Home > Roll with You(20)

Roll with You(20)
Author: B.J. Bentley

After the last note died and the crowd erupted in thunderous applause (because why wouldn't they? I was awesome.) We said our goodnights as the lights came down and dragged our exhausted, sweaty, stinky asses off stage and into the showers. Except for me. I chose to bumrush my lady and let her show me just how much my announcement meant to her.

"You stink," she informed me.

"You love me," I countered, gently wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"You wicked stink," she semi-repeated, her Boston accent coming out in full force, making me laugh.

"You wicked love me," I insisted.

"Yeah. I wicked do."

I kissed her until I couldn't stand the smell of my own funk. Marni was right, I did wicked stink. "Shower," I informed her.

"You do that. I gotta go help Sam tear down."

I nodded, making a decision. "You do that. I'll shower and pack."


"Yeah. I'll get my stuff from the bus, and toss it in your cab for the ride to Vegas."

"You're gonna roll with me?"

I flashed her the smile that I knew did unspeakable things to her lady bits. "Yeah, baby, I'm gonna roll with you."









“Blech! Gross, Brick!”

The bastard had the audacity to laugh as he continued to smear his sweat all over me. I didn’t care how hot he looked coming off the stage after Wasted Breath’s last show of the tour, he was ripe and in desperate need of a shower.

“Just markin’ my territory, sweet lips,” he cajoled with a shit-eating grin to rival the Cheshire cat. “You’re finally mine, and I want everyone to know it.”

“Yeah, well, next time, just get me a t-shirt,” I grumbled, not in the least bit annoyed that he wanted to stake a very public claim. His methods still sucked, though.

“Hey, kiddo! What do you think of Vegas?” Brick shouted to Hailey, all the while stripping his sweat-soaked t-shirt from his body and whipping it across the room to some random, squealing fan.

Hailey’s face lit up, her eyes shining under the effects of adrenaline and the sheer amount of celebrity in the room. “It. Is. Awesome!”

“Brick!” Little Annabelle, Hailey’s little sister and cute as a freakin’ button, barreled into Brick’s legs, knocking her ear protection headset cockeyed.

“Hey, little kicker!” he greeted her, his voice soft with affection.

I needed to excuse myself before my ovaries exploded, but my path to the door was blocked by a very tense lead singer. “Shep? You okay?”

His eyes flicked to me briefly before landing on Edie. “Yeah. I’m good.”

“You sure?” I followed his gaze, wondering if there was something I was missing.

Edie’s fair skin was sporting a telltale blush that could have been attributed to the heat in the crowded room, but judging by the way her eyes skated over Shep while she was simultaneously pretending he wasn’t there, I was willing to put my money on a different reason.

This time Shep didn’t answer. All his attention was with the blond woman trying to pry her little sister from my boyfriend’s legs. Once she finally succeeded, she herded both of her sisters to the exit, explaining that she needed to get Annabelle to bed.

Interestingly, Shep followed.

I turned wide eyes on Brick. “Did you see that?”

“See what?” His chin tipped while he ran a hand over his bare chest.

“Can you put a shirt on?” I asked instead of answering.

He smiled. “No.”

“Well, then can you take me back to the hotel so I can have my way with you?” There was something to be said for finally giving in to Brick. That was, he was mine, all mine. And now that the tour was done, I was achingly aware and fully prepared to take advantage of that fact.

“Even though I stink?” he teased.

“We’ll run you through the car wash on the way.” I grabbed his hand, lacing our fingers together, and tugged him toward the same door Shep had followed Edie through.

Brick planted his feet, refusing to move. “Babe, I can’t. It’s the last show of the tour. I’ve got obligations.” He looked genuinely disappointed, but I couldn’t help but pout. He was right. Fans were waiting, people who’d paid good money for backstage passes and VIP packages. We couldn’t leave yet.

“Okay, tell you what. You can’t meet fans smelling the way you do--”

He barked out a short laugh.

“So, let’s go shower, and we’ll come back.”

“Shower? Together?”

“Two birds, one stone, and all that,” I said by way of explanation.

The glint in his eye told me I wasn’t going to regret it. “Baby, I like the way you think. Let’s roll.”




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