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Evil Love (Nightingale #1)(40)
Author: Ella Fields

“Seriously. What do you want?”

I thought I might pass out even though I hadn’t bought the stupid thing in the first place. My father’s assistant had. “You threw what had to be thousands of dollars’ worth of jewelry into the trash?”

“I donated it to the homeless shelter, if you must know.”

Whoa. I wasn’t sure if she was legit insane, or stupid, or too fucking nice.

Maybe all three.

“Jude,” she prompted, her tone growing huskier with impatience. “What do you want?”

I gave my head a bit of a shake, then grinned. “Not a damn thing, but we are getting married next week, so allow me to escort you to class, my soon-to-be bride.”

“I’m good,” she said, laughing a little as she walked away. “And you’re a dick.”

I caught up with her and slung my arm around her shoulders. “It would behoove us to be seen around campus together at least once or twice.”

“Why?” Pulling at my immovable arm, she groaned.

“Quit it, and act like you still love me for two seconds.”

She stopped moving then, and I couldn’t bring myself to look at her, to read her expression. We walked in tense silence toward the science building, and I smiled, being sure to meet the eyes of a few onlookers as we went.

“She was hitting on me,” I finally murmured and had no idea why. “Alana, and I was fucking sick of it.”

“Poor baby.” She mock-pouted. “I’m surprised.”

“Yeah?” I asked, forcing my eyes off those blues. “Dare I ask?”

“I’m surprised you can’t tell someone to fuck off as easily as you once told me.” Tearing away, she stalked up the stairs, leaving me at the bottom.

“Fern,” I yelled, then waited until she turned back, knowing she would. It was just us, only a few people drifting down the path behind me, but her cheeks still colored when my eyes roamed her tight denim-clad legs to the pink Vans on her feet. “I find I prefer you without heels.”

I laughed when she flipped me off and glided away, her red hair bouncing down her back.



All weddings for members of Nightingale were held at The Ribbon inside the room of servitude.

I thought it fitting and kind of disturbing that the once salaciously used space, reserved for the darker indulgences of our members, was now dressed in white.

It was too clean, too floral, whispering spreads of silk and white roses scattered throughout the entire suite. Even the bloody ground was covered in white petals.

Fern was no virgin, that much had become apparent after she’d blatantly ignored my threat and brought someone home the night before our wedding.

Her moans had reddened my vision, hardened my cock, and I’d gone to bed with my earphones in, hoping I’d actually fall asleep.

I had, but not until the front door had closed, and I’d fucked my hand over the bathroom sink.

Shame and loathing had never made my blood swell and bubble quite like that. I’d stood there, staring at the cum-splattered stone, fuming that I still wanted her after all the trouble she’d caused—after she’d allowed another male inside her room. Inside her.

And that was what stained my mind when the orchestra took flight and the doors at the back of the room opened to reveal my bride.

I wanted to know who’d been the one to deflower her.

Everyone stood, my father behind me—both celebrant and island king—already standing.

Henry smiled at me from the front row, and I managed to give him a small one in return.

Then I followed everyone’s eyes to Fern.

You have got to be shitting me.

Sheer lace sleeves adorned her arms, and tightly woven silk engulfed her every curve, flaring at her knees to her feet where a short lace train trailed behind her, dragging petals beneath it. It wasn’t the style of the dress that had everyone gasping, though. No, it was the color.

My bride came to me dressed in black.

Of course, she did.

Behind a lace veil, those light blue eyes smiled, her red lips still and serene.

January, of course, was delivering her to me, and if she was annoyed by her daughter’s dramatics, it definitely did not show. She smiled at those they walked by, her hand patting Fern’s arm, of which was curled around hers. All too soon, she gave her daughter to me with a smile that dared me to hurt her again.

Ignoring it, I looked at Fern. Smooth skin slid over mine. Greedy, my fingers curled around hers, pulling her up the steps to stand across from me.

Under my breath, I whispered, “You’re not attending a fucking funeral, darling.”

“But aren’t I?” She might have been smiling, but as my father read us our vows, and we repeated them back to one another, I watched sadness encompass her eyes.

I’d overheard an argument between her and Cory a week ago on the phone, and I’d noticed Fern stare at it since, hoping she’d call after leaving her what I knew had to be numerous voicemails.

My wife did nothing in half measures.

If she wanted something, she was all in, and it was evidently hurting her that not only was her friend not here, but Cory didn’t seem to be in her life at all right now.

She was alone in the woods, and her mother had personally delivered her to the wolves. No matter what dress or attitude she wore, nor the fake smile, she was a fumbling lamb easily slaughtered.

I supposed it was my job to protect her now.

An impossible feat, considering I was the one she needed protection from.

We slid our rings on. Mine was a basic gleaming silver band.

Fern’s was so loaded with rocks she couldn’t hide her distaste, her forehead crinkling behind her veil as she glared at me.

Crimson lips pinched as we stared, and when some of that loathing dripped away, I wondered what she was thinking.

“You may now kiss the bride,” my father’s voice boomed.

I released her hands to lift her stupid veil, revealing those huge eyes. They were watching me in a way that spoke of fear, as though this were the first time we were going to kiss.

A first kiss as husband and wife and also our last.

We both knew that, and maybe that was why when I clasped her cheeks, I did so gently. Maybe that was why when her eyes met mine a moment before our mouths joined, my heart pinched.

And maybe that was why what I’d planned to be a chaste caress slid into all-out war.

I lost the ability to care about our surroundings, our grudges, and the people nearest us when her breath tumbled from her lips to scorch my own. Her mouth still fit seamlessly to mine, and her tongue still welcomed me with ardent reverence when I tilted her head.

Cheering and clapping erupted, and we broke apart.

Her eyes were wet, sorrow and anger creating cloudy sapphires.

Slowly, I removed my hands and took hers as we turned to each and every asshole in the room.

People from London were in attendance, and I dropped my gaze to the front row, to Henry, before what was happening revealed itself in any more gut-kicking ways.

As we did the rounds, heading to the reception in the connecting room, I realized people from Australia were here, too.

How naïve of me not to realize how big of a deal the marriage of an alpha’s son was. I was glad I hadn’t known just how big a deal until the matter was taken care of or else I might have arrived drunk or high or not at all.

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