Home > Lachlan (Dangerous Doms #5)(32)

Lachlan (Dangerous Doms #5)(32)
Author: Jane Henry


“Hurston,” one of the men greets us. “You’ve brought us a tribute, have you?”

My blood boils and my grip on Fiona tightens so hard she winces. I quake with the effort to control myself.

“He’s testing your mettle, Lach,” Tiernan whispers. “He knows she’s yours.”

“Brought a brother of the Clan,” Tiernan says with a forced laugh. “As if you need another woman by your feet, you manky bastard. You’ve only one fucking cock.”

The man throws his head back and howls with laughter. Tiernan knows exactly how to manage him. Hell, I’m proud of the lad. He’s come into his own.

“Calum, meet Lachlan McCarthy, McCarthy family Clan.”

The men get to their feet when they hear the introduction. A sign of respect.

“Lovely to meet you,” Calum says. “Any man of McCarthy Clan stock is a friend of ours.”

Fiona shivers.

When we draw nearer, he takes in every detail. The chain around her wrist, my teeth marks on her neck, the bright red places where I suckled her sweet, decadent skin. “She’s yours.”

“Aye,” I say, my response immediate and harsh.

Calum holds up his hands in surrender. “Now, no need to fear us,” he says. “We know a claimed woman when we see one.” He gives Fiona one appreciative look. “I will say, you’ve got good taste though.”

My hands clench into fists, but I school myself.

“Thanks very much.”

“Have a seat, lad.”

They gesture for us to sit and quickly get down to business. “Tell me what’s happened.”

We tell them how Fiona’s come here for college, and how the guard we sent was murdered. I tell them how I came here with Keenan’s permission.

Calum frowns. “Do you have anything to do with the O’Gregors?” Rival mafia.

“We’ve had skirmishes with them, aye. But years ago, they paid their debts to us and relocated here, didn’t they?”

“Aye,” Calum says. “I wondered if they had any reason to retaliate.”

“None that I know of.”

“Same,” Tiernan says.

“And who’s the patriarch of your group?”

“Keenan McCarthy.”

“There’s none higher ranking?”

“Not now, no.”

“And his father was the late Seamus McCarthy, no?”


We go through family history and I bring him up to speed. Finally, after a third pint of Guinness, he nods.

“I’ve a few suspicions about who could be a threat to you,” he says. “And I can guarantee our protection and alliance. There will, of course, be a price.”

My body tightens. Of course there will be, this I know well. Keenan’s given me an ample sum to pay and permission for trades as well.

He eyes Fiona, and my jaw clenches. My fists form under the table where he can’t see, and I quickly take inventory of my weapons. I’ve got two handguns in a harness, a knife in my pocket and another in my boot. I could gut him dead before his body hit the floor. I’d pay for it, but it’d be worth it.

“We’ll negotiate,” Tiernan says. “You know the McCarthy family won’t touch human trade, so that’s off the table.”

Calum grins at me. “Drives a hard feckin’ bargain, this one does.”

“Aye, he does.”

“We’ll call Keenan. Negotiate our price.”

“You can deal straight with us,” Tiernan says firmly.

“Well, well, if he isn’t pushing even harder now.”

I know that steely glint in his eye. I’ve seen lesser men than him pull a weapon when he got a look like that. He watches as I wrap my arm around Fiona’s neck and draw her closer to me.

“Protection’s worth a hefty price,” I tell him.

He eyes Fiona again, this time not bothering to mask the lust in his eyes. “Do all the McCarthy men have such young lasses in their keep?”

“Some do,” I tell him. “Some don’t.”

“And I’m guessing this one is clearly off the table.”

“Yes,” Tiernan and I say in unison. My grip on her tightens.

Calum swallows hard, then finally concedes with a nod. “Does she have any friends?”

Fiona’s eyes go wide, and she opens her mouth to speak but I tug the little chain that binds her to me. She clamps her mouth shut.

“I said that human negotiation was off the table,” Tiernan says with a sigh. He gets to his feet as if he’s about to leave. I follow suit. We face the door, as if we’re leaving, when Calum stops us.

“Alright, then. No women for trade.” He sighs. “Tell me what else you have to offer.”

As Tiernan outlines every option we have to trade, I sweep my eyes around the room. No one looks familiar, of course, but I’m noting something else. Fiona’s the only woman in the inner circle. All the other men are single, sitting around tables with pints and shots and glasses of whiskey. Why are there no women here?

“Alright, we have a deal,” Calum says. “As long as you can promise me you’ve nothing to do with O’Gregor scum, and I have your word you’re born and bred McCarthy stock, you have a deal.”

I shrug out of my suit coat and begin unbuttoning my dress shirt. Calum watches me, but Fiona’s gaze is just as keen. I shrug out of my shirt and fold it across my knees, flip my arm around, and bare my inked marks to him.

“This here shows I’m McCarthy stock. You know any man who’d bear this mark without proper affiliation would die a painful death.”

Calum looks on, and the man sitting next to him, who’s sat silently until now, nods.

“Oh, aye,” he says. “It’s the mark, isn’t it?” He whistles. “What’s your heritage, lad?”

I shrug my shirt back on as Fiona watches us in silence. “My father was cousin to Seamus McCarthy. When my parents died when I was just a baby, I was taken into the finishing school, raised to learn McCarthy Clan code.”

“Good men, those McCarthys,” Calum says. He raises his pint. “We’ll drink to them!”

We toast and drink, though the tension between us is thick. Moments after I finish a pint, a door to the back opens, and the lights dim. A hush goes over the crowd when a line of women walks on stage, clearly specifically here for our entertainment. Fiona’s mouth drops when she sees them, every one of them wearing nothing more than pretty tassels on their nipples.

Her eyes come to mine, and I hold her gaze. “Look at me,” I say quietly. She obeys.

“Come get a drink with me, Lach?” Tiernan says. I know he wants a word alone, when he jerks his chin toward the bar.

“Aye,” I say, though I’m reluctant to leave her. “Come,” I say, giving her a tug, but Calum speaks up.

“Ah, no women at the bar.” I look at him in surprise.

“Really? Feckin’ Middle Ages, is it?”

He grins. “In more ways than you know.”

“She’ll be fine for a minute,” Tiernan says, clearly eager to talk with me about whatever he needs to. “Keep watch on her the whole time.” He grimaces and shoots daggers at me. “And any bloke that doesn’t see the bite marks and hickies you left all over my sister is a fucking fool.”

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