Home > His Burning Heart(6)

His Burning Heart(6)
Author: Celia Kyle

Thinking about her place made him think about her. He still felt tingly all over at the memory of those warm hands taking their time adjusting his hips in downward dog. It didn’t help that she’d been wearing a painted-on yoga outfit. Tessa normally wore flowing, hippie-dippy fare that suited her personality but did little in the way of showing off her voluptuous figure.

How the hell did a person fold herself in half so effortlessly? He worked out at least six times a week and had just five percent body fat, but he still had a hard time touching his own toes. But Tessa just bent over at the waist and shoved that deliciously round ass in the air…

His cock twitched at the memory, so he tried to think of something else, but all that came to mind was Tessa’s voice. It was so soothing and gentle that it made everything else in the world quiet down. When she’d first started at Wildridge, her voice had almost annoyed him. But every time she spoke, she brought a relaxed zen energy to the room.

“Zen energy?” he muttered and shook his head. “What the hell’s gotten into me?

Dunno, but I’d rather be getting into her.

Dammit, thoughts like those weren’t helpful or professional. He couldn’t deny he was attracted to her, of course. That would have been asinine. Who wouldn’t be hot for Tessa? With her chestnut waves, mossy green eyes, and the most adorable field of freckles scattered across her nose—not to mention the kind of curves that could give a healthy man a heart attack—she was simply stunning.

That didn’t mean he had to do anything about his desire besides excuse himself before he popped a woody, like he almost did last night. God, that would have been embarrassing.

Wouldn’t it have?

He didn’t want to project his feelings, but he could have sworn Tessa had left her hands on him far longer than she needed to for some of those poses.

And then there were those crystals. Somehow the simple act of placing them around his body without even touching him had felt almost as intimate as sex.

No, he decided, Tessa’s New Age mumbo jumbo wasn’t for him. Even if he felt clearer and more at peace than he had in months, it was just too out there for him. The yoga had proved a bit of a surprise—one he might eventually incorporate into his own workout routine someday to strengthen those previously hidden muscles—but for now it was enough to get Charlie off his back.

That didn’t solve the problem of his attraction for her, and if he was being honest with himself, more than just attraction. He couldn’t explain why, but he couldn’t deny the fact he liked Tessa. In the end, he decided it was just a crush—a short-lived infatuation that would pass quickly. They were just too different.

So? a voice said in his head. Opposites attract. It’s kind of a thing.

Dyrk groaned. Romance was not something he had time for, no matter how much his subconscious wanted to argue. He needed to focus on real problems, like getting Stark’s financial situation handled so he could get back to the SBI task force where he belonged.

Closing his eyes, he dipped his head under the shower head and tried Tessa’s trick for clearing the mind. Focusing on his breathing, he felt his heart rate slow and any remaining tension ease from his body. And just like that it hit him. His eyes popped open wide and he actually gasped.

“That’s it!”



This was an unprecedented occasion. Tessa, who was almost pathologically late for everything due to her bendy perception of time, had shown up and clocked in early…before Dyrk, who was almost pathologically early due to what some might term a stick up his ass.

This was a date for the record books, as far as Tessa was concerned. She was not usually the type to change her habits based on other people’s expectations. She was wholly and unabashedly herself, even if it meant acting in direct opposition to the world around her. Underneath her layers of coolness and meditative peace lived a stubborn woman who liked to do things her own way. She was settled in her style of living, and she saw no real reason to alter anything. Tessa, quite simply, loved herself exactly the way she was, tardiness and all. Fortunately, she had found her tribe in her fellow coworkers at Wildridge Security.

Sure, they were all likely to be early rather than late, and they could never quite understand Tessa’s enlightened point of view, but they accepted her. They knew what to expect. She’d be late, but damn if she didn’t do fantastic work once she arrived. She figured that was why they let her tardiness slide. That and the fact that she was so dang nice. Most people weren’t willing to argue with someone so relaxed and nonconfrontational. It was pointless. Tessa was Tessa, and that was that.

So, when she waltzed into the office a full fifteen minutes before she was supposed to clock in, she turned some heads. Ragan pointed it out, as did Charlie when he poked his head out of his office first thing that morning.

“You’re early,” Charlie’s brow was furrowed, and he sounded confused. “What’s wrong?”

Tessa snickered before reassuring him. “Nothing! I’m great.”

But there was something wrong—something new for her—and she wasn’t sure how to feel about just yet. She had not shown up early for work for her own interests. She had done it with the express purpose of impressing a guy. More specifically, Dyrk.

Because as much as she hated to admit that he would have such a heavy influence on her, there was no denying the spark that had crackled between them last night. They had shared a genuine connection, and Tessa didn’t want to lose him before they even got a chance to properly explore their bond. The best relationships were a back and forth of give and take. Since Dyrk had pushed out of his comfort zone to do yoga with her, she wanted to return the favor by doing something he would do—arrive early for work. It was a little thing, maybe, but it was something. She just hoped he would notice and be impressed.

Not so patiently, she waited and watched the clock. Finally, at five-till, the door breezed open and Dyrk strolled in, looking every bit as hot and delicious as he did last night. Only today he was in a tidy suit instead of shorts and a tight t-shirt. A shiver ran down her spine and her hands got all sweaty. It was strange, feeling like she had no control over her own body. Normally, she was a big proponent of mind-body synchronicity, with the mind leading. But at the moment, it felt more like her body was in command.

One part of her body, specifically.

She was attracted to him. No denying that fact. His body made hers feel all zappy and alive, and she was going to chase that high as long as she could. But she had to be careful because Dyrk was a bit like a skittish kitten. Patience was key in taming ferals.

Plastering a big, welcoming smile on her face, she lifted her face to him, but he passed her desk with little more than a nod. A half-nod, actually. Some women might have been insulted, but for an eternal optimist like Tessa, it was enough. It would take a whole lot more than an unenthusiastic hello to slow her roll.


Dyrk went straight to Ragan’s desk. Poor Ragan. He looked half-dead, and judging by the numerous paper coffee cups littering his desk, he’d pulled an all-nighter. Curiosity got the best of her and she wandered over to listen in on their conversation. She didn’t try to be sneaky about it or anything, but still the two specialists barely noticed her presence.

“Did you smoke something funny this morning?” Ragan was saying, about what, Tessa didn’t know.

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