Home > Mercenary (Deadliest Lies #2)(60)

Mercenary (Deadliest Lies #2)(60)
Author: Michele Mannon

She sighs. “I’m listening.”

I scowl.

“But before you try and crush my heart, you should know that I love you. It’s always been you, Declan. Ever since our first kiss—”

“You’re not thinking about the future. You deserve happiness, baby. You have ambitions like school.”

“I am considering my future.”

“You’re the opposite of what I am. Kind. Gentle. Forgiving to a fault. Far too trusting.”

“You promised.”

I shake my head. “I promised Kylie I’d protect you. And I damn well meant it. But that doesn’t mean we have a future together . . .” There, I said it. Except, to my surprise, she simply smiles at me.

“So you’re my protector. That’s it?”

“I’m a mercenary, baby. A hired killer. You’ve seen me in action. There’s no denying what I do or who I am.”

She rolls her top teeth over her bottom lip. “It’d help if I understood why. Is Hayden’s organization legitimate?”

“He discussed TORC with you?”

“Just that your organization gets rid of rodents and pesky insects, like an exterminator does.”

“It’s not bugs we’re after.” Fuck, Hayden’s been talking?

“Um . . . I get that. I just need something more to go on. The only way to truly protect me is to share the truth with me.”

“Fine. But Madelyn, don’t make the same mistake Kylie’s made. Keep quiet about what I’m about to confide with you. If Hayden believes you’re a risk . . .”

“I will. But after everything that’s happened, I deserve the truth.”

“Governments aren’t equipped to deal with this new wave of terrorists threatening countries around the world. Radicals with a twisted view of the world. Highly secretive organizations, growing in strength and numbers. Sleeper cells are cropping up all over the place, which leaves governments scrambling to predict when and where these radicals will strike next.”

“Was Franco DiCapitano one of them?”

“No. But he was an extension of them. We’re after his business partner, a man named Novák. DiCapitano was just another traitor looking to make a quick profit by becoming bed partners with a radical leader with a terrorist agenda. We were so close to understanding and then . . .”

The implication is clear. . . . and then Kylie ruined everything.

She bites her lip, filling in the blanks.

“The rules of warfare have changed,” I continue, “Groups like Novák’s don’t care who they hurt or how many people get killed.”

“So is TORC a military organization? Are you working for the US government?”

“Not exactly. We’re funded by the government . . . several governments. TORC’s one of many private security contractors. We work off the grid. Out of the public eye. Spying on these assholes and trying to determine their next move. Sometimes we terminate them, like I did outside the diner. In a democratic society, you’ve been raised to believe in justice. The right to a fair trial, the right to representation. Human rights. Morals. The average person would be appalled by our actions. Not understanding that what we do is for their protection. What TORC does is necessary.”

“You’re a spy? A soldier?”

“A mercenary. Hired to find information. Paid to terminate.

“So TORC is privately run?”

“Yes. Hayden sets the rules. We follow them. Period.”

“And Kylie broke the rules,” she says quietly.

“For your own peace of mind, I hope she finds a way to make amends with Hayden.”

She nestles up against me, suddenly sad. So much has happened. So much is still up in the air.

“Your sister can take care of herself.”

“And us?”

I don’t answer and let my silence do my dirty work.

“I’m part of this world now. Whether or not I like it. Whether or not you like it. Still, thank you for telling me the truth.”

Fuck. FUCK.

“Okay.” She stands up and brushes the sand off her legs.

I roll my fingers into a fist and release them. Roll and release. Roll and release. My fucking heart beats out in double time, racing along with my thoughts. I can’t get a read on her. Is she upset? Does she understand? Is this . . . it?

Before I can second-guess myself, I jump to my feet, sweep her off her own, and tackle her back down into the sand.

“Gosh, you are a stubborn man.” She stares up at me from where I pinned her to the sand beneath me. “Are you done running yet?”

“Show me, baby. Teach me how to make love.”

“It’s simple biology, Declan, that begins right here.” She frees an arm and places her hand on my chest, right over my heart.

She frees her other hands. I feel her fingers brush against my abdomen as she unbuttons my pants. My erection springs free as I raise myself up so she can work the material down over my hips.

“Madelyn,” I say her name gruffly, my heart pounding.

“Shhh. Let me make love to you.”

I swiftly grab hold of her and roll us onto our sides. She winds her fingers firmly around my shaft and slides them across my rigid length. I grit my teeth as my erection swells to life from her touch.

“Are all cocks this beautiful?” she asks.

“You’ll never find out,” I choke out.

She laughs. “I love how you’re so possessive.”

With a growl, I roll her onto her back and tug off her shorts, before pressing myself up against her entrance until my tip dips inside her warmth. I’ve got to slip inside her fast. Take everything, and more.

“Show me, Declan. Show me how you love me.”

I capture her lips with my own. I kiss her as I thrust into her, steal her gasp with my tongue as I flex my hips and gentle my movements. She wraps her legs around my hips and her arms around my shoulders. I kiss her like it’s the last time, yet for the first time truly committing to the fact that this is just the beginning for us.

I lift my head, ready to gift her with the three words I’ve carried around with me since the day I saw her. Her eyes flash wide, with anticipation.

I open my mouth, just as a rogue wave rolls in and hits me in the face, giving me a mouthful of salt water.


In a mad rush, I tug her up and into me. And immediately feel the whole length of her body vibrating against me.

“Goddamn it,” I say, but she’s laughing too hard to hear me.

The wave recedes but her laughter continues. And like the warm rays of sunlight shining down on us, I give into the sound of it.

We laugh until a second wave hits us.

We laugh until sand covers our thighs.

Madelyn is the first to stop. “Making love on the beach seems so romantic in the movies.”

I pull out of her, my cock still semierect. But the sun’s up, and it’s about time we head home.

We dress quickly and, hand in hand, head toward my pickup.

But before we head out, my girl has one more thing to say to me. “Make me another promise.”

“Whatever you want.”

“You should wait to hear what it is first,” she tells me, repeating the same warning I gave to her so long ago. “Promise me that was the last time you think to protect me from yourself.”

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