Home > Corrupted Empire(67)

Corrupted Empire(67)
Author: Nicole Fox

I, on the other hand, am very pregnant, and it shows. I felt self-conscious when I stepped into the aisle, until Gabriel looked at me and grinned like I was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen in his life.

Part of me likes the idea of us both just disappearing now that we’re married, skipping the reception entirely and going somewhere private to get lost in each other’s bodies.

The other part of me wants to eat the Wagyu steak I ordered for dinner and to hear all the lovely things everyone is going to say about me in the speeches.

“You’ll be back before anyone even knows you’re gone,” he says.

“I highly doubt that.”

People tend to notice a missing bride. I’m sure our photographer is in pieces, but he can wait.

We head out the side door of the church and down the stone path toward a black car idling at the curb.

“I have a wedding present for you, and I don’t want to wait.” Gabriel opens the door and brushes his hand over my cheek. “Do you trust me?”

I rest a hand over my belly and smile. “Always.”

It isn’t a long drive, and when we arrive, I’m disappointed to look out the window and see the Bellucci Inc. building.

“For the love of God, Gabriel.” I swing a glare toward him. “We’re not going to work, are we? On our wedding day? Which is also a Saturday?”

His grin stays in place despite my best effort. “What was that about trust?”

I grumble but get out of the car and follow him inside. I feel ridiculous walking through the foyer in my wedding dress, silk swishing by my feet. This surprise better be good.

In the elevator, Gabriel pushes the button for the floor above the one I operate the charities from, which is strange. It has been under construction for the past month, which Gabriel told me was so he could expand his financial division. What does that have to do with me?

The doors open, and I see it’s not under construction anymore. There is a whiff of fresh paint in the air, as well as the faintly plasticky smell of new furnishings. The large space is populated with clusters of desks, all outfitted with top-of-the-line computers and ergonomic chairs. There are some breakaway areas with sofas in bold colors too. It all looks a little too hip to be an extension of the financial division.

“What is this?” I ask.

Gabriel doesn’t answer. He guides me through the space, and we head toward the front of the building, where a row of office doors are. He stops in front of the middle one, and I read the name inscribed on the door.

Alexis Bellucci, it says. Editor in Chief.

“Gabriel…” I look up at him. He’s grinning from ear to ear.

“Bellucci Inc. is ready to launch its first-ever publication,” he says. “If you’re up for it, that is?”

I fling my arms around him and squeeze. I’m overwhelmed with emotion. Tears well in my eyes, and I have to blink them back because I am wearing way too much makeup to start crying. In lieu of tears, I squeeze harder.

“Thank you,” I say, voice muffled against his shirt.

He hugs me back. The feel of his strong arms around me is the best feeling in the world, and I can’t believe that this gorgeous, amazing, electric man is now my husband. I’m the luckiest girl in the history of lucky girls.

I back away, sniffing. “I’m going to do such good with it, Gabriel,” I vow. “I’m going to make a difference in this city. I can help you too. Keep the business running smoothly, help find alternate routes to violence.”

I think about how I was already able to avoid violence with Ruby and Debbie by using my investigative connections. There’s no saying how much more I’ll be able to accomplish now that I’m editor in chief of my own newspaper.

“Thank you, Gabriel,” I say finally. “I love you so much.”

He gathers my face in his hands. “I love you too.” Pressing a soft kiss to my forehead, he adds, “Now, let’s get this reception done with so I can get you out of this dress.”

I grin. “That sounds like a plan.”



It’s quiet in the office. My door is open, and beyond it, all I can see are empty desks. An hour ago, almost every single one had someone sitting at it, and a chorus of chatter and laughter filled the room. They’re a lively bunch, my new team, but they work damn hard. Not as hard as their editor, apparently, who was supposed to have gone home around an hour ago like the rest of them.

I’ve just caught my first big fish, though.

I click through the documents on my screen again. Pedro, one of my top street reporters, has forwarded a shipping manifest and a series of transcripts from conversations he has recorded. He’s been keeping an eye on the dregs of the Irish mob for me since the newspaper first launched a week ago.

There is no organization anymore. No finesse. Those who remained split into a dozen or so factions, but without any leadership, they’ve been crashing around the city like a herd of bulls in a very large china ship. And now Pedro reports that one of these factions is expecting a shipment of weapons tomorrow, and they’re planning to use these to hold up a series of storefronts.

Well, I simply can’t let that happen.

Gabriel has been away on business for the past couple of days, so I consider which of his men to give the command to. I settle on Angelo. He was promoted to capo about a week ago, and he hasn’t had a chance to put his leadership skills to the test yet. I doubt these thugs will provide much of a challenge, so it’s the perfect opportunity to hone his skills.

I am just about to call Angelo when I hear the elevator door ding. I consider getting up to check who it is, but moving around has started to become a bit of a pain in the ass due to my belly, and I’m not worried. I’m well protected at all times.

Footsteps approach my office, and a second later, Gabriel appears in the doorway. I shoot out of my seat.

“Baby!” I exclaim. “I didn’t think you’d be back until tomorrow.”

Gabriel comes over and kisses me. His hand rubs over my back, and I relax into his familiar scent.

“I finished up early and changed my flight,” he says. “I couldn’t wait to see you.” He rubs a hand over my belly. “How are we doing?”

I grin up at him. “Fantastic. I was just about to assign the interception of a weapons sale tomorrow to one of the capos.”

Gabriel laughs. “I meant you and the baby.” He runs his fingers down my arms. “But go on, tell me about it.”

I tell him everything Pedro reported to me, and Gabriel nods thoughtfully. “I’ll deal with it,” he says.

“I was thinking that Angelo would be the best capo for the job.”

Gabriel cups my chin, brushing his thumb over my cheek. “I think that’s a good idea.”

I preen under his approval. I get a special thrill when I please Gabriel, and my stomach does a happy flip as he gazes down at me adoringly.

“I noticed you’re here all alone,” Gabriel says a moment later, his smile taking on a devilish tilt. “Working hard, I see.”

“I’m trying to impress the CEO,” I say with a coquettish smile. “He rides me very, very hard.”

Gabriel’s eyes light up, and I watch as arousal floods his irises. My heart rate notches up in my chest, and I’m suddenly very happy I decided to stay late.

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