. He didn’t have much to worry about as fans were ushered forward to their place beside the reality star and expertly whisked away by assistants once the appropriate photo or autograph was obtained.

What helped most of all was Theo’s attitude throughout. He was charming and welcoming toward each fan, no matter how boisterous or shy they were. His jokes brought laughter, his flirting inspired blushes. Every fan left his presence with a smile on their face, just as they should after such events. Theo himself seemed to feed off their energy, creating a perfect loop for a celebrity interaction.

By the time the signing ended, Theo looked elated and ready to extend for another hour. Ethan had learned his lesson from the previous day, however, and double-checked with the organizers to ensure they stopped admitting fans once the allotted time ended. Theo, flushed, and visibly riding a high, didn’t argue with Ethan as he escorted him off the premises to the waiting Elite Poole limo.

“Wow! What a day,” he gushed as he jumped in back with Ethan sliding in more sedately behind him. He tossed the sunglasses he’d been promoting during the earlier event to the seats opposite him before scrubbing both hands through his hair. “If only everyday was like that, huh? No wonder people want to be celebrities.”

Ethan was amused. “Everything did go very well.”

“That’s an understatement and a half. It felt like up until today, I was forced to deal with mouth-breathers who didn’t even understand who I am. These fans all knew me, though. Like, they watched the entire series and they knew me. They got me. What a nice goddamn change.”

“The promotion for these events seemed to be more focused on your fanbase,” Ethan observed. “Maybe you can work with your agent to tailor your events more finely, so you’ll have this kind of experience more often.”

Theo pointed at him. “That. That right there is exactly what I’m going to do. I pretty much just let Eddie sign me up for whoever’ll pay me, but I shouldn’t have to put up with the stupid events with yahoos who only know me from the gossip sites. I’m not some nobody hawking shampoo. I’ve got my own brand and I need to make sure these promoters appreciate it. You can tell that all my fans were there today. They went nuts for me.”

“Yes, both events were very successful for you.”

“Yeah.” Smiling, Theo dug through the mini-bar after pretending to check a non-existent watch. “It’s drinking time. What’s your poison, Ethan?”

“Nothing for me, thanks.”

“Weak, but I get it. You’re armed. I’d rather you be stone cold sober in case the psychos show up for my next appearance.” He found a bottle of Stoli and a container of orange juice and poured himself a screwdriver as he relaxed into his seat. “Then again, maybe we’ll get lucky and the trolls will stay away.” He took a sip. “You ever had to deal with trolls?”

“Online ones? Not really. I don’t keep many personal accounts.”

“You must have a Twitter account for your bodyguard alter ego, though.”

“We have a firm that handles all social media for the agency.”

“That’s a missed opportunity,” Theo said, studying Ethan with surprise. “Isn’t the Elite Poole’s schtick that the agents all look like models? No offense. I know you’re also trained and everything, but that’s your X-factor.”

“Typically our clientele doesn’t find us through Twitter. We rely on referrals from previous clients.”

“And the media,” Theo said, watching him. “You guys use that free publicity as well as any PR company.”

Ethan gave him a noncommittal shrug, acting as though he didn’t know what Theo was referring to.

“Come on,” Theo said with a snort. “You can’t tell me all that drama about whether you and your boss are gay and an item wasn’t calculated. Bodyguards don’t normally get that kind of coverage, but suddenly your past clients are being asked whether you flirted with them. Come to think of it, maybe they were in on it, too. It was publicity for everyone.”

“People’s careers could have been negatively affected by that coverage,” Ethan pointed out, struggling to keep his tone even. “None of it was deliberate. We provide security, not controversy or entertainment.”

“So you lost clients because of it?”

“I’m only an agent. I don’t deal with the business side.”

“Your husband owns the business.” Theo drained his cup. “I bet you did lose some. Those suckers who’re still in the closet and are afraid that hiring you will suddenly expose them. It was a gamble for you guys, for sure, but now you’re the agency in Vegas. Famous, infamous, and beautiful. Hollywood eats that shit up.”

“Did hiring me work for you?” Ethan regretted the question, but Theo only laughed.

“Mama didn’t raise no fool. I needed to hire someone anyway, may as well make it someone with a high profile. Every little bump helps.” Theo sent him a sly smile. “Loren kept one of those ads. The one where you and Poole are at the shooting range. Loren likes it. Says it’s tasteful and horny at the same time.”

Ethan smiled slightly. “First time I’ve heard it described that way, but thanks.”

“I think we’ll do one of those, too. Not at a range, but what are they called—boudoir shots? Glamor shots? I don’t care about seeing me, but I want a photo with Loren looking all hot like that. I’ll make it my phone background, ha!”

Ethan didn’t doubt that Theo would take every opportunity to show it to people, too.

“Do you carry a photo of your husband with you?”


“He’s not my type,” Theo said. “A little too intimidating for me. But I’m not blind. If I were married to him, I’d flash his photo everywhere.”

The idea sounded juvenile to Ethan, and he was beginning to form of picture of Theo that reflected that. He wondered if Loren was his first serious relationship.

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