Home > Maximum Commitment (Sin City #13)(18)

Maximum Commitment (Sin City #13)(18)
Author: Tricia Owens

The server delivered their first course of wine. Ethan immediately drank half of his glassful. “I never asked to star in this reality show. Theo’s obsessed with him. Loren seems lukewarm. Maybe they’ll make it, maybe they won’t, but I’m not going to play a role in whatever happens between them.”

“I understand and I agree. I’ll inform his agent in the morning that he may either accept a change of assignment or the contract is closed.”

Ethan groaned, slumping in his chair, “I hate feeling like I’m being used. It’s insulting, like he thinks I’m dumb enough to believe his lies.”

“He hired us in bad faith. He’s insulted the entire company. If you were used, then I was, too.”

The word left a bad taste in Max’s mouth, especially after all that he’d learned today. To be master of your fate, you needed to be in absolute control of it. If there was one thing that Max detested, it was other people attempting to control his fate to affect their own.

“I felt like an absolute idiot telling the police what had happened while knowing that I was playing into Theo’s narrative. And the fact that I’m in the video? Oh, man, Max, when I saw the clip I was ready to drive back to his hotel and punch him in the face. Sorry. I know that’s not professional of me. But I’m really ticked off about it all.”

“You have every right to be.”

Ethan stared at him, still visibly furious, then abruptly let out an explosive laugh. Like an overheated balloon that had been pierced, he slumped and seemed to relax. “You’re good therapy. You support everything I say.”

“Because everything you have to say is valid,” Max said, smirking when Ethan laughed again.

“I rest my case.” Ethan sighed and took a smaller sip from his wineglass. “I’m happy you made reservations here. I needed to get out of my head.”

“Sometimes we all need that.”

He felt Ethan studying him.

“You seem subdued, Max. When I came in, you looked almost, well—is anything the matter? I’m sorry for unloading on you as soon as I sat down.”

Max waved off his apology. “That’s what a husband is for.”

“Okay, so let me play my role of the other husband.” Ethan leaned forward again. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

Max’s problem wasn’t nearly as dramatic as Ethan’s, but it had dug its hooks into him just as sharply. He had to pause a moment to stifle the anger that surged up.

“My father is not being completely honest in his work for me,” he stated as calmly as he could.

Ethan blinked. “What do you mean? Has he been pretending to do things for you that he’s not? I know you asked him to look into some things...”

“No, in that regard he’s been admirable. He’s performed every task he’s promised to, and many besides. It’s the information he’s providing that is suspect.”

“That sounds pretty ominous.”

Max agreed, and wished he’d spoken differently. “I don’t believe he’s trying to sabotage our efforts there. On the contrary, he seems especially invested in the expansion. I’d go so far as to say it’s his number one priority at this moment.”

The server arrived with their first course: vegetable crackers topped with pickled rhubarb and drizzled with skyr. Max, whose appetite had been non-existent upon arriving at the restaurant, found it renewed in the presence of Ethan. He served them both from the plate and tasted the small offering hopefully.


“When I first moved to Vegas, I would have been annoyed to be served something that looks like the leftovers of a larger meal. Now it’s fun. Like a game to see which chef can produce the smallest bite with the biggest flavor.” Ethan licked his lips. “So go on. What’s your dad doing, exactly?”

“He’s been researching potential site locations around the city. So far, his recommendations have been in high-rent districts, as I expected. However, the prices he’s showing me don’t match expectations.”

“Higher or lower?”

“Lower. Significantly lower.”

Ethan arched a brow. “Maybe he’s using his connections to get a better deal?”

“Possible,” Max conceded after dabbing at his lips with napkin, “but I’m inclined to believe it’s much simpler than that. He owns considerable property within London. I believe he’s attempting to trick me into renting from him at a discount.”

“But, isn’t that good? For both of you?”

“The last thing I want is to be beholden to my father in regards to my business,” Max said, struggling not to let his resentment leak into his voice. “I don’t want him doing me any favors which he can hold above my head later when he wants something or disapproves of my choices.”

“Is there a way you can check on the properties he’s shown you? See who owns them?”

“Yes, and I will. However, even if it turns out that he doesn’t own these properties and another entity does, he’s intending to subsidize their cost, either personally or through his companies, to come up with the numbers he’s shown me. As you’ve noted, Ethan, it’s no fun being treated as though you’re dumb. I didn’t ask for nor need his charity.”

“Even if it’s being offered in good faith?”

“He wants me back in Europe, Ethan. He wants both of us there, even if it costs him a small fortune.” Max drummed his fingers hard against the tabletop. “Today, I learned that my mother is on the same page as he.”

“Uh oh.” Ethan grimaced and sat back. “What makes you say that?”

“She emailed me with concerns about whether my aunt and her husband are healthy enough to make the flight to the U.S. She hinted that if they aren’t, she would feel guilty about leaving them behind.”

“Wait, Max, are you saying your mom is suggesting she might not be coming to the wedding?”

“Yes,” Max forced out.

“After all the work she and my mom have put in?”

“It’s a powerplay, Ethan. She’s trying to force us to move the wedding. That’s what she’s wanted from the beginning. Suggesting a second ceremony was only delaying the inevitable. My parents want us in England and are trying two different angles to get us there.”

“Normally I’d say it’s great to be wanted, but that doesn’t apply in this case. Your parents are demanding.”

Max would have snorted at the oversimplification if doing so wasn’t so uncouth. “Coming to America is a commitment of more than time and money. It’s a commitment to us as a couple. It’s also acceptance of our lives here. We’ve seen how they fare with both of those things.”

“We’re hoping they’re changing,” Ethan reminded him gently.

Max wanted to lash out, or the opposite, freeze him out. But Ethan wasn’t his enemy and he wasn’t even wrong.

“We may hope,” he conceded reluctantly, “but there’s no guarantee that that hope is justified.”

The first course was cleared, silverware switched out, and the second course served. It was explained as a saltfish and parsley soup, in demitasse cups.

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