Home > Protective Order(41)

Protective Order(41)
Author: Rita Herron

   But she didn’t pull away.

   She tilted her head and pressed her lips to his. The kiss was gentle and so tentative that emotions he’d never experienced for another woman blossomed in his chest.

   A second later, she threaded her fingers in his hair, drawing him nearer as she deepened the kiss. It took every ounce of his willpower not to lower her onto the sofa, climb on top of her and run his hands all over her sweet, supple body.

   But this was Ginny, a woman who’d been bullied and abused and threatened. A woman who didn’t readily trust.

   He could not break the tentative bond he’d built, or the connection simmering between them.

   Even if he couldn’t have her, he’d protect her so that madman couldn’t get to her.


* * *


   GINNY HAD NO idea what had come over her, but every cell in her body screamed to kiss Griff. To let him hold her and chase away her demons, at least for a little while.

   It had been so long since she’d kissed a man, or even wanted to kiss a man, that his lips sent a flurry of excitement and desire through her. Reservations whispered through her mind, but she ignored them.

   Griff was nothing like Robert. He wasn’t pushy or rough, hadn’t tried to charm her pants off her. He’d done nothing except be honorable and protect her. Even now, in his arms, although strength and power emanated from his muscular body, his touch was tender and gentle.

   She had no doubt that if she wanted him to stop, he would.

   She just didn’t want him to. Not yet anyway.

   She craved the comfort of his arms and lips. Wanted to remember that once there had been joy in life, not just the mind-numbing fear, anger, grief and sadness consuming her for three years.

   Griff stroked her back, their bodies rubbing together as he teased her lips apart with his tongue. She welcomed his sensual foreplay as the kiss became more frenetic. Hunger built inside her, heat and need making her cling to him, and she silently urged him to continue. He pulled away and looked into her eyes, questions lingering.

   Affection for the handsome, sexy firefighter replaced the cautionary voice in her head, and she dragged his mouth back to her, taking what she wanted. His hands slowly roamed downward to her waist, and she ran her hands over his shoulders and back, reveling in the way his corded muscles flexed beneath her touch.

   The sense that she had control emboldened her. She had the power to turn him on. To take without fearing he would force himself on her or explode violently if she decided to leave.

   The realization was mind-blowing and cathartic and intensified her desire and her admiration for him.

   As if he understood her needs, he trailed kisses down her jaw and neck, suckling the sensitive skin of her throat as his hand moved toward her breast.

   She arched into him, her breath puffing out in tiny pants that burst into the stillness of the night. The sound of the wind battering the glass broke into that stillness though and shattered the fog of desire wrapping its tentacles around her heart.

   Griff seemed to understand that, too. He traced a thumb over her cheek, then cupped her face in his hands and kissed her again. This time there was hunger, but also the tenderness of a man’s understanding and respect.

   He gently pulled away from her, his breathing erratic. “I smell like smoke. I’m going to shower. Lie down and try to sleep, Ginny.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll be here, and the alarm is armed. Hopefully, tomorrow Liam and Jacob will have answers.”

   He was right. She couldn’t allow herself to fall into bed with him and forget that it was her ex-lover who’d kidnapped Mitzi. That Mitzi’s life was in his cruel hands.

   She had to focus on the reason she’d come to Whistler. And falling for Griff Maverick had no part in it.


* * *


   GRIFF DOVE INTO the shower, anxious to cleanse himself of the acrid scent of smoke and soot. Granted, he was accustomed to the odor, but when he’d kissed Ginny, he’d realized he’d wanted to come to her fresh and clean, not covered in the remnants of sweat and ash from his job. Or the violence created by her stalker.

   The cool water helped alleviate his hard-on, then he cranked the temperature up to a blasting hot to scrub his body and hair. Smoke tended to linger and cling to every possible surface of his skin. He didn’t want Ginny to associate the odor with him.

   Forget it, man. She only kissed you out of gratitude. And fear. You’re protecting her and she was afraid. That’s it. Period.

   Sobering at the thought, he soaped and scrubbed himself until his skin felt raw and every vestige of lust was wiped from his mind. Yet as he climbed out, dried off and pulled on clean sweats, a more disturbing thought hit him.

   It wasn’t just lust with Ginny. He was falling for her.

   Except Ginny wasn’t even her real name.

   He had to remember that. When Bouldercrest was caught and put away, she would return to her life. She sure as hell didn’t need another man attaching himself to her. Dreaming up unrealistic expectations. Trying to tie her down.

   She needed her space. And to feel safe.

   He’d damn well give that to her.

   He towel-dried his hair, brushed his teeth, then went to check on her. She’d curled up on his couch and fallen asleep in front of the fire. Only she was tossing and turning, murmuring protests as if she was running from that madman in her sleep.

   Exhausted and hating to see her suffer, he slid onto the sofa, lay down beside her and wrapped his arms around her. She snuggled into his arms, and he rubbed her back and dropped kisses into her hair, soothing her nightmares until she settled into a deep sleep.

   He closed his eyes and held her, forcing his fears about Mitzi at bay. He trusted Jacob and Liam to do their jobs. Tonight, he’d protect Ginny and get some rest.

   He had to be prepared to help tomorrow if they got a lead on Bouldercrest. Or if Ginny decided to run again.

   Exhaustion overcame him, and he drifted to sleep. But just like when he was on duty, he never truly relaxed. If the alarm sounded, he had to be quick on his feet.

   Sometime later, sunlight crept through the curtains, jarring him to wake. He glanced at the clock. Seven thirty in the morning. He’d slept over two hours. Not bad considering the situation, he guessed.

   Ginny sighed in her sleep, and he stroked her hair gently from her face. Lying on her side in his arms, she looked so peaceful that he didn’t want to disturb her, so he hugged her tighter and lay there with her for another hour, listening to the wind blowing outside and the sound of birds chirping their morning song. Firelight flickered off her skin, making it look almost golden. Although the sight of the bruise on her cheek brought reality back with a vengeance.

   “I’ll take care of you,” he whispered, willing his heart to be rational when it was already too late. Why had Ginny broken through the barrier around his heart now?

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