Home > A Baby for the Bear (Wylde Brothers, 1)(20)

A Baby for the Bear (Wylde Brothers, 1)(20)
Author: Jenika Snow

After several long minutes of him just holding her, he pulled back and dropped to his knees in front of her. She was a bit confused as to what he was doing, but then he lifted up her shirt and placed a kiss on her stomach.

“You hear that, son? Your momma loves me, and I love her.” He kissed her once more and stood. She was speechless, so much so that all she could do was blink at what he had just done. Here was this big, strong male, so very powerful and frightening at times, but so gentle and surprising at the things he did. He continuously shocked her. “We better get going or they’ll think we’re doing dirty things in the exam room.” He took her hand and led her out of the office. She was still in shock when he helped her in then climbed in the driver seat.

“I freaked you out, didn’t I?”

Blinking a few times, she turned to him and shook her head. “You made me feel like I am actually wanted.” Tears pricked her eyes, and he pulled her close to him.

“Hey, no crying, unless it’s because you’re happy.”

She nodded against his chest. “I am happy. You make me happy, Charlie.” Pulling back and looking into his face, she was struck anew by the force of how much she loved him. It seemed crazy that she could feel like this for one person after such a short amount of time, but her feelings had been there all along, and until Charlie had told her he loved her, she hadn’t known it was so intense and consumed her fully.

He wiped her tears away with the pads of his thumbs.

“I hate to tell you this, but I told you so.”

For a moment, she was confused by his statement, but then it clicked into place. He was stating the fact that he had known they were having a boy and that he would be a bear. Smacking him playfully on the arm, she scooted back to her seat and chuckled. “Yeah, I guess you did.”

He started the engine, but before he pulled out of the parking lot, he leaned over and kissed her on the head. “You want to wait to tell everyone the good news until tonight?”

She nodded, because that was just what she was about to tell him. He took her hand in his and then maneuvered the truck out of the parking space and away from the doctor’s office.

“I need to stop by the butchers and pick up a meat order Bram placed for dinner tonight.”

“That’s fine. I’ll go into the supermarket and grab a few things.”

He pulled into a spot right in front of the little grocery store and cut the engine. “I won’t be too long. I’ll meet you inside.” He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. They climbed out of the truck, and he jogged across the street to Brady’s. She walked into Sweet Water’s small grocery store and grabbed a cart. If anyone wanted more than the necessities, they’d have to travel twenty minutes outside of town to the larger chain supermarket to get it.

After paper plates, plastic cups, and any other “party” items she could think of, she debated whether or not to grab a bottle of wine for Melissa and Candace. Deciding against it, because if she knew anything about Melissa, it was that she would probably bring a case of wine with her, she headed over to the bakery. After ordering a baker’s dozen of pastries, she stood patiently as they were being packaged.

“February?” Stiffening at the deep sound of her name right behind her, she slowly turned around and stared at Frank. Her jackal ex-boyfriend looked exactly the same: longish dark hair and cold, flat dark eyes. They had broken up—or more, she had left him. Memories of their relationship washed through her, sour and vile ones that made her feel like less of a woman and more of an object.

He had made her feel like no one else would want her, had told her as much on several occasions, yet she stayed with him. That was, until she grew a backbone, talked to her two best friends, and dumped his ass. No way would she let him intimidate her anymore.

She was now with Charlie and couldn’t help but feel like she was worthy of someone’s love and that they were worthy of her love in return.

“Well, shit, it is you.” He eyed her up and down, and she could practically hear his condescending words even though he didn’t say anything. “Damn, Ary, in just a few months, you’ve really packed on the pounds. And that’s saying something, since you were thick to begin with.” And there was the Frank she left. She didn’t say anything, couldn’t, because she was humiliated, but also because she was furious.

Opening her mouth would only end in her saying something vile in front of a lot of unsuspecting people, children included. No, she would bite her tongue, hope her pastries were almost ready, and walk away from him.

“Ma’am?” She turned and saw the baker handing her the box filled with her baked goods. Her face heated even further at the knowledge that Frank would no doubt have a comment about that. And just like on cue, he spewed his hurtful thoughts.

“I see you’re still eating like the world’s gonna end.” He started cackling that distinctive laugh jackals had. Her face felt like it was on fire, and she snatched the box, said thank you, and started to walk away. A hand on her arm stopped her, and her heart raced.

“Damn, Ary, the least you can do is say hi to the man whose heart you broke.”

Yeah, if she had broken his heart by leaving, then the world really had ended. Just days after she broke up with him, she’d seen him all over a human female. Shaking because of his icy touch, she straightened her shoulders and told herself she would not let him get to her.

“I have nothing else to say to you.”

The saccharine smile he wore vanished, and he narrowed his eyes. She went to turn again, but his hand gripped her wrist in a tight hold, and he refused to let go.

“You bitch. I put up with your shit for a whole fucking year, and now you act like you’re too damn good to even talk to me? You fucking bitch—” Before he could continue on his rant, he was thrown across the aisle, slid along the polished floor, and landed at the base of a soup can display. Chicken noodle soup cans fell all around him, and he moved away before he got buried in them.

Charlie stood a foot in front of her, and looking at his profile showed his rage and the fact that he was seconds away from shifting. Knowing she had to defuse the situation before it got worse, she took a step forward and placed her hand on Charlie’s forearm. The heat that came from him told her his muscles were contracting, preparing to shift and fight.

“Looks like Ary found herself a protector. Not that she’s gonna need a big bear to watch over her.” The fact that he was making yet another reference about her looks wasn’t lost on her, but then again, she didn’t care at the moment. There was no doubt Charlie could easily kill him, but then that would just open up a lot of problems she didn’t want Charlie to deal with.

“Come on, Charlie. It isn’t worth it. He isn’t worth it.”

Frank had since stood, and she could tell he was doing everything in his power not to attack or make another nasty remark. He had never been known for his restraint, but clearly he knew what he was up against and was actually thinking about the repercussions for once in his miserable life.

There was no contest that a bear could take a jackal, but Frank had never been the brightest male, and his temper and arrogant attitude had gotten him into a lot of trouble when they were dating.

Exhaling the breath she hadn’t known she was holding in, Ary was able to steer Charlie out of the grocery store, although she knew he was allowing it or it wouldn’t have happened. Once they were back in his truck, her groceries tossed in the back, all she wanted to do was drive out of there and never look back, but he didn’t start the truck or pull away from the store.

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