Home > His Human Surrogate (Monsters Love Curvy Girls #2)(2)

His Human Surrogate (Monsters Love Curvy Girls #2)(2)
Author: Michele Mills

But again, I waited. I went on a typical, low risk mission with my security company and did not declare my feelings. I thought we had plenty of time. I could declare myself when I returned.

But this ended up being the worst decision ever.

If I’d swooped down to New Earth right after I’d met her and immediately dragged Chloe off to a Hyrrokin courthouse and made her my bound, prior to the laws changing, none of this would be happening.

I am single and unmated, as is Chloe. There should be no barrier to our consummation. But because humans are now illegal to have as a bound, I cannot even pleasure mate with her. I’m locked inside the narrow confines of the shifting laws of my land. When a Hyrrokin is bonded to another, we do not pleasure mate outside of that bound mating, ever, but even so, some of my species are known to not fully commit to these cultural values. But Aegir and I are Touchstones; fidelity and loyalty are attributes of our line going back time immemorial. Our father instilled these long-held values in us both from our youth.

“You know I’d never do that,” I answer. “I’d never break the law and dishonor a female.”

Aegir crosses his arms and lifts his chin. His black horns glint in the ambient light of his office data screens. “But you want to. You wish it was possible to pleasure mate this female. I told you this would happen. Humans are too tempting to ignore.”

I grab my gear and start toward the ramp. At least Aegir thinks I only want to pleasure mate Chloe and am denying myself. He doesn’t know she’s my mate and I’ve already filled her with my seed. The less my brother knows, the better. “I can ignore your human,” I remind him.

“That’s only because Riley is my bound and not your mate. What if it turns out that the human you paid to be your surrogate is your mate? What are you going to do then?”

Too late, she is my mate.

But I can’t tell anyone that, not even my brother. Or Chloe.

I have to keep that knowledge to myself, and it’s killing me. But if I tell her, or tell anyone, this whole plan to make her mine will fall apart in a matter of minutes. I’ve managed to find a work around for this whole fucked up situation. I got my female with me on Tarvos by ruthlessly outbidding other Hyrrokin in a virtual auction and gaining her as my surrogate. I’ve given her a legitimate job, allowing her legal entry via a work visa, and I’m while I’m gone on this sudden high-risk mission with team Molten Lava, I’m placing her inside my secure domicile, near my family. I’ve done all I can.

And now I have to leave her behind.

“Captain, you ready?” Hannibal Hellstone, my second-in-command, shouts from the ramp as the hover craft powers up. The seven rowdy members of my strike team are inside, waiting for my orders.

I give Hannibal a curt nod in reply.

“I have to go,” I yell at my brother as the wind kicks up. “I’m not going to be able to communicate while on this mission.”

“Understood…Chloe doesn’t even know you’re leaving, does she?”

I pause, with one foot on the ramp, and hang my head. “No, she doesn’t. There was no time to tell her. I need you to break the news to my bou—” I shake my head and continue, “To my surrogate. Ask her to house sit for me while I’m gone.”

Aegir shakes his head. “That’s asking for a lot. You want that unmated female to not only carry your offspring, but watch your house too—while you’re gone?”

“Yes, I need someone there to take immediate possession of the domicile or I will lose it. You know she’s the best candidate for that.”

“Heh. Okay, I’ll tell her. Lucky for you, Riley will smooth things over.”

My new sister-in-law is my surrogate’s best friend. I am lucky indeed.

“Take care of my human,” I say, my voice heavy with the swirl of emotions that fill my heart and mind when I think of Chloe and our situation. “And take care of my offspring too.”

“You know I will,” my brother answers.

I clench my jaw. “Make sure my surrogate understands that I’d only leave her at this moment for something important. And that I’ll return as soon as possible.”

He nods. And then the screen goes dark.

I turn to stare at the resolute members of Molten Lava who’ve been impatiently waiting. “Ready,” I say. The ramp closes and I take a seat between two hulking Hyrrokin soldiers. Males I’ve known for years.

Hannibal meets my gaze. “It will all work out,” he says.

“It has to,” I reply.

I take a deep breath and settle into my seat. I got Chloe here, on Tarvos, and planted my seed in her womb (via a med bay, which was unsatisfactory but whatever it took, I did.) And now the game begins. My plan is risky, but in the end, it will be worth it. I will do whatever it takes to make Chloe my bound.

And I should only be gone for a week, tops. I’ll be back soon to tell her the truth of the situation.

The hover craft lifts off and I pull up our tactical specs and get my head back into my mission.









“This is where Bergelmir lives?” I cry out in horror. “He bought this house?”

I’m standing with Bestla and Riley, and the twins, on the sidewalk in front of Berg’s new residence. All five of us (even the babies) are staring slack-jawed at the monstrosity on the hill.

Okay, maybe I sound kinda rude, yelling like that, but I can’t help myself. I mean, I love restoring antiques and old things, especially from other species. The idea of an ancient house being remodeled give me all kinds of happy goosebumps. But um, Berg’s house is really, really…unsightly. It’s shocking even to me. It looks like a spooky funhouse. I’m certain that beings would pay good credits to go inside this place at night to be scared out of their wits. And I’m standing here, trying to figure out why the hell Berg would buy such a place.

What got into him?

Riley parks the double stroller at the base of the front stairs, which are painted a thick blood red. “Yep this place is his,” she snorts.

She lifts Kari out of the stroller and hands the baby over to me. I take the little girl into my arms and adjust her drooping sunglasses higher on her darling red nose. Her tiny black lips curl as she smiles up at me and she grabs my fingers with a ferocious grip. I kiss the top of her perfect head, right next to a shiny black horn.

I love babies.

Riley picks up Loge for herself and bounces him in her arms. “And believe me,” she continues, “it’s way better than the one-room cabin he used to live in. This is a huge upgrade, because at least it’s hooked up to the city grid. I’m not sure if he lives here yet though. He just got possession of it.”

Bestla walks up behind the both of us and lays a claw on each of our shoulders. “Isn’t it beautiful?” she says, her voice tinged with awe. “I’m so proud of my son for taking on this project.” Then she walks forward to the front door.

Riley and I exchange mutual looks of horror.

Beautiful? Bestla thinks this place is beautiful? I look into Kari’s fierce little red face and ask, “Baby, do you think this place is beautiful too?”

Kari gurgles with delight and lets out a puff of smoke.

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