Home > Bride of the Sea (The Prophecy of Sisters #2)(4)

Bride of the Sea (The Prophecy of Sisters #2)(4)
Author: Hayley Faiman

Chapter Two






My entire body feels like it’s on fire as he holds me in the middle of these woods. I don’t know what’s going on or where I am, but it seems as though my body is taking over my mind at this point, because I don’t care as long as I am in this stranger’s arms.


I don’t know what nationality that name is, but I’m assuming it’s Scandinavian of some kind judging by his clothes, or lack thereof. His lips drag the entirety of my neck, his tongue peeking out to taste me causing both of us to moan.

His grip on my hair is firm, it’s rough and I’m not sure why I’m not only allowing this, but wishing that it would go farther. I haven’t been with a man in a while and I’ve never been with someone that I don’t know, never allowed a stranger to touch and kiss me this way.

Shifting my hands down to his chest, I try to push him away, my good sense finally coming back to me. He doesn’t allow it though. My heart starts to pound and a million things run through my mind.

But what comes front and center is panic. There is no other way to describe what happened next, just that I freak the fuck out—completely.

“Who are you? Where am I? What is happening?” I scream as my heart starts to slam against my chest again, the same way it did when my eyes opened in this strange place.

“Holy shit. I’ve been kidnapped. Oh my God,” I ramble as I cry, my body beginning to tremble. “I’ve been kidnapped and you don’t understand anything I’m saying. You’re probably like those assholes on that show Vikings and you’re going to rape me, maybe sacrifice me to Odin or some shit. Oh my God,” I whimper.

Aaric stares down at me in nothing other than what can be described as complete and total confusion. He shakes his head once, as if he is trying to figure out why I’m freaked the fuck out. I try to push him away again, but he shakes his head again, his eyes darkening as his brows furrow.

“Nei,” he barks.

Licking my lips, I shake my head. “Yes, Aaric.”

He leans in, his mouth touching mine, but he doesn’t kiss me. His lips are just resting against my own.

“Nei, Liv,” he rasps right before he releases my hair and grabs ahold of my silky slip nightgown and rips it down the center.






I let out a scream, but he doesn’t even flinch. I take a step back, but before I can turn around and run, he has me flat on my back in the mud and grass. Pinching my eyes closed, I give up fighting him.

He wraps his hand around the front of my throat. Shaking my head slightly, I open my eyes, gasping when I look at his face. He’s got a snarl playing on his lips. One of his hands working his pants between us, I can feel it and tears fill my eyes.

This is it.

He’s going to rape me. I don’t know what the fuck is happening around me, where I am or how I got here, and now this guy who doesn’t even speak English is going to rape me.

He shakes his head once. “Minn,” he barks, shaking me again.

Lifting my hand, I wrap my fingers around his forearm and try to pull him off of me. He doesn’t budge. It doesn’t help that he’s at least a foot taller than me and weighs at least one hundred pounds of pure muscle more than me. There is no use in fighting him, absolutely none.

“Minn, Liv,” he purrs.

That voice, god, it comes from deep in his chest and it causes goosebumps to break out over my flesh. I feel the head of his cock against my entrance and my body stiffens with fear. He shakes his head once, his fingers gripping my throat tighter.

“Nei,” he grunts.

I expect him to slam inside of me, but he doesn’t. He shifts his cock so that it slides through my folds right over my clit, instead of slipping inside of me. I’m still terrified, but something else fills me.

Desire, then need.

I feel betrayed by my body’s reaction.


Yeah, it’s only because of friction. At least that’s what I tell myself.

Shaking my head, tears fall down my temples and onto the ground. I don’t want to want this. It’s wrong. I shouldn’t. But my body, it is craving his touch and I hate it, and myself all at the same time.

This man is a savage. He’s a beast. He’s a rapist. I wonder if he’s the one who kidnapped me from my apartment and is now fucking with me? I’ve never seen a man like him in the city. I’ve never seen a man like him—ever.

“Please, Aaric,” I whimper.

He grunts, then shifts his hips and starts to sink inside of me. My body accepts him, I’m so wet and ready, that he easily buries himself inside of me. I’m immediately disgusted with myself, but then the pleasure, the sensation of need overpowers that disgust.

His hand that was between us, shifts and he cradles the back of my head, his fingers twisting in my hair as he holds me, his eyes looking into my own.

My lips tremble. I don’t know whether to fight him or accept the pleasure that rolls through me. His eyes focus on mine, they are so serious, so intense that I can’t help but shiver against him. He grins, his fingers gripping my neck tighter.

Aaric starts to pull out of me, then sink back inside, his eyes never leaving my own. Lifting my legs, I wrap my ankles around the middle of his back, needing more of him. He stretches me so full that I moan, feeling as if I’m going to split in half—it’s amazing.

He shifts his legs so that he’s on his knees, releasing the front of my neck, his other hand tugging me up so that only my ass and lower back are against the ground. He grins, his teeth bared as he starts to pound inside of me harder and harder.

“Aaric,” I rasp as tears continue to fall, my gaze unable to break away from his.

He doesn’t seem to give much of a shit that I’m crying. His hips move faster, harder, and I don’t know how he can keep up with this rigorous pace, but he does. Without even breaking a sweat.

Something is wrong inside of me, I feel it almost instantly. Lifting my hands, I hold on to his biceps, my nails digging into his skin as I try to lift my hips to meet his. Something otherworldly is taking over my body. This no longer feels wrong at all, I don’t feel anything except need.

My body heats from the inside out, I feel like I’m going to explode if I don’t come. His fingers grip my hair tighter, his thrusts becoming more uneven, but I can’t focus on him. Everything around me is hazy, it’s as if I’m outside of my body and looking down at us.

I need more, so much more. If I don’t come, I don’t know what’s going to happen to me, but I know that it is going to be bad, I can sense it.

“Please, please, please,” I chant.

He grunts, speaking no words, his body and eyes doing all of his talking for him. My lips part in awe as it takes over, the building peaks and I feel nothing but warmth filling me as my entire body tightens and then finally release takes over.

Aaric doesn’t slow down his breakneck pace, he fucks me, his hips slamming against me, harder and harder, until I hear his growl. Closing my eyes, I feel his cum fill me. Its warmth fills my body and finally the sensation of overwhelming dread escapes and nothing but pure satisfaction rolls over me.



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