Home > Ruling Class(32)

Ruling Class(32)
Author: J.A. Huss

Could it really be that easy to steal his secrets?

I’ll never know if I don’t try, so I take off my clothes, accept the towel my father hands me, and wrap it around my waist. Then he opens a door and waves his hand, telling me to go first.

I do not recognize this place. Not that my father and I take saunas together regularly or anything. But when I was younger, we did go to the pool a lot as a family.

This is not the High Court pool.

The sauna room isn’t anything like the one we have in the private gym at our house, which is a few levels of cedar benches and a little pit thing where you pour the water to make more steam.

This is like a full-on fucking bathhouse or something. It’s not cedar benches, for one. It’s all vintage hexagon tiles with an intricate mosaic inlay pattern zigzagging around corners and along floors.

And there are hallways. My father leads the way once we’re both inside, and he takes me past several plunge pools. A few of them are empty, but some have quite the gathering going. Everyone we pass waves to us and I realize these are all Fang and Feather cronies from out of town.


I have no idea what will happen at the harvest rite tonight after homecoming, but if all these alumni are in town for it, then it must be a big deal.

This makes me nervous. But before I can start dwelling on it, my father points to a bench in an empty alcove and we sit down to start sucking up steam.

“OK. You got me here. What’s this about?”

“Why does it have to be about anything? Can’t we just have a father-son moment, Cooper?”

“I guess.” I stretch my legs out and lean back against the tile wall.

“How is your project going?”

My project—correction, my father’s project—is all about mapping the caverns under the tomb area. I didn’t even know the place had caverns. I’ve only ever been in the main room myself. So it’s kinda cool that I got to poke around that place. Also kinda creepy. I don’t know what he’s looking for, but he’s definitely looking for something.

I have looked into it, of course. And I actually have a lot to say about the project. But not right now. “Yeah. It’s coming along.”

“Good,” my father says. “I can’t wait to see what you find. You’re doing the actual mapping yourself, correct?”

“You told me to, so yes.”

“Perfect. And whatever you find, don’t tell anyone until you talk to me.”

“OK.” I cross my arms over my chest and wonder how long I have to sit here until it’s no longer rude to get up and walk out.

“So tonight, Cooper.”

“What about it?”

“Since Cadee missed her initiation, she will go through the rite tonight. Elizabeth will join her.”

“Elizabeth? Why?”

“Because Dane is dead and she’s being transferred.”

“Transferred where?”

“You’ll see. I just want to you be prepared for what will happen to Cadee tonight.”

“What do you mean? What’s gonna happen?”

“Nothing bad. But the Maiden Ritual is quite intricate. And beautiful. At least I think so. And you’ve never been to one. I figured a little preemptive talk was in order.”

“Why? Is something weird gonna happen?”

“I would not call it weird.”

“Never mind you. You’re like… fucking…” I try to find a diplomatic way to put this. “Out of touch.”

“Am I?” He chuckles.

“That’s putting it mildly. And don’t play innocent with me, Dad. You have to know this whole secret society thing is… bizarre.”

“Only from the outside. From the inside, Christopher, it makes perfect sense. We take care of each other. You’ll see. I think you’ll have fun tonight.”

“And Cadee?”

“She will have a few moments where she questions everything. But I think she will enjoy herself. And you, of course, will go to her at the end of the night and make her feel special.”

I pause here. Then say, “Make her feel special how?”

“I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”

“What is she to you? I don’t get it. Why are you suddenly so concerned with Cadee Hunter? I mean, she’s lived on campus for eighteen years and you never paid her any attention. Now, it’s like you’re obsessed with her. What the fuck is up?”

He sighs and looks down at his hands. “It’s very complicated.”

“It’s really not. But if it has anything to do with you having an affair with her mother back in the day, you’d better tell me now. I’m not like… falling in love with my half-sister, am I?”

I hold my breath. Because I’ve been thinking about this for a few months now.

“Are you falling in love with her?”

“Yes.” I say it without hesitation.

“I’m glad to hear that, Cooper. I truly am.”

“You’re not answering my question.”

“She is not your sister. Not even close. She is exactly who everyone thinks she is. But then again, in a way… she is nothing everyone thinks she is.”

I roll my eyes and sigh. “Why do you have to do that?”

“Do what?”

“Solve a mystery by setting up another one.”

“Is that what I did?” He smiles. Like this thought amuses him. “OK. I suppose that’s fair. So I will clarify for you. Cadee Hunter is exactly who everyone thinks she is. But. Her parents are not.”

I stew in that revelation for a few moments. “Then who were they?”

“I’m afraid that’s above your pay grade.”

“Whatever.” But I’m actually pretty relieved that Cadee and I are not related. Because even though no one really admits it or talks about it, all us kids know that baby-swapping is a thing at High Court. We don’t know why, but in some cases it’s very obvious.

Dane, for instance. But he’s not the only one. I was actually kind of relieved when my father told me I was his biological son. I’m not that attached to him, but still. The thought that I belong somewhere else is unsettling.

“Cadee is at a spa right now with Isabella.”

“What? Why?”

“They will be dressed for the rite tonight. And they will be partners, so they need to form a bond. This is the beginning of that process. Do Cadee and Isabella get along?”

I shrug. “I guess.”

“Good. It’s always unfortunate when the Maiden and the Matriarch can’t get along.”

I dwell on those words. It’s not a surprise. I know this happens. I’ve seen it. Most of the polygamous couples in the lake mansions are pretty discreet. But this is a small, tight-knit community and rumors get started easily.

“Putting Cadee with Dane and Elizabeth would’ve been a disaster.”

“What?” I’m so stunned at these words, I think I stop breathing.

“That’s who she was meant for. Dane.” My father sneers his name. “But it’s been taken care of and Elizabeth will be rehomed tonight. She and Cadee will both be part of the ceremony.”

“I don’t understand. What does that mean?”

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