Home > No Place Too Far (A By the Sea Novel, #2)(5)

No Place Too Far (A By the Sea Novel, #2)(5)
Author: Kay Bratt

Until that point, she hadn’t even thought about what she’d name her new companion, but the name Woodrow popped into her head as she was signing the paperwork. He’d easily gone with her to the car and jumped up in it as though he’d been expecting a ride. He sat up in the seat, staring straight ahead with the most solemn look on his face.

She’d loved him instantly. And he couldn’t have been a better fit, even if he didn’t look the part of a guard dog. To cement her gut instinct, he’d sailed through his service-dog training, impressing his instructors just as much as he impressed Maggie.

“He’s not aggressive. He’s really a good boy and just happy to be wherever I am. He’s trained to stay where I direct him, if he can’t be with me. And I may not bring him to work every day. At least once I’m comfortable. I mean—if I get the job. I know you probably have other applicants to—”

“Can you start on Monday?” he interrupted, breaking her out of her pity party.

“I—I—” she stammered. “Yes. I can start.”

He smiled. “Don’t you want to know how much you’ll be making?”

Now she felt like an idiot. What kind of grown woman didn’t ask the salary, hours, or try to negotiate some employment perks?

“That was my next question,” she said.

“Oh? What was your first?” He raised his eyebrows at her.

Maggie felt her face flush. Was he toying with her?

“Sorry—I thought I asked you what the hours are,” she said.

“Liam said you could only do part-time for now. I’ve got a woman to cover the morning hours so she can get her lab hours in. Can you do noon to six?”

She nodded. Noon to six could work for now—if she really buckled down on her budget—then when Charlie started school, she’d have to figure out something for the afternoon.

From the hall they heard a laugh, then a string of orders. Maggie recognized the voice from the woman who had taken the cat.

“So your mother works for you?” she asked, the words slipping out on their own volition.

He laughed. “Not technically. But since she’s the one who found me this little investment, she thinks she needs to hang around to make sure everything is running as well as her beloved Dr. Kent had it going. Most of his staff have bailed, which is why we put Juniper at the front desk. She’s usually a tech too.”

“Oh, your mom knew the retiring veterinarian?” Now it was making sense why he had to hire some new staff. Dr. Kent’s employees probably chose to leave when the business changed hands.

“Right. Dr. Kent was the only one she trusted to treat her little yapping ankle biter. Speaking of the five-pound devil, he’s running around in here somewhere.” He grimaced.

“Yorkie?” Now she understood what he meant about Woodrow being a normal-size mascot.

“How’d you know?” he asked, his expression incredulous.

Yapping. Little. Ankle biter. “Just guessed.”

“I suppose I should be happy that she’s got him. My parents retired here a few years ago, and Dad died six months in of a massive heart attack. Her little Rudy has been the light of her life ever since. But wow—she’s walking on clouds since she got me to come here. I thought I’d stay in Honolulu forever.”

Maggie smiled. “I can imagine. My mom would love living near Charlie and me, but it’s just too far from home for her. She has too many ties to the mainland.”

The doctor nodded, then stood. “Well, I think we’re done here. The pay is eighteen bucks an hour. Stop and give Juniper your email address, and I’ll send over the employment offer. Just reply that you agree to the conditions and you accept the job. Oh, also ask Juniper for scrubs. I’m sure we have some that’ll fit. On Monday she’ll give you a key. I like all my employees to have one in case of an emergency.”

“Thank you,” Maggie said.

“For the key? Or the job?” he asked, his voice teasing again.

“The job,” Maggie replied. “I can’t wait to begin working with animals again.”

And to start getting a paycheck again, she bit down to keep from adding. She didn’t want to look too desperate.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad to have you here. Liam has done some work for my mom without charging her an arm and a leg. She thinks he’s some sort of superhero. I suppose it’s hard for seniors to find someone they can trust these days, so I’m glad he called in a favor.”

She laughed. “He’s got a lot of fans around here.”

“I hope to gain a few myself,” Dr. Starr said, and Maggie wondered if he was talking about her. She liked him okay, but after his stunt with the kitten, it was going to take a while if not longer for her to become a fan of any sort. A year or two ago, she would’ve been more receptive, but that was before she’d learned how fast someone could intrude on your life and turn it upside down.

“Great. Thanks.” She stood.

He held out a hand.

Maggie wondered if he would still hire her if she didn’t take his hand. Touching strangers wasn’t something she was comfortable with anymore. Was she jaded from the one blind date that had turned into a nightmare? Absolutely. She now knew how any innocent interaction with the opposite sex could be misconstrued. However, since her—and the little tornado’s—future was on the line, she made herself relax enough to accept the gesture. It was strictly professional, after all. “Thank you again for hiring me. I’ll be here at noon on Monday.”

Dr. Starr grinned and let go. “Oh, since you’re coming at noon, do you think you can stop off and bring me a poke plate for lunch?”



Chapter Two

Quinn slid the key across the counter to check in her latest guests. Emily, her front desk clerk, was working, but these were special guests. She wanted their check-in to be perfect, so she’d sent Emily on break.

Charlie was another story. Quinn kept him by her side—a three-foot assistant with big blue eyes and a never-ending string of questions that didn’t even stop while he concentrated on weaving the string through the flower lei he was making.

“Whoa, real keys,” the customer said. “I thought all hotels went to those magnetic key cards?”

“Not us,” Quinn said. “We do things differently here at the Hana Hamoa Inn. As stated on the website, our rooms also do not have televisions, alarm clocks, or other devices. This is truly meant to be a place to unplug and unwind.”

“But you do have internet access, right?”

“Yes, the rooms have Wi-Fi so you can catch up if need be. Or you can reserve our business office in one-hour increments, though we recommend you spend as much time outside as possible, enjoying the true Hawaiian experience,” she said. “We’ve also given you the room with the best views, and it’s completely wheelchair accessible. I hope you and your wife enjoy Maui, Mr. Westbrooks.”

He tucked the key into his pocket and smiled sadly. “Oh, I know we will. We came here on our honeymoon sixteen years ago,” the man said. “Since then we’ve come every year on our anniversary. For the first ten years, we stayed in Lahaina where we could be closer to everything, including the nightlife. You know when you’re young and in love, you want to experience all the sights, sounds, and activities a place has to offer. The last few years we’ve tried some of the other parts of Maui that are popular but not as touristy as Lahaina. We chose up-country for this trip so that we could just have peace. The only show we’ll be taking part in is stargazing.”

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