Home > A Baby for the Bear (Wylde Brothers, 1)(13)

A Baby for the Bear (Wylde Brothers, 1)(13)
Author: Jenika Snow






February stared at her cell for the hundredth time since she decided it was time to call Charlie. His number was written on a scrap when she scribbled it down after finding it on one of the many Wylde Construction signs posted throughout the town.

She let herself have some time to get used to the idea that she was pregnant, had even made an appointment with one of the town’s shifter clinics. Her pregnancy was in the very early stages, but a shifter’s pregnancy only lasted two-thirds of a human’s gestation. In less than six months, she would have Charlie’s baby.

She set her phone on the table and placed the slip of paper with his number beside it. Reaching into her purse, she took out one of the ultrasound pictures the clinic had given her. The baby looked like a piece of rice, but warmth settled inside her every time she looked at it.

It was real, but looking at the picture of her baby seemed to cement everything inside her. Setting the picture on the other side of her phone, she looked among the three items. Why was this so hard for her?

Because what if he is the hard asshole everyone in town makes him out to be? What if he wants nothing to do with you or this baby? And what if he denies it is even his?

In all honesty, she couldn’t blame him if his reaction was the latter. She had gone home with him, a virtual stranger, even if she knew of him by reputation. No doubt, that made her look like some kind of slut, regardless of the fact that she had never done something like that in her life.

There had just been something about him that called to her. She always went with her instincts, and they had been screaming for her to let the gorgeous bear take her home. But then again, look at how well that worked out.

“Quit being so weird about it. You’re a grown woman. He’s a grown man. This kind of thing happens all the time.” Yeah, talking to herself wasn’t helping matters. She picked up her phone, but before she could swipe her finger across the screen and dial his number, she got an incoming call. The number that flashed in front of her had her heart racing.

It was the same number she saw on the construction billboards in town, and the same one she had been staring at on that scrap piece of paper for the past several days.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Just answer it already before it goes to voicemail. Ary ran her finger across the screen and brought it up to her ear. “Hello?” Why did she sound so out of breath and shaky? Because she was nervous as hell.

“February?” God, there was something about his voice and the way he said her full name that made everything inside her tingle with awareness. She heard it replay over and over again in her head, but actually hearing the smooth baritone of it over the phone was so much more satisfying.

He said her name all smooth-like, and all she could think about was being beneath him as he pounded all that hard flesh into her.

“Yeah, this is Ary.” Oh Lord, she sounded ridiculous. Closing her eyes and slapping her hand over them, she breathed out and prayed he didn’t hear the nervousness through her voice. His chuckle told her she failed miserably at trying to hide it.

“I’m glad to know I’m not the only one nervous about this phone call.”

What? Really?

“Listen, let’s just forget about how strange all this is and relax, yeah?” He made it sound so easy, but really, wasn’t it?

No, you stupid girl. Remember, you planned on calling him to tell him you’re pregnant with his child?

“Ary, you there?” How long had she left him hanging on the line? Taking a deep, steadying breath, she placed her hand on her rounded belly, which had nothing to do with the baby growing inside her, and forced her voice to stay steady.

“Yeah, I’d like that.” She heard him exhale and wondered if he had been holding it in. It was strange that she could sense how nervous he was through the phone. It went against everything she had ever heard about him and what she experienced when she spent those few blissful hours being consumed by him.

“Good, that’s real good. Maybe you’d want to meet up and get something to eat? I’d like to talk with you, if that’s all right?” Well, if this wasn’t turning out easier than she thought. She hadn’t been the one to call him and ask him to meet, but that led to the realization that when she agreed, because there was no option against that, she would have to come clean. She looked at the ultrasound picture again.

It was too early for the tech to be able to tell from the bone structure and internal organs whether the baby would be an ocelot or bear shifter, but she hoped he took what she said in stride. It was going to be hard telling him, but it had to be done.

“Yeah, that sounds good. When and where would you like to meet?”

He rattled off a small café that specialized in soups and sandwiches, and after he told her what time to meet him, in just a few short hours, they hung up. Well, this was really going to happen, so she might as well put on her big girl panties, grow a pair of balls, and get it over with.

Two hours later and Ary was pulling into an empty parking spot at J&A’s. The little café was relatively quiet, something she was thankful for. Turning off the car and just sitting there for a moment to get her bearings, she listened to the sound of the engine cooling. The click, click, click filled the interior with the rhythmic noise.

There was no sign of Charlie’s Harley, and aside from a large truck and a few cars, the place was pretty barren. Climbing out of the car, she made her way inside.

The hostess who stood behind her little podium glanced up and gave her a thorough onceover. The scent of the hostess being a leopard shifter permeated the air the closer she got, as well as the fact that she was displeased by Ary’s presence. Oh, there was no doubt the leopard knew Ary could sense her emotions, but clearly she didn’t care.

“May I help you?” One perfectly shaped brown eyebrow lifted in question.

“Yes, well, I’m actually waiting to meet someone. I don’t think he’s here yet—”

“Ary.” The sound of her name coming from Charlie right behind her had a shiver working up her spine.

The hostess wrinkled her nose, but when she looked over Ary’s shoulder at Charlie, a mega-watt smile covered her face. “Mr. Wylde. It is so pleasant to see you again. The same table?” Her presence completely forgotten by the hostess, something she was accustomed to, February took a step to the side and turned to look at Charlie. Good freaking Lord did he look good.

His distressed jeans hung low on his hips, and the T-shirt he wore was form-fitting. She could make out every dip and hollow of his muscular chest, and the fact that she knew what the bear looked like naked had all sorts of dirty images rushing through her mind.

He took her hand before she could make a move, and the air turned icy as a blast of the frigid coldness rushed at her from the hostess. She glanced over at her, and saw the narrowed-eyed look she was shooting at Ary. That obviously made her uncomfortable, but she wouldn’t be intimidated.

Charlie gave her hand a squeeze and addressed the hostess. “No, Lauren, I’ve already taken a table outside. I want a little privacy for my date and me.” Heat rose to her face at the fact that he considered this a date. A tingle of pleasure shot through Ary that he clearly wasn’t affected by the hostess.

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