Home > Until Her(14)

Until Her(14)
Author: Ami Van

“Did you really think I was going to stand down and not even try to find some way to get you out of this mess? My mess?” Stella asks.

She’s dead serious. She’s a one-woman show right now. Where he saw no way out because of his distress of what might happen to his family, Stella is fucking bold and making a way out.

Fucking commendable. It certainly is but it’s high-risk nonetheless.

“Stella,” he sighs. He shakes his head with resignation. “What is kidnapping Isabella’s assistant going to do? You met the bitch. This isn’t going to go well.”

“Brooks took her from Eden’s basement where they left her. To be used by men. Repeatedly, Adam. Why? I’m guessing because of what happened at dinner. Brooks followed them there that same night. She never came out of that building until he brought her out tonight. I trust Brooks and you know he’s stealth. They don’t know we have her or they’d be knocking on our door by now.”

Okay. Brownie points.

“They doped her up,” Stella continues. “She doesn’t do any of this by choice. You saw the woman she was at dinner with Jazzy. I know you’re not blind! THAT is the real Ariana.”

“I’m not going to argue that but what’s your point?”

“Adam, no one wants to live like this and I believe Ariana is no different. We save her, she can repay us with information. Any information can be useful. We’re Kings, Adam. We’re no one’s pawn. Remember?”

This is how Stella gained loyalty. He should have known. Many of Kings’ soldiers are loyal to their graves because Stella saved people. People who weren’t given a second thought otherwise.

“Doc’s here,” Brooks announces. Brooks, a prime example of Stella’s grace. The man leaves the bathroom and heads out of the bedroom. He assumes to go and greet the doctor.

“Do Derrick and the others know about her?” he asks.

“No. Brooks didn’t let me know he had her until he got back in town tonight. I sent him on a goose chase and his instinct told him Ariana needed the help. I trust his judgment,” she replies.

He runs his hand through his thick freshly washed hair.

Fuck. Drugs and overdosing. He fucking hated this shit. Why else would he choose to get rid of Jazzy’s mother? The chances of relapsing are way too fucking high. In this current situation, they don’t even fucking know how long she’s been using and what Ariana’s been given.

“Stay with her,” Stella pleads. “I have to get back to Rian before Derrick calls. And Brooks has to get rid of the car.” She bats her fucking lashes at him and he’s a fucking puddle. “Please?” she asks.

“Fuck,” he whispers and rolls his eyes.

Stella’s on her toes and gives him a quick peck as if she can twirl him around her slim finger the way she does with Derrick. It works most of the time. This time included.

“Thanks, Adam,” she whispers before she slips out of the room.

Hands on his hips, standing in the alone in the dark, he checks out the bedroom. It’s cozy enough and should make for a good private detox center. Better than most would have that’s for sure.

As for him being the detox counselor? He can’t even be sure he had the patience.

Fucking Stella.

When Brooks follows Dr. Heinz inside the bedroom, the man gives him an obnoxious grin like he knew Stella’s conned him into something he didn’t want to do.

Fuck Brooks too! His ass is going to be staying here with him.



He watches the sunrise from the only window in the bedroom and pockets his phone. He’d just sent a text to Jazzy, letting her know that Brooks is on his way to take her to school. Brooks was itching to get out of here anyway. Probably wanting to see Pam and the kids.

He and Derrick are lucky to have a caring nanny like Pam and a tough-as-nails bodyguard like Brooks for their children. Those two people would lay their lives down for the little Kings over and over again. They both have too.

“It’s going to get worse before it gets better,” Heinz tells him.

He turns around as the doctor is helping Ariana back to bed from the bathroom trip.

“I have an expert on his way,” the doctor says with a hand held up to stop any protests. “Physically, there’s nothing more I can do for her. There’s nothing broken and the bruises are already healing. She’ll be better off with the guy coming. He can be trusted,” the doc says with a nod.

He returns the gesture. Heinz has worked with them long enough to know the consequences of bringing a rat into their circle. The doctor makes better money than he would at a traditional hospital or practice anyway.

Heinz tucks Ariana under the covers. Her skin is more sickly pale than a few hours ago. Her pouty lips are dried and cracked and there’s a tinge of blood on the bottom corner.

“I’ll stay until he gets here,” the doctor says sympathetically.

For Ariana or for him, he isn’t sure but he nods his approval at the doctor anyway.

He takes a seat in the chair at the foot of the bed and settles in for the wait. She fidgets and moves beneath the covers, trying to get comfortable. It won’t happen.

He’s never gone through withdrawal or detox himself but in this business, he’s seen enough of it to know the details. That’s why it’s an unwritten rule for any of their soldiers. The drugs or the position. You decide. You get caught high on the job and it’s a death sentence.

He stays in that seat for another hour. Even after Marcus, the detox counselor, checks on Ariana and then gives him details of what to expect the next few days. If she makes it through. Marcus warned him that suicide might be a possibility so leaving her alone at any moment is not recommended.

At this rate, how the fuck is he suppose to retrieve any sort of information from her?

He didn’t even know what would be considered useful information. Blackmailing Isabella with said information achieves what? Don Mazzilli is pushing this arrangement to go through and something says the Don is going to make it happen regardless.

“Mom,” she whispers in her sleep.

He walks closer to the side of her bed.

She’s profusely sweating and shivering. Her hair is caked to her head in a dark mass. Her hands are fisting the comforter and then releasing her grip only to repeat the action over and over again.

What is she dreaming about? Why is she calling out for her mother?

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and texts Elias. He didn’t have much information on her and needed more. All he knows is that she’s Isabella’s assistant. He didn’t even know her last name so Elias was going to have to work his tech magic. That particular lieutenant should be up for the challenge though.

He reaches down to tuck the comforters snugly around her. She surprises him by reaching out and holding his hand. Her grasp is both sweaty and cool.

“So cold,” she says without opening her eyes. “Hold me. Please?”

He isn’t sure if she knows who she’s speaking to.

He isn’t sure why he climbs into bed with her either. Laying next to her, over the comforters, she snuggles into his side seeking warmth. Body heat.

Mental note…she needs to get washed up. He’s going to have Stella handle that part. She smells impossibly wrecked.

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